C. Reader To My Fellow Students: I hope that this finds you alive and well, but then, mid terms are coming up, aren't they? At the last meeting of the Student Government, the Senate voted to allocate ap proximately ;1700.00 to Bud Smitley and the athletic de partment. It seems as though Penn State in ALL of their/ its enthusiasm (ahem) for Capitol Campus didn't con sider giving necessary funds to Mr. Smitley. So he appeal ed to the S.G.A. We felt that it would be an excellent vehi cle to demonstrate in some continued from page 2 were so eroded, citizens tried to secede and form a new nation where their property rights would be protected. Alas, they failed and today there remain few who mourn this great loss of constitution al property rights. Today, we have an even more insidious attack on con stitutional rights. Narrow minded bigots claim because some porno flicks and books show children in lewd acts and a very few (very expensive) even purport to show a real live murder and dissection of an actress (?!), that our rights should be limited. These do gooders think that we have no right to display these artistic and literary gems in super markets and on newsstands where children can see them. They defame the whole system as rotten and a plague and they slanderously claim that runaway children are occasionally pressed into ser vice. Fortunately, our popu lace has grown more sophisti cated and urbane. Most of these moralizers won't have to martyr them as our ancestors did some of the abolitionist press. We can probably just sneer them into apathetic silence. P.S. If you scanned this, you may have missed the whole point. George Cross Editor, I.M. glad to see that the contents of my letters are receiving so much attention in many corners of the campus community. Most of the feed back seems to be positive and people are apparently react ing enthusiastically to the spirit in which I write my periodic observations about things in general. However I must admit that I was somewhat taken aback with Mike Sheldon's reference to my letters. Hey, Mike . . take it easy, man. I.M. in the students' corner, just like you say you are! I have offered solutions to problems that I have raised. Author must be identifiable as a student, staff member, or faculty member; however, names will be withheld upon request. Letters should be legible (preferably typewritten, double spaced]: and any material that is libelous or does not conform to the standards of good taste will be edited and/ or re'ected. President's Corner small manner - Student Gov ernment's desire to enhance the overall appeal (hmmmml of Capitol Campus to a future student body. Some comment was made concerning the proposed in stallation of a television set in the Gallery Lounge. It seems as though some students are highly upset about the matter and have approached Dr. South on the matter. My question is why haven't those students approached the members of the Student Gov ernment. It was our decision not Dr. South's. You can't tell me that we're inaccessible either. The Senators have More Letters to the Editor I.M. active in many student activities and in trying to resolve some of our "prob lems," to use your word, around here. But apparently Lyda and the I.A.A. folks are among those who have really tied into what I.M. trying to do, in my own unique way. Relax, man, you need all the help and support you can get. I mean, you don't want me to point my "boney finger" at some of the things that are going on down in SGA, do you? Being involved in school spirit doesn't necessarily mean having to appear in SGA minutes, or running around saying that I.M. more full of school spirit than you, now does it? I don't think so. From what I.M. able to see, people are enjoying my letters. My purpose is to arouse sleeping spirits, point to alternatives, and stroke when I can. I try to "call 'em," to "tell it like it is," but most important, to have some fun and contribute something at the same time. I'd like to think that what I say is important and meaningful, not who I.M. See you at the movies .... Who was that masked person . . .? rd like to thank it. Hi Yo Silver! Away Editor, "Nobody Thinks" That center office between the editorial and typesetting offices of the C.C. Reader happens to be the office of the Capitate! By the way. I never thought the C.C. Reader staff used the bath room. I was under the im pression that they put all of their resources in the C.C. Reader! LETTERS POLICY I.M. Fedup Thank You, Frederick P. Vereb Editor, Capitolite Friday, Feb. 8, 1980 established and posted office hours on the door (W-11.0) to the S.G.A. offices. This was done to better facilitate com munication. Obviously it has failed as of yet. So, the final question is still, "WHY?" Which brings me to another point Each issue of the C.C. Reader, I usually have some thing to say about something pertaining to student life here at Capitol. Also, I solicit your opinion on these matters, let ting you know that you can voice it by leaving a note in our mailboxes or by stopping one of us in the hall. However, Editor: Two days before the Good People's Party elevated us culturally with the showing of "Deep Throat," an article appeared in "People" maga zine about what Linda Love lace (the star) is doing today. She lives in New York with her second husband and their 3-year-old son. They are partially supported by wel fare and she is very happy. The reason for her happi ness is that she got away from her former husband who pimped her to gain social standing for himself, beat her, and spent what money she earned in "movies" on himself. Lovelace has damaged veins in her right leg from beatings that may cripple her for life, and may have both breasts removed as a result of botched silicone jobs she was forced to undergo in 1972. The Linda Lovelace who stood before the world in 1972 and said, "I did it because I love it," in reference to "Deep Throat," was a scared, abused