Locating a school of crappies in a lake can lead to some fast fishing fun. Crappies are a pan fish which are abundant in many lake areas. They are easily identified by the proliferation of black spots on their bodies. The month of May is an especially good month to catch them since they are spawning in the shallows. My favorite lures include one thirty-second ounce jigs and darts.. Red and white is a good color combination. Another good bet is twister type lures. These have a replaceable lead head and a replaceable plastic body. Purple and black twisters work best in murky water while yellow ranks number one in clear water. A productive way to fish for crappies is with ultra-light spinning equipment. Place a small bobber from two to four feet above the jig or Sports shorts A coed racquetball tournament is scheduled for Monday through Thursday, May 21-24. The schedule of matches will be posted on Monday. The Multi-Purpose Building will be colsed N/fey 16-20 for all athletic activities. This closing is dur to the public hearings beina held by the President’s Commission on Three Mile Island. It will reopen Monday May 21 . Intramural tennis standings PLAYER Dave Miller Cragi Rowland Shelton Braxton Lee Rheim David Zelniak Tom Steen Renwick Jackson PLAYER Jeff Musser Greg Huber Jon Frew Tim Long Harry Lambert 1 Pat Carey liriramaral taring standings TEAM Ravers Midnight Express 14 1 /2 Low Rollers Pipe Layers Crappie fishing tips Blue Division White Division LOST WON WON LOST The high game in intramural bowling this term was rolled by Bill Shaner of the Pipe Layers. He rolled a 223. High series was rolled by Don Plourde of the 11th Framers, with a 548. High game for the women was rolled by Lynn Kenny of the Low Rollers. She rolled a 160. High series was rolled by Pat Murphey of the 11 th Framers with a 406. twister. Experimentation will determine the proper depth. Cast along the shoreline and retrieve very slowly. The fish will generally hook themselves so there is no need to set the hook after a strike. Crappies have a soft, paper-thin mouth, so don’t try to horse them in. For those of you who are live bait fans, minnows are an excellent choice. Hook them through the lips on a #4 hook and suspend them about three feet below a float. Wait until the crappie has the minnow in his mouth for a few seconds before setting the hook. One of the state’s crappie hot spots is located nearby in Pinchot Lake at Gifford Pinchot State Park. The majority of the fish there average six to nine inches long, but what they lack in size they make up in quantity. Pinchot Lake is located near Rossville, York County. Redneck M)thers Sultans of Swing TMI Petards Gnat-Men XGl’s Bushwac-kers Nuclear Wastes Cunning Linguists Scraps Survivors Tony’s Team Joint Effort Taint Dukes El I wood's Boys Gummas Night Train Express Team“Z” WSDC Plus 2nd Floor Church Three Strikes: You’re Out Physician’s Assistants Intramnralsnfihatstandings American League National League I. A. A. presents: ThtftdM frnonuel L. Wolf presents An Arthur Cohll Production * Color AnAllied Artistsßelaose* |pQ|<SJgfc Maytt py tony gladfelter fret iritlil.D. caret
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