C.C. Reader Radio Station Looks For New Voices WNDR, "The Voice of Capitol Cam pus," presents a variety of music, announcements, news, and current events to keep the students of Capitol Campus informed. Since the beginning of the 1979-80 year WNDR has been trying to estab lish itself as a communication element at Capitol Campus. WNDR needs your help -- as contributors and listen ers. So, bring us your club and organiz ation news and then tune in to WNDR for RESULTS. And, if you want to become part of the station, your interest and time can be used to the advantage of all. Support your campus station - tune in today Parsons School of Design Summer in France Parsons in Paris June 28-August 8 , 1980 Summer in France—paint on the Rive Gauche in Paris, explore prehistoric art in the caves of the Dordogne region, study the rich heritage of European Art and Design. Courses include: Painting, Drawing, French Painting from Neo-Classicism to Surrealism, The Writer Among Artists, French History, French Language, French Fashion: Its History and the Current Scene, Advanced Studio, In Search of Paleolithic Man, and Landscape Painting. Cost for the entire six-week program, including nine credits of studio or liberal arts courses, round stripairfare, double occupancy accommodations with break fast, plus special excursions is $1975. Photography in Arles June 28-July 19 , 1980 For three weeks this summer, you can study the art, practice and history of photography in Arles, France in a program held by the Photography Department of Parsons School of Design and the New School in collaboration with the esteemed French photographic association, Rencontres Internationale de la Photographie. The total cost for courses (six credits), transportation, room and breakfast is $1750. Interior Design, Decorative Arts, History of Architecture June 30-July 24,1980 For four weeks this summer, you can study interior design, decorative arts and the history of architecture in Paris at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs. The staff of the museum supplement the Parsons faculty with specialized presentations that include aspects of the museum's collection, procedures and practices not normally available to the public. Excursions outside Paris are also anticipated. During the 1979 program these included Versailles, Vaux le Vicomte, Malmaison and Fontainebleau. The total costs for courses (six credits), transportation, room and breakfast in a 4-star hotel is $lB5O. For brochures on programs, please mail the coupon below or call (212) 741-8953. Parsons School of Design, 66 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10011, Attn: Doan Salvadori ❑ Please send information on the Parsons in Paris Program for Summer, 1980. O Please send information on the Parsons/New School Photography in Arles Program for Summer, 1980. 0 Please send information on the Parsons/Musee des Arts Decoratifs program for Summer, 1980. Name Address Phone ( ) Clubbin' around HILLEL NEWS Elections will be held at the next meeting of Hillel on Monday, April 28 at 1:30 p.m. in W-202. The spring picnic is scheduled tent atively for Sunday, May 18, on the grounds near the Student Center. We're hoping to have an outdoor cookout and all are invited to bring food or pay a nominal fee. REGIS A TER ND VOTE Alk Thursday, April 10, 1980 SGA Spring Elections The SGA Spring Elections are going to be held Thursday, April 24. Positions that will be available are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and a Senior Senator repre senting each program. Four (4) Senior Senator-at-Large and four (4) Social Committee positions will also be avail able. Petitions for Elections can be ob tained by contacting a SGA member. To date, petitions have not been distributed, so it looks as if it will be a rush job. All interested full-time students are urged to run for office. FREE GAS Share a ride with four friends and we will pay for the gas. That's right—donate plasma and get free gas for the trip. CALL 232-1901 SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY ST., HARRISBURG WE ARE OPEN: Monday - Thursday 8:45 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday RAS a.m. - 4 p.m. Dial a summerjob: 800-331-1000 Work as a Manpower temporary. Flexible schedules. Good pay. Assignments available in your college town or hometown. Please call, toll free. WfficwEß TEMPORARY SERVICES s s 0 a sssl) $$ SS Classifieds EARN AT LEAST NS per month fo four hours of your time per week Donate plasma at Sera-tec Biologicals Open Monday thru Thursday from 8:4 - a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reil Street, Harrisburg, or call for informa tion at 232-1901 NEED INFORMATION? Call Projec Helpline at 944-5997. Page 7
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