page 4 § WoNDeR waves again The campus radio station WNDR has resumed broadcas ting since Wednesday, Jan. 31 and can be tuned in on 640 AM from the dorms and Meade Heights and can be heard in Vendorville. Operating from 7:30 to 5:00 p.m. daily, the station broad casts a hodgepodge of music, school news, club advertise ments and college activity ad Journalism The Ttennsylvania legislative Correspondents Association, an organization of state government reporters based in Harrisburg, will have a summer intern program again in 1979. TVro students, who currently are Juniors, will be pic ted for the 12-week program which will begin in the late Springl' TSie stipend loir each student program is obfen'td studeriW At tending Fbnnsyivania colleges and to Pennsylvania residents who go to school out-of-state. The interns will have the op- THE HERSHEYPARK ' ShfS,t \ JOB INFORMATION TEAM will be at P.S.U. Capitol Campus on [February 1 3th, 9:00 A.M. until 2:00 P.M: fat the entrance of Vendorville to accept j Applications and answer your questions! Iforour 1979 Park Season. CktekUiOtt" j rSSSSSS/SSSfS'SS**"*""""" 1^l J■*»•IIIII■IIIIIIIII■IIIIIIIIIIItlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlll■llllllllll•l*l■ 11,,, * 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, " ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, * ~, s FOX’S MARKET Visit Fox’s Fsmous Dell- In Store Bakery- Country Kltchen- Butchsr Shop- Farm Fresh Produce- Fresh Seafood - Downtown Wddlolown 101 South Union SI. vertisements. Possibly next term WNDR will have a musi cal format, having times of different types of music, for example, a Jazz hour, explained Phil Geigert, a senior who runs the broadcast end of the sta tion. WNDR had been shut down because in the past People weren’t maintaining the equip ment or running it properly, portunity to work with reporters from the Harrisburg bureaus of AP, UPI and Allentown, Harris burg, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh newspapers. 'Die emphasis will be on reporting state government news and acceptable stories will be published. We are interested only in persons who plan to make journalism a career. Die deadline for applications is Ffeb. 28. Ehtries postmarked after this date will not be accepted. Die FLCA Scholarship Committee will (tick the interns by March 15 after personal interviews with the final- Plant & Flowar Department Where Friendly Service Mekes The Difference interns o ff e red by jeff drinnan said Geigert, Through the repair work of Jim Kravitz and Curtis Rounds engineering majors at Capitol, the station was rendered oper ational. Kravitz said there are a few spots in the Heights where the station can’t be tuned in. To know where the radio reception is bad or non-existent and to know if people want to listen to WNDR, the station has drawn ists. We also have two $5OO scholarships available to final ists who can prove financial need. Students who want to apply for the internships should provide the following information: -Aresume that includes informa tion on all previous work expen ience. -A copy of your latest transcript ..Samples of your work (either clips or classroom assignments). -Diree references, preferably from journalism teachers or em ployers. Please include the tele phone numbers of your refer ences. -300 to 500 words on how you plan to use this internship, ft must be typed. Students with questions about the program can contact Dim Ferrick at 717-787-5990. Die applications should be sent to: Scholarship Committee c/o Dim Ftenick P.O. Box 1287 Harrisburg, Rl 17108 944-7486 up a survey. Kravitz said that the radio Presently, one transmitter station has trouble getting peo is working. A second transmit- pie involved in working for the ter now under repair should station. There s no incentive transmit “good quality all over for someone to participate at the dorms and the heights," WNDR. No credits are given Kravitz said. for students working there. In the future, WNDR would Students in the building pro like to get a third and fourth gram, he continued, could be transmitter to transmit to the given credit for helping figure University apartments and the out the radio reception areas in main building. a building, for example. WNDR RADIO SURVEY This survey is for determining Name: _ where corrections in the recep tion area are needed. Please return this form to W-104 (Stu- Address, dent Activities), W-106 (WNDR Radio Station), or 914 Weaver Ave., Meade Heights, by Mon., Feb. 19. (1) Can you get our station on Yes No your dial? (2) Is there another station Yes No, interfering with the reception? What Station? Time of Day/Night you were On a scale of Ito 10, how do you listening to WNDR: rate the reception? Time: AM 123456789 10 Time: PM Campus police news Capitol Campus Police reported four minor hit and run accidents during January as a result of ice and snow in the parking lots. According to Po- The police also disclosed lice Chief Alesky, who des- three minor acts of vandalism cribed the accidents as “fender during the month of January: A benders”, a majority of the stop sign located at the corner accidents occurred in the rear of Flickenger St. and Kirtland lot of the Main Building. Ave. was turned upside-down There were five cases of theft and pointed in the wrong direc reported to Capitol Campus tion and a door in Church Hall Police during January also, and the bottom of an office door Three of these cases involved in the Student Center were items removed from parked kicked in. cars. A CB radio was stolen The police also revealed from one vehicle, a portable they had officially assisted over radio from another and a blan- 50 individuals on campus on ket and other personal items such matters as diverse as from a third. A combination charging people’s dead car bat radio-tape recorder was stolen teries, opening up doors for from an office in the Main professors and helping motor- Building and some racquetball ists who were out of gas. 123456789 10 123456789 10 raquets were taken from a locker in the Multi-Purpose Building.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers