C.C. Reader Calendar of Events September 1- 27: College Center Art Exhibit, Drawings and Lithographs by Dennis Daub; Lebanon Valley College. September 1- Oct. 3: Contemporary Art Exhibit; Main Gallery, Doshi Group XXVII, mixed media; Upper Gallery, Previews 80s, a traveling exhibit of inovative ideas & techniques by Fairchild Area High School students. Doshi Center for Contemporary Art, 1435 N. 2nd St., Hbg.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., M to F; Sun. 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission -- FREE. September 1 - Oct. 26: Watercolor Exhibit, 2nd Annual statewide juried exhibit of the Pennsylvania Society of Watercolor Painters. Wm. Penn Museum. 3rd & North Sts. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except Mon.; 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sun. September 14 -; Exhibition; Art Association of Harrisburg; 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. M - F; 21 N. Front St. September 14 - Oct. 3: CAPITOL CAMPUS ART EXHIBIT Paintings and Sculpure by David A. Leese; Gallery Lounge. September 14 Bike Ride 7:15 a.m. from City Island in Hbg. ride is around 8 - 10 miles long, slow, Harrisburg Bicycle Club. "Although every attempt is made to make club ridesas safe as possible, the Harrisburg Bicycle Club assumes no liabity for the safety of those participating in its rides. Riders taking part do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety." September 14: CAPITOL CAMPUS ORIENTATION; 10 a.m. Arrival and Room Assignments for new resident students at Meade Heightsoffice and Wrisberg Hall Lounge. _ _ 4:30 p.m. Capitol Campus in Perspective. An overview of life at Capitol Campus presented by students, staff, faculty, and administrators -- Multi-Purpose Building, Gym. 6 p.m. Informal Reception Picnic. Featuring "Mourning Sun." Student Center 8 p.m. Coffee House. Refreshments. Student Center. 9 p.m. New Games. Soccer Field. September 15• 'APITOL CAMPUS ORIENTATION 8 a.m. to 1 .m.: see individual schedule. 8 p.m. Film Festival: Psycho and Frenzy. Student Center. September 15: Bike Ride; 6:15 p.m. ride meets at Olmsted Plaza. 15 - 20 miles at 10 - 12 mph. Call Dick Cochrane at 944-4224 September 16: CAPITOL CAMPUS ORIENTATION 1 p.m. Organizational fair, vendorville. 8 p.m. Dance. Student Center. September 16 - Oct. 5: Theatre "A Gown for His Mistress" a turn of the century farce Allenberry Playhouse, Boiling Springs, PA September 17: Mary Travers, Wolf Gym, York College of PA, 8 p.m. September 17: Mini Concert, Pub, Cleaver Brothers, bluegrass and mellow rock York College of PA* Free. September 18: Membership meeting, Capitol Phi Beta Lambda, check time in WllO September 18: Hypnotist James Mapes, PSU/York, Conference Center -- classroom Building. 7:30 p.m. FREE. September 18: Life Sciences Theatre, "The Pink Panther Strikes Again." 8:30 p.m. FREE September 19: Friday Night Flicks Alan Renais' "Hiroshima Mon Amour (Drama), 1959,Emmanauele Riva, "Eiji Okada" (French) September 21 to Dec. 31: EXHIBIT, at the Hershey Museum of American Life, The People's Choice -- Presidential candidates and election fanfare from 1789 to 1980. September 21: FILM, The Candidate' with Robert Redford at the Hershey Museum of American Life. Shown at 12 Noon, 2:30, and 5:00. There is an admission charge. September 23: FILM, 'Superman' at the Life Sciences Theater, York College of Pennsylvania. Shown at 10:00 p.m. Free. September 24: PUB MINI-CONCERT, 'Midnight Lightning' at the York College of Pennsylvania. 8:00. Free. September 24: FILM, 'House Calls' at the Student Center at Penn State -- York . Free September 24: FILM, Ingmar Bergman's 'Wild Strawberries' at the Hershey Medical Center auditorium at 8:00. $2.00 admission. September 25: CAPITOL CAMPUS CULTURAL PROGRAM, `Gershwin by George' at 8:00 in the auditorium. September 26: FILM, Lina Wertmuller's 'A Nightful of Rain' at 8:00 in the auditorium at HACC's Rose Herman Lehrman Arts Center. SUNDAY HIKES with the Wildware Foundation. Call Barb in the mornings at 564-8008 for details and departure times. Breakfast Breakfast Club Lunch Dinner Breakfast Club Lunch Dinner Vendorville 7:15 AM to 8:00 PM 7:15 AM to 3:00 PM Late lunch in vendorville for students with third and fourth periods (1:30 to 2:00) MUST SIGN UP WITH DINING HALL SUPERVISOR Monday thru Friday 7:15 to 8:00 8:15 to 9:00 11:30 to 12:45 4:45 to 6:00 Fri. 4:45 to 5:45 Saturday and Sunday 8:00 to 10:00 12:00 to 12:30 5:00 to 5:30 ovo lyal litow sal tWII Monday, ptem -r 15, 1 Entertainment President's Message Greetings, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all the new students to Capitol Campus and also welcome back all the seniors who are returning for yet another year of the Capitol Campus experience. I hope your summers went well and you're ready for a year of fun as well as classes. With your support and help, the Student Government Associa tion and the various clubs can make this a very productive and worthwhile year. The student leaders of Capitol at tended a leadership conference a week ago and some good ideas were discussed for campus events and fundraising for the coming year. But student involve ment will be needed in implementing these ideas. So let's make them work. Contact clubs and get involved. New Games are a specialty with Recreation/Athletics Director, Bud Smitley. Bud is shown here teaching the Lap Game to eager students. Orientation Committee Two Hitchcock Thril Psych & Fre Sept. 15, 198 8 p.m. Student Center Presents FREE Also at the conference was a discus sion of faculty organizations. The facu,- ty, as well as the students, believe that student participation on these commit - tees is essential to have an effective group. I think that the more input w.;' give, the more satisfied we'll be wit . , what these groups do. Somewhere in this issue of the C.C.Reader you will fir. a a listing of the faculty organizatk committees. If these interest you, co tact me through my W-110 mailbox. One more thing before 1 sign off. An of you who have any ideas for activitie-, don't be afraid to speak up. If it R. feasible, with student help, we'll give it try. Good luck in the coming year. Rosanne Rosenberger President Student Government Association Page 3
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