page 8 North Dallas Forty goes behind facades As a person who doesn't know the difference between the Dallas Cowboys and the Montreal (?) Vikings(??) I surpised myself by going to see North Dallas 40. I was soon given to learn, however, that North Dallas Forty did not come to praise football, but to indict it. In the very first scene, Elliot (Nick Nolte) reaches for painkillers, beer and a joint the way most of us reach for coffee royale in the morning. He extracts from his nostrils two deeply embedded plugs that were used to keep the blood from draining in his sleep. His nose, by the way, is purely ornamental, since it has been assaulted so often that it is no longer instrum ental in passing oxygen to and from the body. Well, such is the price.. . Elliot hasn't even begun to pay the price as far as Coach is concerned: Coach lives by the rule-excuse me, his play ers live by the rule: if you have pain, shoot it (up) and be ready to play whenever I need you, and there's just no telling when that may be. Coach is the modern "father of foot ball," the iron-fisted disciplin arian, with computers that give him a scientific edge in the game. Coach will sit in front of the computer, tap the keys, read the printout, tap the keys, read the printout, a few more taps, a few more printouts, and aha (!) the problem is attitude. Elliot's problem (just as Coach thought) is his lack of team attitude. Well, Elliot has his own, opinions about the com puter, but he keeps them to himself. "Whatever you think, Coach," he replies modestly, and hopes his new attitude wins him a chance to play in the next game. As I said, the movie ex presses an attitude toward some aspects of the game. One point is obvious-if you want to play football, be ready to shed all illusion right off the bat. Expect some agony of defeat, some humiliation and some brutal physical punish ment. If you're not ready to do that, there are plenty of others who are. Classifieds FOR SALE: Dynaco A-35 speakers. Excellent sound. Originally $240 a pair; now $l2O a pair. Call Mel, 761-3367 EARN AT LEAST $6B per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate plasma at Sera-tec Biologicals. Open Monday. thru Thursday from 8:45 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Stop in at 260 Reily Street, Harris burg, or call for information at Movie Review Now it's the final practice before the championship game. The star receiver is still injured, and the seamier side of professional football comes to light. Coach is determined to have his best players in the game so he tells Elliot to be ready to play. Actually he has no intention of starting him, but he stages the charade in order to induce his first string receiver to play despite his injury. On the day they are ready to play, the setting in the locker room is manipulat ed so that Elliot is receiving an injection for his knee in plain view of the first string receiver. Elliot winces and the assistant coach whispers into the black,receiver's ear, "See, Elliot can do it." This bit of strategy works, and the re ceiver reluctantly agrees to have his leg numbed with a needle. During the game he sustains multiple injuries all much worse than his original pulled hamstring. Another toll has been exacted. They lose. They pay again. By now one has to feel relief that the misery is over. The loss of victory seems minor compar ed to the pain involved in its pursuit. The relief is short lived for Elliot, however, be cause he has yet another surpise in store. While he's been getting tackled on the field, the owner and the coach have been in collusion to drop him from the team. Seems he's an aging player with a poor attitude, and expensive cargo at that. A detective has been hired to dig up some dirt, so that Elliot might be persuaded to leave quietly withour demanding that his contract be honored. Instead, Elliot walks out of the office and quits football after a rather tense scene. He is fed up with the whole organization after spending We Feature * School Supplies * Health and Beauty Aids * Automotive Needs * Housewares MHBOG The Halloween party at Hunter and angler's was a great success if you were a ghost. The lack of people was very apparent, but those who were there had a great time. Everybody showed up, the mafia, TMI wastes, a pirate and a Phillie fan, a couple of clowns, werewolves, a mum my, a transvestite, a nurd, and many other gruesome and strange people. Winning the best dressed, or least dressed, was Little Marty "Goo Goo" Wasser. Dressed in only diaper and hat with his nursing beer bottle, he managed to endear himself to all. Everybody wanted to pick him up and give him hugs. MHBOG has tried to make each of their events success ful and enjoyable. Ask anyone who has attended; an event by MHBOG is one to remem ber. Don't forget the "after the bash" bash. Remember your Sunday bests to wear to our New Year's Eve party. This will be a chance to celebrate with the people with whom you spend most of the year. the last season clinging to straws and hoping for a come back. He used to have the best hands in football, after all. The movie has an impres sive scene of the players working on nautilus equip ment. You see some muscles ripple, some sweat flow, and some teeth gnash. Phew! This was my first Nick Nolte movie. I had heard only good things about him. On the basis of this picture, I agree. Mac Davis appeared self conscious as an actor playing the star quarterback. In all fairness, my reaction to acting is purely emotional. I don't know why I like some actors and not others. 19 S. Union St., Middletown, PA. 8 Mon.-Thurs. 8-9 Fri. 8-10 Sun. 10-3 &Sat. 4 Election Results The following is a list of the 7 people elected on Nov. 6 as SGA senators. Mike Benner Robert Hessenthaler Jr. at Large 18 Tony Lagasse Harry H. Moyer Engr. 58 Rosanne Rosenberger Math Sci. 35 Sandra Shirk Gratz Washenik El. Ed. 6 NOVEMBER 16 , GRE DEADLINE DATE TO TAKE TESTS AT CAPITOL 25 Completed Forms Needed This is virtually the final reminder you will see to inform you that if you are considering taking the Graduate Record Examinations at Capitol Campus on January 12, 1980, (a specially arranged administration), you must have your completed registration form and applicable fees in the Counseling Center (W-117) The Educational Testing Service (administrators of the test) will not consider allowing an administration here at Capitol Campus unless twenty-five completed application forms are submitted by the Counseling Center to them well before the regulat registration deadline. As of the writing of this article (November 7, 1979) quite a few applications were still needed. if you are going to take the GRE and want to take it at Capitol Campus, now is the time. Don't put it off. Registration forms are available in the Counseling Center, W-117 or call 783-6025. Carpool This space will be used for listing rides wanted and rides available. If anyone needs or is able to provide a ride please call the c.c. reader office, 944-4970. This is a chance for us all to help each other out. Please keep in mind that the C.C.Reader is printed every two weeks and plan accordingly. This service is co-sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs and the C.C.Reader. WELCOMES ALL PENN STATE STUDENTS Position Votes Soc. Sci. 69 Master Charge Visa Accepted c.c.reader
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