C.C. Reader Clubbin' around ACCOUNTING CLUB On Jan. 29 the accounting Club elected a new slate of officers for the winter and spring 1980 terms: President - Warren Smith Vice President - Gary Ratajczak Secretary/ Treasurer Eileen Benfer. The club is planning sev eral programs of interest for all accounting majors. A rep resentative from the IRS will discuss tax audits and careers with the IRS. Two panel dis cussions will also be held. One panel will be comprised of a representative of a big 8 CPA firm, a corporate accountant, and a government (GAO) ac countant to discuss what the "real" world is like in their career areas. The second pan el will be comprised of ac countants from a public utili ty, the P.U.C., and a con sumer advocate group to dis cuss the impact of accounting on rate structure. Reminder: All Accounting majors are automatically members of the Accounting Club. Any other business ma jor may hold an associate membership in the club. All accounting students are urged to attend and parti cipate in regularly scheduled meetings, and to assist in planning trips and arranging for speakers on career oppur tunities. l''T"7T7lT:7Trnir'T‘'7l. The members of Beta Chi would like to thank all those who supported the Valen tine's Day Flower Sale. Thank you, it was a huge success. XGI NEWS The winners of our night on-the-town raffle were John and Melissa Parkovic, R.D. 97 Harrisburg, Pa. And was it a relief. Fraternity members hope the evening was one of extreme enjoyment. Those interested in par ticipating in the Fraternity trip to the Lebanon VA Medical Center on Friday. Feb. 29 should be able to leave campus by. 6 p.m. Members would like to thank all indivi duals who have graciously donated the wide variety of reading material which will be distributed. Need a Job? Stop in the Dining Hall $3.10 per hour to start See: Mr. Williams or Mrs. Taylor or call 783-6284 Election for new officers will be held before the end of Winter Term. All members who desire to vote should keep their eyes open for a candidate list and voting date. CAPITOLFIE 1980 Yearbooks can be pur chased and final payments made in the Student Activi ties Office. An interesting phenome non has just come to our attention. The 1980 yearbook will contain over 150 pages of photographs, each page hav ing approximately three to five photographs. All told, that's more than 600 photo graphs that will be needed. 'We'd like to think that every time the shutter is clicked we have a usable pho tograph, but we realize that all things aren't perfect. This means that the shutter will have to be clicked some 3000 to 4000 times! Needless to say, our pho tographer - our lone photo grapher - is getting'a sore eye and shutter finger. If you like to help our lone photographer, please let us know. We have paper; we need the prints. If interested, please read the notice in front of the yearbook office, or leave a note in the Capitolite mailbox in the Stu dent Government offices. Hillel has planned a cos tume party Sunday evehing, March 2, to celebrate the holiday of Purim. Also on Sunday, March 9, from 12 to 4, Hillel will sponsor a booth in the Jewish Community Cen ter for the Purim carnival festivities. The center is lo cated at Front and Vaughn Streets in Harrisburg. All are invited for this occasion. CHESS CLUB If you don't know how to lay, we'll teach you. If you do 4. . w how - great!! Bring a Friend! Come play chess, Fridays at 8 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge I II Nzi I The Presidents Council is a body of organization presi dents who collectively voice the concerns of student orga nizations as they relate to the Student Government Associ ation and its involvement with student organizations, stu- Thursday, Feb. 21, 1980 dent affairs, and the develop ment of student organiza tions. The Presidents Council also advises its members about program matters and the operation of individual organizations. In January the Presidents Council voted on cosponsoring a series of eight movies to be held on Mondays during Winter and Spring terms. The following dates were decided upon for the remain der of the movie series: March 3 - The Goodbye Girl March 31 -- The Exorcist April 21 -- Oh God! May 5 -- A Clockwork Orange May 19 - One on One June 2 - Woodstock The next meeting of the Presidents Council will be Monday, Feb. 25 at 7:00 p.m. in the BCAC Lounge. lAA NEWS The International Affairs Association would like to thank all individuals who have given time, effort, and space for the success of this year's Model United Nations. The response from students and campus personnel to our needs has been quite encour aging. We trust that all those assisting will enjoy the ex perience as much as the dele gates. Keith Yundt President, lAA Student census Info The U.S. Census Bureau will be conducting its national census this spring. Some of the information collected will involve the names and campus addresses of students. These items have been designated "Directory Information" and as such may be released