woman in a situation as close to slavery as one could ever find. But now she's free, the story is out in the open and we at Capitol Campus were given a chance to support the very promoters who caused all that misery at two bucks a head c/o the Good People's Party. To me it sounds a lot more like a party than good people. But then they may think there's nothing wrong with a little fun like watching "Deep Throat." I wish that those who think so would get in volved with porn personally. Nothing like getting right down in with the garbage to see how it really smells. Because of the nature of the laws governing this sort of movie, there is no legal move that could have halted the showing of "Deep Throat," nor is there anything in the forseeable future. that could affect the showing of other movies of this type: So, if . they continue to make a profit, we'll continue to have them. I just wanted those who paid their $2.00 for a little mental (or literal) masturbation, to know what they were paying for. P.S. I know it's Good Peoples' Productions -- I just got the impression that it's referred to as the Good Peoples' Party. Neil ussman term 7 each issue passes and no opin ion. Some have been brash enough to accuse S.G.A. of being complacent and apa thetic. In all honesty, how can this be done???? Isn't this paradoxical?? Just exactly what is it you want S.G.A. to do for you If you choose to remain silent or only express your opinion to your closest friends, how can we act on it? If you do express your opinion but choose NOT to stand behind the Student Govern ment when we put our butts in the fire, how can you expect us to continue to function as a cohesive group. I keep hear ing the old line that "I don't have the time to help." NONSENSE! The bottom line is that some of you just don't want to help but would rather sit back and complain. True? Got an opinion? You know where it goes. If some' of you seniors are getting a weird feeling this term, relax. You are not alone. It seems as though many of us are experiencing it. It can be attributed to either having a huge crush on Reason for showing "Deep Throat" explained By Jay Redman G.P.P. Chairman To those who may be curious as to the reasons for the showing of "Deep Throat," lend me your eyes. G.P.P. decided to try this movie only with the intent of increasing its budget. Evi dently a few people tried to intimidate us and took their opinions a little too far. We were trying to establish our name to the students and let them know that we weren't sleeping this semester. We decided to try a movie and hopefully raise enough money to be able to afford more than A FEW SMALL CONCERTS. Everybody knows about the movie. even though they may not know who G.P.P. is. During the week of the movie our committee put up about 250 posters along the halls and doorways, only to have ALL of them taken down the following day. We did NOT cancel the movie, as those who attended can veil fy, but evidently someone had hoped the students would think so. We knew that some posters had disappeared as souvenirs, but not all of them. The people who are respon sible failed to realize that we have a right to advertise as long as the advertisement isn't visually obscene or of fensive. Whether you agree with what is advertised or not, everyone has the right to advertise. Even the C.C. Reader got bent out of shape over our ad in their paper (see editorial reply this issue). We know who took down our ads and we have a very reliable source who verified our curi osity. Those who participated in tearing down our posters someone, too many trips to McDonald's, or the fact that yon're finally realizing school for many of you, is coming to an end. Don't be afraid to talk about how you feel with someone. It may help. Well, that's all I have for this issue. By the way, the results of the name change vote were: 1. 266 for the name to remain Capitol Campus. 2. 187 for the name to be changed to Harrisburg Cam pus. 3. 69 for the name to be changed to Middletown Campus. There were some inter esting addendums to the bal lots. Such as "Teddy Gross Obedience School" and "Southern Harrisburg Insti tute of Technology." Unfortu nately, these ballots were void because of the addition. I'll let you know how it all turns out. I guess then till next issue, take care and I hope that you're on your way to finding what it is that you're looking for. Michael J. Sheldon, President Student Government Association should know we are deeply disappointed in their actions. They re old enough to know better. One thing we must admit: whether you agree or dis agree with our showing of the movie, it generated an enor mous amount of talk and gossip. Unfortunately, gossip always gets out of hand as it did by the day of the showing. We heard the wildest and most ridiculous reasons why we had to "cancel the movie, " when in actuality it was shown anyway. Despite the rumors and voices of disap proval, the movie was shown without any incidents and we were the first organization this year to make a profit. G.P.P. doesn't intend to show another "Porno Flick" this year, not because of the com motion it raised but because some people on this campus aren't mature enough to han dle an event such as this. G.P.P. does plan to hold a number of events during the winter and spring terms. We are co-sponsoring a "Gong Show" with the MHBOG, Tuesday, Feb. 26, in the Aud itorium. Applications are available at the Round Table and auditions will be held Wed. Feb. 20 in the Student Center from 2 to 4 p.m. We are also going to sponsor a concert, Tues. March 4, with TWO bands in the Gym (watch for our ads). We are also hoping to do something on a large scale this year if we possibly can. By the way, "G.P.P." stands for Good People Prod uctions; we are the concert committee. If you'd like to attend our meetings they're held every Monday at 3 in the Gallery Lounge. Page 3
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