page 2 A leap wrong direction At the SGA meeting last Monday, a constitution proposing a White Student Union was presented to the Senate for rati fication. After an half hour of heated discussion, the constitu tion was withdrawn. However, the emotions are still unsettled. The first impresfions caused by the proposed White Student Union, was that feelings of rac ism and white supremacy moti vated the organizing students. In view of the history of the rela tionship between whites and ra cial minorities, fear of an overt movement of racism and white supremacy is an understandable reaction. Editor Crackers 2 cents--that's the last straw! When is the administration and / or the student government going to take a good hard look at the books in Vendorville and come up with an equitable pricing policy. It appears that prices are over and above profit making outfits such as McDonalds, Burger King, etc. It also appears that prices change from day to day, with no warning or justification. Black students on campus were especially given reasons to fear the proposed organization, considering the fact that the organizers continuously inferred that the existence of the Black Student Union was a reason for needing a White Student Union. Further anxiety was caused by the fact that the constitution of the proposed White Student Union imitated the constitution of the Black Student Union, differing only in replacing the word Black with the word White. The constitution of the pro posed White Student Union out lined the organization's purposes as being the promotion of white TIE WII-1 Letter To Editor Vendorville Prices Questioned Other college cafeterias have a far more varied and less expensive menu, better hours and service One gets the feeling, when going through the line, that the roly-poly gentleman, "the enforcer" as he is affection ately known, is doing the student community a favor, instead of keeping in mind that the students are paying his salary and that of his staff. Let's get on the stick and C.C. READER OPINION UIDIE ) Fr., :;;;•;;;. - 4, ~..........,. , • •••• • •••• • • • ••,••• • ••• v..* ••"." • .• -• • . 1,4 get Vendorville in order. It One teed-off college student would be nice to see announcements of pricing po licies in the paper or posted somewhere ed lyda baker exec bus man jeff kahl exec ad man david horn assoc ad man bob manley assoc ad man don karamer market research mike daskalokis news ed joan h klein feature ed susan girolami sports ed tony gladfelter proof and copy ed slice coon proof and copy dorene morrow type rose dalton photogs bob foster and mike kondor cartoons joe horvath and jay redman multi-talented staff carol eveschild jeff drinnan adrienne 1 zedaker char lei,j!ad bruce burns debbie morrow shirley steven robbin conner harry moyer and tht iiitiut3nuk. I 111 pride and unity, white heritage and white cultural events. Un fortunately, the promotion of white oriented activities is dom inant on campus as a result of Capitol Campus being controlled by a white majority. Given this fact, the promotion of minority activities, and not majority ac tivities, should be given organ ized support in order to assure recognition in our majority or iented community. Hopefully, white dominan..e was not the intention of the proposed White Student Union. Sadly, it was an implication. Yet, the proposal of a White Student Union does indicate ►I~I~.IJ feelings of dissatisfaction on the part of the white students in volved in relationship to black students on campus. However, proposing a White Student Union, as the means of handling any dissatisfaction, is jumping to the extreme. In this case, a better ap proach to any perceived difficul ties is sending an open letter to the C.C. Reader inviting re sponse on the issue, and present ing a letter to the members of the SGA requesting them to look into the matter. In this way the campus community can discuss and air out any problems in a less threatening way. N 11011 I. M. Fedup dedicated advisor dr elizabeth winston c.c. reader
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