C.C. Reader SGA Platforms continued from pg 4 In the interest, of justice, the elec tion-screening committee requested that these people run on the write-in ticket. They will still have the oppor tunity to run for the office of their choice and will be permitted to post fifteen 2 x 3 foot campaign signs in campus buildings. Sincerely Jonathan E. Hostlei Chairman, Election-Screening Committee CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Leonard Wumke Good day to all of you. My name is Leonard Wumke and I am staging a write-in campaign for SGA President. I was unable to get my name on the ballot due to extenuating circustapces so I must depend on students taking the initiative to write my name on the ballot. Now let me get right to the point. If you don't really feel like voting in this election and you don't really care about SGA, then don't vote! Don't let any of the other candidates talk you into doing something you care nothing about. But if you really want to vote, I hope you will consider writing my name down. My main objective as P.resident would be to keep the name of Capitol Campus the same and to keep the size the same. A redneck stance, to be sure, but one I know a lot of you support deep down. One of my secondary objectives is to improve the food service on campus. I would start by extending breakfast time in the dining hall to 9:30 a.m. and lunch to 2 p.m. After all, food service is supposed to serve the student, not just meet some manager's budget. FREE GAS Share a ride with four friends and we will pay for the gas. That's right—donate plasma and get free gas for the trip. CALL 232-1901 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS • 260 REILY ST., HARRISBURG WE ARE OPEN: Monday - Thursday 11:43 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday 8:45 a.m. - 4 p.m. Napolitana Large Pie Small Pie Skiliana Italian Mushrooms, Pepperoni, 'Antipitto Stromboli Meatballs, Green Pepper, Chef Salad Sausage Roll Cold Sandwichag2 GOYS PIZZA— No. 3 3 OLMSTED PLAZA /MIDDLETOWN, PA Ts Whom SII4-1317 Sr 344-1311 Special Ham Turkey or.. 7 oar.. Week News: 11:11 A.M. Dr 1111 P.M. Regular Italian Friday & Saturday: 11:1111 A.M. Di 12:11 Midmipt My last big objective is to get the walkway from the dorms to the main building into reasonably good condi tion. This walkway has been "under construction" more than fifty per cent of the time I have lived here and I'm getting tired of walking on the ankle stones. Well, those are my main goals, but I make no promises. Much depends on the administration's willingness to work with students. Thank-you for taking the time to read this. CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT I'm running for SGA President because I feel I can perform the duties of president and lead the SGA for the , benefit of ALL students of Capitol Campus. I have been involved with many student organizations this year. I am the chairman of GPP, a member of MHBOG, and initiated the film series for Presidents Council. I have at tended many SGA meetings this year and have become familiar with the SGA's duties, policies, and responsibil ities. I would like to see the SGA become a stronger unit within itself and open its doors to student opinion and work WITH the students. • Many students feel the SGA is a circus and they may be -correct. To make personal accusations would be fruitless. What Capitol Campus needs is good leaders who will work hard FOR the students. We need to see more activities available to students. We need to see a fair distribution of club funds so that clubs have more money to work with. 2 GUYS , PIZZA Hot Sandwiches Meatball Steak - Mushroom Sausage Steak - Pepper Thursday, April 24, 1980 Jay Redman We need to see a strong and stable competitor to the bookstore. We need a Dean's List for the students. We need a better organization with class registration each semester. The list is endless. We need a strong, open -minded; hard working, dedicated pres ident. I know I can do the job and do it well. Write in Jay Redman for SGA President. It's time for a change. CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT Joe Horvath Greetings. Are you tired of hearing politicians make promises that they will never be able to keep? I'm Joe Horvath, and I'm sick of hearing them too. I'm running on a straight-talk, write-in ballot. Why should I make promises now and find out later that, due to extreme circum stances,. I can't carry them out? I am no liar, and that would surely be letting you down. Thus, I am not promising you any particular thing-- except that I will do the best job I possibly can given the circumstances at this college. When I get in, I'll take a look around and then tell you EXACTLY what I can do for you. Write me in on your ballot on Monday the 28th. Vote for a man who knows what reality is and who won't let you down. CANDIDATE FOR VICE-PRESIDENT Dave Austin My name is David Austin (Senator) and I want you to vote for me for vice president of the SGA. If elected to that office, I promise the following: 1. To encourage more activities from the chartered organizations of Capitol Campus since, if elected, I would be chairman of the Presidents 2. To strictly adhere to the SGA Constitution so that the power of the SGA does not rest solely with the executive officers but is distributed equally between the executive board and the senators. 3. To be available to you, my constituents, at any time to answer any questions, listen to your problems, and act on any suggestions you may have. 4. To work closely with both faculty and administration to achieve the goals set by the SGA and the Presidents Council. 5. To be able to step in if, for any reason, the president you elect is unable to fulfill his/ her duties. I am presently a senator of SGA, a representative in RSC, a GPP member and a student representative to the faculty council. I am qualified for the job of SGA vice president, and ask you to vote for me, David Austin, for that office. (Wll.l -re. IA) WRITE-IN CANDIDATES FOR The Pro-Keggar Party is a team effort with the primary concern of combatting student apathy with a unified platform to improve the quality of student life. PRESIDENT Dave Kinder VICE-PRESIDENT -- Jeff Hague SECRETARY -- Michelle Toole TREASURER -- John Clark HUMANITIES SENATOR John Reutter BUSINESS SENATOR -- Eric Jecshke The Pro-Keggar Party stands on the following issues, which include: The institution of Keggars as a vehicle for social activities The establishment of a Dean's List at Capitol Campus We feel the armument of campus police is unnecessary continued on pg 11 Classifieds EARN AT LEAST $6B per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate plasma at Sera-tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg, or call for informa tion at 232-1901 NEED INFORMATION? Call Project Helpline at 944-5997. Prospective Business Managers Applications are being accepted fo entry-level positions in business man agement, all majors accepted. Excellent opportunities for profes sional and personal growth. Salary to $21,000 in four years competitive benefits including tuitio assistance for graduate study. Relocation necessary. Position as a Commissioned Nava Officer. Requires applicant possesses col ege degree and U.S. Citizenship. Call or write to arrange futur n-campus interview with Mr. John Matthews (724) Box 2020 SPCC Mechanichsburg, PA 17055 Telephone: (790-3000) Page 5
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