On April 22, Pepsi-Cola, Inc.,'in conjunction with Phi Beta Lambda spon sored the first competitive run through Capitol Campus. The race was 10,000 meters (6.2 miles) with the course covering the campus roads and nearby streets. Tnere were 237 entries and 232 finishers. Four Capitol Campus students and one psychology professor also ran. Although there were eight separate age brackets for men and women, Donald Spangler of Lewistown was the first to cross the finish line with a time of 33 minutes and 24 seconds, capturing the overall victory. I.M. sofltaß ttatMlinf of Mm tarns American League TEAM Redneck Mothers Sultans of Swing Nuclear Wastes Gnat Men Petards Cunning Lnguists Bushwackers Survivors Scraps ix mi by Barbara A. McNamara This victory qualifies Spangler to compete in the Diet-Pepsi 10,000-Meter National AAU Road Racing Championships in Boston. The first woman to cross the finish line was Carol Myers of East Berlin. She placed 30th overall. The best shoeing from Cap itol Campus was that of Dan Hilferty, finishing 61st in 42:21, followed by Robert Bofinger (43:05(; Mark Servinsky (45:00) James Knestrick (48:31); and Kevin Herberle (48:31). Two people responsible for making tnis race a success are Lynne Werman, chairperson and race director, and Phil Geigert, course marshall and president of Phi Beta Lambda. WON LOST e scam National Lei TEAM Elwood’s Boys 4 Tony’s Team Night Train Express 3 Dukes Joint Effort Gummas WSDC Plus WON LOST 0 Three Strikes: You’re Out 0 0 Team Z 1 2nd Floor Church 1 Physician’s Assistanta foster WON LOST 0 2 0 3
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