y Spring fever What is' it you ask? A lively moment that happenstance each year A bumbling kiss that ripens in the heart and asks forgiveness when brought to task. Spring fever is the burst of flowers picked without reverence to thought, in a little girl’s hand. Who offers them to the first sweet smile that has been brought. Spring fever is the reach for a baseball cap fingered with love and fear that might this season give the flight of fancy to a tap. Spring fever is the eloquence of Nature’s one soft call that casts the lyric moment of, Success upon us all. fa C a Lonely - Another word for hurting, For pain, For wanting, For walking in the rain. It’s another word for needing, For long, cold nights,, And hot summer days With him away. Lonely - Another word for empty dreams I dream While holding on to pillows In the middle of the night, Crying. Lonely - It’s another word for me. by louisa baskin The rainbow’s colors fade from the sky above And settle into all the things that make my world. Yellow is the sunshine that lights my way. Orange is the highlight of my day. Red shows the fire that burns with my love for him, Violet are the times when I chase every whim. Blue is for the oceans where I find peace And green is the desire that keeps me saying “please.” These are my colors. Some wear theirs on their back. I wear mine in my smile. by debra morrow by debra morrow In these days of “Studen- Add the sliced and peeled onion try” one of the moat devastat- and cook until the onion is light ing things is to get hone tired brown. Add tomato paste to the from University, head hanging onion, stir with a wooden spoon with the weight of intelligence Preferably (does not scratch and find that you have to the pan). Add the required prepare a meal. Here is a quick amount of water -1 can water and good, nutritious meal tak- to 1 can tomato paste. Add ing half an hour to cook: .sugar, salt, pepper, basil and oregano and bring sauce to boil, 1 large Spanish or Bermuda cover pan, and simmer for V* onion (sweet) hour, stirring occasionally. V* cup oil, preferably polyun- Prepare spaghetti according to saturate instructions. Serve piping hot. 3 small (6 oz.) cans tomato paste Pour sauce on the spaghetti. V* cup sugar " Sprinkle Parmesan cheese gen- Vi teaspoonful basil (must) erouslv on top of the tomato 1 teaspoonful oregano, or to »«“• “<1 enjoy! Serves four. (optional) This sauce can be frozen for Parmesan cheese an unlimited amount of time in Salt and black pepper to taste tbe freezer. It is also excellent Heat oil in a covered pan. with meat balls, with or with out cheese. Black Student Union Dinner and Dance Cancelled June 9,1979 Corqer
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