...And are we stack? Capitol sends 90$ of the money which we pay for parking stickers to U. Park, and our campus never receives any of that money back—unless we need a new parking lot. The cash which we need for maintaining our parking facilities is part of the yearly maintenance budget. This forces our campus to contract with outside companies to keep our lots safe in the winter since the budget doesn t allow for Capitol to buy its own equipment. Could this be trUG |f this is the case, this situation is causing problems for people trying to park without ramming into other cars, and for people trying to walk without landing on their butts. Unless there are 3 inches or more of ice and snow, Capitol doesn’t call in the contracted companies. Is this because the budget doesn't allow for it? Once again, our money is disappearing into U. Park and never coming back; we pay for nothing-worse than nothing. What can be done? If U.Park would allow us to keep a larger percentage of our parking sticker funds and to handle our own budget for parking lot maintenance, perhaps we would no longer have to slide into school—and other things-on icy mornings. To C.C. Reader Staff & Bob Foster: This comment is in regard to your article “Opinion at a Glance” in your January 25th edition. To a casual reader who was not acquainted with Capitol Campus, it would appear that the ‘average’ student here is an Bth term Humanities major, which is not the case at all. This article represents the most biased sampling technique I have ever come across since I began here in the fall of '77. Not only does 9 students and a canine not make up a representative sample of the campus due to the small numbers involved (sample size is much too small) but 8 of the students were junior Human ities majors out of the 10 interviewees. The only conclu- Joy, butt out Dear Editor, This is a letter attempting to publicly embarass Joy Ed mundson for smoking on the no smoking side of vendorville. As she just put the cancer stick to her lips we reminded her which side she was on and not to smoke, she defiantly said, “Just watch me!” Then proceeded to pollute the air with foul cigar ette smoke. Joy, if you’re read ing this please don’t smoke c.c. reader de. 230 o fthe mhfcfietown, penna. 17057 Pennsylvania state unhenky office w-129 the capitol campus phone [7l7] 944-4970 editor, lyda baker; news editor, carol eveschild; feature editor, sue girolami; sports editor, mike cocciardi; photography editor, bob foster; copy edi tor, louisa baskin; typesweater, ruth grady; staff, jane reinstedt, joan klein, vito valvano, debbie morrow, tony romeo, jeff drinnan, sue middleton, gayle greenwald, sandy mancuso, lin sanderson, cartoonist, joe horvath, jan; fiction, ruth lee; business manager, ghartz washenki. the views expressed in this paper are net necessarily those sion I can reasonably be expec ted to deduce is that Mr. Foster is an Bth term Humanities major, or that the staff of the C.C. Reader does not want to investigate the opinions of a broader range of students, thereby biasing the results of their interview in a direction favorable to them. Perhaps it would be wise in the future to keep these methodological con siderations in mind when con ducting future “Surveys”, oth erwise they will become noth ing more than a mouthpiece for a particular segment of the student population. -Greg Verner Term 11 PsSc Thanks for the suggestion where it’s prohibited. You might not care about your health, but don’t try to take us to an early grave with you! NON SMOKERS, Paul E. Mitsch 11th BCT William H. Boyd 11th BCT Oran B. White 10th Bus. Bemie Kuchera 11th BCT Alan S. Kercher 11th BCT reader opinion _~~ "mwlbtty fU&tnb U.PMH EACH TBrf Greg; as you will see, this issues “Opinion at a Glance’ contains a more representative sample. When doing the last feature, I tried to do the best l could considering an encroach ing deadline and the amazing number of students who de- clined comment concerning vi- able changes they would like to see here at Capitol. Of course, should you or anyone else have any further suggestions, you are welcome to stop by W-129 and help us put out a better letters editor corrections In the Jan 25 issue of the Reader, it was incorrectly stat ed that Marilyn Carmen has had only two poems published. Actually, Carmen has been published over 200 times in anthologies and literary maga zines. Sorry Marilyn. Also, photo credits were in correctly given to Bob Foster for the photo of Provost Gross (front page), and for Joe Hor vath’s cartoon. Bob did not take either of those...he' wishes he did, but he didn’t. In last issue’s “Engineering Quiz,” page 10, Prof Kravitz should replace Prof Schiller’s name (P). - ~Ng ........ ••••• ANI ,Thi..\ «•* It has come to the attention of the CC. Reader that Capitol Campus has no “Dean’s list”. Students receive honors when they graduate if they have a 3.4 Grade Point Average or better. Although Capitol is innovative in that it has a ceremony for its fall, winter and spring gradu- ating classes, we believe that there is no reason to do away with the “Dean’s list”. We believe that students should be acknowledged each term and not just at graduation. It is our recommendation bob foster Editor The magnitude of the theft and the maliciousness of the vandalism committed by Penn State students in our bar has become so outrageous that a letter of complaint to you is warranted. That Penn State students are the guilty ones is evident from the coincidence of the campus calendar with rise and fall of the incidence of theft and vandalism. Remarks I have heard stu dents make indicate that they even take a certain pride in senseless destruction. Pranks ter no longer describes these students No prankster needs to rip apart wooden cafe doors for a joke; no prankster needs inten tionally to smash porcelin toil ets; no prankster finds joy in ripping plumbing fixtures from the wall to flood the bathroom and damage wooden floors; no prankster needs to knock down rain spouting night after night to find fulfillment. The unpleasantness, incon venience, material harm, and extra work that these people cause for others puts them in the category of the socially unfit. As a Penn State graduate -=======S“t] Letter to Provost Students found guilty ow.. ft* that students with 12 or more credits who achieve a 3.5 or better 6.P.A. should be placed on a “Dean’s list” and students who achieve a 4.0 G.P.A. should be sent certificates by the provost of the college. It is our opinion that Capitol should not be one of the few colleges that refuses to recognize its students achievements each term. Hopefully, Provost Gross, you will share our senti- ments and instutute a “Dean’s list” at Capitol. myself, I am especially embar rassed to try to defend students in general to those with whom I work, for the bad behavior of what I hope to be a few reflects unfavorably not only on all Penn State students, but on the University as well. I can only conclude that the problem is caused by the arro gant half-educated who place themselves above the stan dards of decent behavior. Since the pilfering and de stroying have exceeded the limits of juvenile fun, we are turning to you for help. We would like to identify the students who are causing the problem and bar them from our place of business. We are, in addition, going to make ev ery effort to catch the culprits. If we catch them, we will not waste time with warnings, but will proceed against them le gally in the hope that their reputations will suffer civilly and academically. I hope that neither I nor the majority of students who act decently in public would have to share the distinction of being a Penn State graduate with these sneaking vandals and theives. Clark Meader. Jr. Lamp Post I®n
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