c c reader Name John Brown Term Grad. Student Major Admin. Response - All elements considered (including radio active iodine), I feel that the University interest in this matter is to protect the stu dent population. To accomp lish this, Capitol Campus should shut down in the event of a radioactive release. Opinions Do you think the campus community should be required to remain on campus during the next TMI Radioactive steam release (sometime during Oct.) Name Jill Gottlieb Term Grad. Student Major Education Response I feel that Penn State Students should not be required to remain in the Middletown area during the release of radioactive steam. Personal feelings, on this top- Name Ted Michaliga Term 12 Major Bus. Admin. Response - TMI has been an to all of us. I feel the steam should be bottled up and taken to Wash. D.C. and released during the next con gressional session to give ev eryone an even chance. Name Karen Cornell Term 11 Term Grad. Student Major Acount. and Finance Major Regional and Urban Planning Response - NO. I am defi nitely pro-nuclear power if certain precautions are met, such as not exposing anyone to any unnecessary radiation. Name Mary Murphy Term Grad. Student Major El. Ed. Response - Since this campus is made up of an adult popula tion each must weigh the evidence presented and make their own choice. Hopefully the decontami nation procedures which cede been discussed, will pro ceed the emission. Name George Roberts Response - I do not think that the Capitol Campus com munity should be required to remain on campus during the next TMI steam release. Name Jean Heromin Term Grad. Student Major Education Response -1 feel that if there is even a slight chance that the steam release would be dangerous to us, that we would not and should not be expected to attend classes. I definitely will not be here, I value my health and welfare too much. glance Name BillCologie Term 9 Major M-M, Hum. Response - Absolutely not. In fact I don’t believe Met. Ed. should be allowed to vent any more radiation into the envi ronment. Name Michael Koshishvan Term 7 Major Finance Response - No, because this could be harmful to us. They still don’t know the effects of this radiation being released. Their not exactly sure if radi ation will harm us and we shouldn’t be around to risk our lives being hurt. by bob foster Name Curt Miller Term 8 Major Bus. Admin. Response - NO. No human should be exposed to radia tion. page 3
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