Name - Delores Simmons Term -10 Major - Acctg. Response - LOUSY. The Winter selection is lousy because the course offering is very limited. I noticed that the better courses are offered in the Spring Term, and the more lousy are offered in the Winter. Name - Renwick Jackson Term - 9 Major - Accounting Response - I think the course selections should be broader during each term. The major problem with course selec tion is that some required and some elective courses are only offered one or two terms. by Joan Klein erly called WZAP, it had lost us community. its WZIP. New members are Short-term goals include Radio station WNDR is enthusiastic in their efforts to improving record service presently organizing, with make the college radio station from the distributors and or- Gary Reed as advisor. Form- a source of pride to the camp- ganization of the physical WNDR wants to expand its services.. Pictured above is Renwich Jackson, a member of the radio staff, listening to a tune on the console. Term - 7 Major - EDET Response - Concerning my requirements the course se lections for the Winter Term require that I adapt to a five day schedule, instead of four days. There seems to be no practical alternative to this particular problem. Name - Lori DeDonatis Term -12 Major - SoSc Response - As a social science major I am very surprised to see that the courses which are being offered in my curricu lum are so limited. I'm just glad I won't be here next term to go through course selection and schedulin !. WNDR Radio : Waiting for jack Opinions a glance By Bob Foster What do you think about the winter term course offerings? Do you find the selection satisfac tory in terms of what you want or need? Name - Gail Miller Term -10 Major - So. Sc. Response - As a Psycho-So cial major, I was very dis mayed with the Winter course selections. I feel as though my option is being deleted from the Social Science program slowly but surely, but, some one forgot to notify me of such. I also find it interesting that many critical professors in my area have left the program or are in the process of doing so. photo by Bob Foster Term - Graduate Major - El. Ed. Response - The course selec tion is rather limited for me because I work full time in the day and can only take courses at night. I compensate for this disadvantage, however, since I take the majority of my courses during the summer when I'm not teaching. Name - Erick McKay Term -10 Major - EDET Response - Courses were adequate this term. However, last semester I was displeased because only one course, Thermodynamics, was offered when more were needed to accommodate the surplus amount of students. plant. "We want to make our existence felt by the campus community," said Ron Fried, program director. "We want to be more responsive to the students' needs, playing re quests and album features, broadcasting home basketball games, and making public service announcements," he said. Advisor Reed pointed out a well-operated radio station could do much to close the communications gap especial ly emergencies such as Cap itol experienced during the TMI situation. Ultimately, WNDR would like to broadcast on the FM frequency, Naturally, there is a fund consideration. "It will require roughly $15,000 to equip WNDR with state-of the-art equipment which Cap itol needs to have a first class radio station," said Reed. "We are hopeful," he said, "of obtaining a cultural grant to support this. We are also working on an Office of Gifts and Endowments grant from University Park." Reed said a well-equipped radio station would be a really fine learning tool too. "A student in the Multi-Media option who is interested in November 27 Term -10 Major - So. Sc. Response - I felt the Winter course selection was very poor. My option is Psychology and more than half of these courses I've already had. Many of the good professors are not teaching a class. Those courses that were left I had to settle for.l am very disap pointed. Name - Gratz Washenik Term - 10 Major - Bus. Adm. Response - The extremely limited course offerings are very reflective of Capitol Campus as a whole. broadcasting must presently go off campus for practical experience," he said. Involvement is an espe cially good experience for Multi-Media majors, but is also a useful experience for any student. Bill Bertolet, head disc jockey, said, "There is an added advantage to member ship in our station. At large institutions, new members are given little opportunity for top jobs. We are small and in the embryonic stages of our development. Anyone becom ing involved in WNDR will be encouraged to make worth while contributions, in what ever area they can, to the success of the station." A short training program is available for anyone who would like to be a D.J. Each radio broadcaster has auton omy within the limits of good taste. At present, WNDR broadcasts to Vendorville, Meade Heights (1520 AM) and the dormitories (640 AM). Any student interested in membership or having a re quest is invited to stop in Room W-106 (near the Gallery Lounge) or call the station at 944-9832. November 27
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