Sports sho The Capitol Campus Soccer Team will be coached this year by the newly appointed coach, John A Lentz Jr.. Lentz, 38 years of age, comes to Capitol as a highly qualified coach. He has a state and national coaching license from The United States Soccer Federation. His coaching experience in cludes coaching Harrisburg area youth teams, The Harris burg Soccer Club and he cur rently coaches The Lower Pax ton Soccer Association. Lentz has played soccer for Lebanon High School and East Stroudsburg State College. Lentz lives with his wife and four children in Harrisburg. SOCCER PRACTICE Soccer practice is scheduled to begin on Sept. 17 at 5 :30 p.m.. Any one interested in ooining the team should meet in the MultipPurpose Building parking lot. HACC POOL HOURS Tues., Thurs. and Fri. : 6-7 p.m.; Sat. and Sun. 12-4 p.m.. CHEERLEADERS Anyone interested in' becoming a member of the Cheerleading Squad, contact squad advisor, Roberta McLeod room W-104, Main Building. WELCOME BACK STUDENTS At least JpOOelHl per month Sere-Tec can help yog earn that extra needed cash this year. Donating plasma takes only four hours per week and you can study while you donate. The Capitol Campus Soccer Team will kick off the season with a home game against PSU York Mon., Sept. 24, at 4 p.m.. On Sept. 27 at 4 p.m., the Capitol Soccer Team will face Lancaster Bible College at home. The Recreation/athletics Department has a limited num ber of openings for Student Assistants. The soccer Team will need a team manager and score/time keeper. The Basket ball team will also need a team manager, score keeper and stat keepers. Stop by the Rec/Ath office to apply: Multi-Purpose Build ing, lower level, room 121. Sept. 19,20 and 21: 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Efforts are underway to or ganize a Cross Country Team. Anyone interested should con tact the Rec/Ath office. This activity is coed. Earn Stop in or give us a call for details: 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg 232-1901 EMPLOYMENT BUILDING HOURS CROSSCOUNTRY Registration horvath's comics Events at Week of Sept 17: Football Texas A&M Sdpt. 22, at Beaver Stadiuiti. P6th Annual Hort Show 9 a.m.-4 p.pi., Sept. 23, at the Flower Gardens. Artists Series Estelle Parsons in Miss Ma'rgarida’s Way. 8:30 p.m., Sept. 23l at Eisenhower Auditorium. Tickets bj( subscription. Police Services is now accept- ing applications from students for positions on the Student Patrol. The Student Patrol of- fers valuable work experience for students interested in a career in law enforcement positions can work up to 20 hours a week. V\fork schedules are tailored for the individual \i t and additional information can be obtained at the police Ser- cervices office or by calling the office at 783-6232. Unlv. Park Soccer Alderson-Broaddus p.m., Sept. 21, at Jeffrey Field. Artists Series Showboat. 8:30 p.m., Sept. 21, at Eiseßhower Auditorium. Tickets by subscription. Pure Prairie League Concert In troduced by the Pousette Dart Band. 8 p.m., Sept. 22, in Rec Hall. Tickets will cost $6 each. 1:30 p.m., Send $1 for your 306-page cat alog of collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25097 G, Los Angeles, Californ ia, 90025. (213) 477-8226. EABN AT LEAST MS. pe« wAli lor four hours of youi* tint! per week. Donate plasma at Sera-Tec BMogfcab. Open Monday thru Thursday bom 8:45 am. to 7:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:45 am. to 4:00 pm. Stop in at 260Reily .Street, or caU tor information at 232JSGI. Student Patrol Openings The Campus Department of Students selected for these Employment applications Reprinted from The Weekly Collegian Cbssifiris IMPROVE YOUR GRADES M*Pl*y 21pt fiate”
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