un less students specifically re fuse to permit disclosure. Other items that are consid ered "Directory Information" include: -Permanent Address -Telephone Number -Date and Place of Birth -Major -Student Activities Including Athletics --Weight/ Height (Athletic Teams) -Dates of Attendance Date4f Graduation -Date of Graduation -Degrees and Awards Re ceived and Where Received -Most Recent Educational In stitution Attended -Name and Address of Par ents, Guardian, Spouse Because of the extraordi nary nature of the census, we shall provide this information to the Census Bureau unless students direct us not to re lease specific items. To re strict this disclosure, com plete a Census Confidentiality Form, available •in the Records Office (W-101) or Student Affairs (W-105) so later than Marsh 20, 1980. Bulletin Board Financial aid update SUMMER JOBS APPLICA TION DEADLINE IS MARCH 15 Jobs—jobs—jobs! Yes, there are a large number of College Work/ Study jobs available for sum mer 1980. If you will be a Capitol student either this summer or fall, you may qual ify for a FULL-TIME job on or off campus. Off-campus jobs, through the PHEAA Summer Work/ Study, are available throughout Penn sylvania in a variety of non profit social service agencies or government offices. On campus jobs in various college offices or departments are also open. In order to apply, you must immediately complete a PHEAA-BEOG or FAF form. Also, complete the special white Summer Application for Penn State summer financial aid. All Summer Work/ Study jobs require eligibility based on financial need. Part-time summer jobs, part-time Grad uate Student Faculty Aide positions, summer loans, and other summer financial aid are also available. See Wayne Nelson (Financial Aid Coun selor in the Admissions Of fice), TODAY for details and applications. New program Energy. Technology The Board of Trustees of The Pennsylvania State Uni versity approved the creation of a new academic program in Energy Technology on Jan. 19. The new program will be offered at Capitol Campus through 'the Engineering Technology Division. Dr. George Grenier, Head of Engineering Technology, says that the new program is unique in the nation. It will give holders of associate de grees in energy-related fields an academic program for completion of their profes sional training. Professor David Kravitz will chair the new program. Kravitz holds degrees from Millersville State College and is currently program chair man of the Mechanical Design Engineering Technology pro gram at Capitol Campus. According to Kravitz, the new program "builds on the background of students with fossil, nuclear, and solar backgrounds." Students will learn "efficient management of energy systems." "The need to conserve en ergy and reduce atmospheric pollution demands experts with broad knowledge of en ergy-conversion methods," IMPORTANT NEWS REGARDING AID FOR FALL 1980 If you missed the re cent recommended deadline for Fall 1980 aid through Penn State, don't despair! Applica tions will continue to be ac cepted, so send in your PHEAA/ BEOG or FAF to day! Also, complete the blue Penn State Office of Student Aid one-page application, due April 1. Don't forget the Kunkle Scholarships, a special fund for Capitol Campus stu dents, which also has an April 1 due date for applications. See the Financial Aid Coun selor for full information. THE LATEST WORD ON SPRING TERM AID If you will need assistance to make it through Spring Term financially, you should apply immediately for the following types of aid: [l] Basic Educational Oppor tunity Grants (available for Spring or Summer) [2] PHEAA Student Loans [3] College Work/ Study jobs or University Loans. These three types of aid ARE STILL AVAILABLE for Spring Term 198(). Don't de lay; apply today. Many jobs throughout the campus are currently open on campus under the College/ Work/ Study or Graduate Faculty Aide programs, if you qualify financially. See Wayne Nelson in Admissions for full details. says Kravitz. "The graduate of the Energy Technology Program will have the essen tial background subject mat ter and laboratory training to make him or her a valuable member of the energy-pro ducing team." The program is intended to produce leadership for the solution of energy problems of the next decade. "The energy technologist graduating from this program can accept high er level assignments in the field of energy-producing hardware and in the operation of power plants," says Kravitz. "The balancing mix of theory and practice pro vides the graduate with the know-how to translate the involved energy-production methods into operating sys tems." According to Director of Admissions Mary Gundel, students will be admitted to the new program beginning in September, 1980. Applica tions for admission to the first class in Energy Technology are now being accepted. Fully trained graduates of the Energy Technology Pro gram will be available to regional employers in June 1982. PalP 7
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