C.C. Reader ngineering-in-training All classes are scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Audi torium Day & Date Thur. January 10 Thur. January 17 Thur. January 24 Thur. January 31 Thur. February 7 Thur. February 14 Tues. February 19 Th ur., February 28 Thur. March 6 Thur. March 13 Thur. April 3 Tues. April 8 4.4-414-44-4 -419-49-*********„o President's I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * noon, 3 pm, 6 pm., 8 pm., 10 pm. * * * * Mg at First rite presents Love At First Bite in the auditorium showtimes: Monday, January 14 - Cost: a •1.25 donation ilrhm a friend! LAL-lit**************** Electrical Theory & Systems Theory Electrical Theory & Systems Theory Thermodynamics Thermodynamics council Applications now available for EIT Exam from Ann Kirsch rm 261. Sponsored by the P.S.P.E. Strength of Materials Strength of Materials Fluid Mechanics Fluid Mephanics Engineering Economy Computer Science Computer Science Electrical Theory & Systems theory Instructor Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Professor Brey Dr. Welsh Dr. Welsh Professor Bubel Professor Bubel Professor Bubel Professor D Miller Professor D Miller International Newi Commentary by Qasim Ali Hamdani The Iran Stalemate The present crisis in Iran has left this world shocked and bewildered. Efforts made by, the U.S. and the interna tional community at the U.N. are not bearing any fruit; and to the exasperation of the U.S. government, everything is in a stalemate. The recent visit to Iran by U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim was a failure where the release of hostages is concerned. But it left a certain image on the impartial diplomat's mind which he described by saying: "Things will get worse before they get better." Economic sanctions Against Iran are expected to be approved by the Security, Council. It is also believed approved by the Council that -- if sanctions are approv ed-- Iran will recede to partial isolation by cutting all com munications with the West. The visit of the clergymen to Iran and their meetings with the hostages was very ENERGY. We can't afford to waste it. Bulletin Board' Weather Info In the event of severe weather conditions this term, students should call the Cam pus Relations Office, which will act as the official Weather Day Center. The number is 783-6000. The Weather Day Center will be operational from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Local radio and television stations will be notified if and when the school is completely closed. The Black Student Union will be holding a program in honor of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The program will be held on January 15, 1980 in the Gallery Lounge at 8:00 pm. The speaker will be Rev. Baxter from Harrisburg, who has recorded several consoling to families. Ayatollah Khomeini is be lieved to have gone into obliv ion; he is unable to cope with the challenges his nation is facing. Russian Invasion of Afghanistan Amidst the crisis in Iran, another big development across Iran's borders baffled the world. It was the Russian invasion of Afghanistan. A Russian-sponsored coup replaced the government of President Hafizullah Amin with Russia's main man, Babrak Karmal. The former president was later executed. The invasion is being criti cized all over the world. President Carter responded to the Russian action by stop ping all grain export to Rus sia. The President also decid ed to terminate sales of high technology equipment to Russia. Internationally, the President promised more mil itary aid to Pakistan; and it is believed that the fighting Moslem tribesmen will be No Smoking Attention Smokers: Please observe the No Smoking signs in the west side and vending machine areas of Vendorville. Smoking is permitted in the east side. B.S.U. Event albums. There will also be a film shown, "Martin Luther King: From Montgomery to Memphis" and refreshments will be served. We strongly urge students, faculty, and staff members to attend this program. Admission is free. hostages' Cease-fire in Rhodesia Initiation of British gov ernment has brought cease fire in Rhodesia. Rhodesia's British Governor, Lord Soames, held discussions with the fighting guerrillas and an accord was reached. The cease-fire guarantees all pos sible help to the returning guerrillas. That includes three meals a day and lots of beer. Boat People Still Suffering - Boat people are still pour ing into Thailand. Their re cent suffering was increased by the addition of machine gun fire from both sides. People are being killed while trapped in the cross-fire be tween the Thai and Cambo dian armies. Due to widespread criti cism of the Pol Pot regime, the government of Cambodia appointed Khieu Samphan as the new Prime Minister. The international community was not appeased, however -- Pol Pot still remains as comman der of the guerrilla army.
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