CCORML This is your chance to make the decriminalization of mari juana laws a reality. Within a week from November 13, the Pennsylvania State Senate will be voting on Senate Bill #1425 which, if passed, will make the possession of under 30 grams of marijuana a summary offense with a fine of up to $lOO, and will move PCP up the schedule of drugs from schedule three to schedule two in the House Judiciary Committee. The Capitol Campus Organ ization for the Reform of Mari juana Laws, in affiliation with the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, has taken the stance that PCP is a dangerous drug and that people should be made aware of the danger of PCP. This was clearly a political decision but we are going to support this bill because we want to see decrim inalization happen in Pennsyl vania this Fall. You can help pass Senate Bill #1425 by taking a few minutes to write to your Rep resentative and to several of the Harrisburg Representa tives to let them know your opinions on the issue of de criminalization of marijuana. Sample letters are available from CCORML for those of you who need an idea as to what to write. Legislators in the Harris burg area include: Stephen R. Reed; Jeffery Piccolo; Joseph 4,9 e i rifoOUSLY Fo k A . 4 Z. IUST GOT To P. , , t . A tfi V 4 * .• : * cs ~. THENyUI ADVENTURES OF tABBI"JACOB 20th Century-Fox presents LOUIS DE FUNES in A GERARD OURY FILM "THE MADADVENTURES OF Rl\ BBIJACOIT Screenplay by GERARD OURYand DANIELE THOMPSON Produced by BERTRAND JAVAL • Netted by GERARD OURY 161UNIIAl MOM COLOR PRINTS BY DE LUXE. C. Manmiller; Rudolph Dininni; Harold F. Mowery; Fred C. Noye; John Scheaffer; and Eugene Geesy. Send your letters to: The, Honorable (Representative), House Post Office, Main Cap itol, Harrisburg, Pa. 17102. NORML, CCORML, & PORML would greatly appreciate your support. Be sure to spread the word, after all we do have, contrary to public belief, a say in our State government. William R. Douglas "Lincoln" will be the topic pre sented by faculty member George Wolf at DTK's second •in a series of faculty-student ' forums on Thurs. Nov. 16, at 3 p.m., in the Gallery Lounge. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served. Students or faculty inter ested in presenting papers or participating in panel discus sions should leave a note in the DTK mailbox in the SGA office. The Meade Heights Board of Governors held its Fall term Road Rally on Saturday, Octo ber 21. Starting at 11 am and end ing just after 7 pm, the Road Rally proved to be quite inter esting and most challenging. The cars were scheduled at three minute intervals. The THE MAD ADVENTURES c -- • v. OF"RABBI"JACOB LIEU Club News driver and navigator both were given a set of instructions when their proper time was called. Finding the checkpoints was the most arduous of all the tasks. There were two check points and the finish line. Forty two cars started the rally and thirty four finished. Eight trophies were awarded to the first, second, third, and last places at the Accounting Keg gar held on October 24. First place were Charles Hummer, driver and Bill Ted esco, navigator; second place were gayle Greenwald, driver, and Brenda Pfeffley, navigator; third place were Rich Aiello, driver and Debbie casey, navi gator; and last place were Pat ty Bloom, driver, and Sue Stapleton, navigator. The MHBOG is grateful for the turnout and the interest expressed by the participants in the Fall term Road Rally. Another road Rally will be held in the Spring term. Michael V. Sopata The Meade Heights Board of Governors will sponsor a backgammon tournament dur ing the week of Nov. 13-17. The tournament will be a best of seven series with winner ad vancing to next round. Games will be played at the coffee house or wherever the oppo nents can arrange to play. There is a fee of .50 cents to enter and you can enter by signing up at the SGA office or coffeehouse. Prizes will be awarded for Ist, 2nd, and 3rd place. For further details con tact Pete Faith, Vito Valvano, or Pat Murphy. On tuesday, November 14, the lEEE will hold a meeting in the Student Center at 7:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Daniel Krehling from The Pennsylvania Power and Light Company on the topic of resi dential solar energy. ,Also, the election of the vice-chairman will be held at the meeting. Any junior interested in running for vice-chairman, please contact Russel Hock at 944-6767. The editors of Tarnhelm are now accepting contributions for the 1979 edition of Tarnhelm. All students and faculty of Capitol Campus are encouraged to submit original poetry, short stories, photographs, and art work. The blue Tarnhelm submis sions box has been placed in the Humanities office, W 360. All material (except photographs and artwork) submitted will become the property of Tarn helm, contributors are there fore urged to keep a copy of all material submitted. Tarnhelm will be published Spring term, 1979, and dis tributed free of charge to stu dents and faculty of Capitol Campus on a first-come-first served basis. Tarnhelm se ~ On Tuesday, October 31, American Society for Mechan ical Engineers members viewed an enlighting film concerning contemporary nuclear saftey. The gist of "Incident at Brown's Ferry" suggests there is no feasible way of determining saftey probability in nuclear plants. The film also hints that the industry should be slowed or even shut down until the risk of nuclear catastrophe has been significantly reduced. On Tuesda7, November 14, ASME will host Professor Don ald Miller at the Gallery Lounge. Professor Miller will Classified: !Classified ads are published as a tree service to the Capitol Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged $l.OO per ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129; or call 944-4970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm. Lost: I left 2 barettes in a women's rest room on Mon. Nov. 6. If found please leave them at the lost and found, first floor. Applause, applause to the per son(s) who posted the article on the main lobby bulletin board "The Week There Were No Queers". It's good to have a few more around. In Gay Spirit. GET your master and term papers typed for only $.75 a page. 939-9442. Call after 5:30. Ask for Jan. RIDE NEEDED from Harris burg to Capitol Campus and back, Monday, Tuesday, Thurs day. Call 232-3714 or 236-2489. Ask for Jane. WANTED: Past tests from the Behavior Modification course. Call Wally at 944-0604. REWARD: LOST on campus, Gold Wedding Band. Call (717) 243-8547 after 9 pm. Ask for Paul. For Sale: Classical guitar, like new. Best offer over $75. Call Don Kramer at 944-9302. FOR SALE: AMC Hornet, 6 cyl., auto. trans., good condition $550. Call after 5 pm 944-5037. FOR SALE: Clothes dryer, electric, good condition, $5O. Call after 5 pm 944-5037. For Sale--Olympia Portable (manual) Typewriter. Recently overhauled. $25 Call 564-2357. FOR SALE: Girl's 5-speed John Deere bike. Good condition. Call Deb at 761-0909 after 5:30. FOR SALE: 1975 Honda CVCC Station wagon, roof rack, rad ials, new clutch and brakes, 37,000 miles, excellent con dition, good in snow. $2600. 944-5966. Ask for Ted. FOR SALE: Olds Cutlass Con vertible, brown, auto. trans., AM-FM radio, air conditioning, needs some engine work. Best offer. See Dr. Shaw, E 355. discuss his past work exper ience, including his work that led to the patent of a runway friction measuring device. The meeting is scheduled for 4:30. All are welcome. On November. 9th, at 2:00 P.M. in the B.C.A.C. Lounge (W-132), Dr. William Mahar will lecture on "Black and White: Views of the Black Heritage in American Music." Also, November 14, Prof. Clem Gilpin will lecture on South Rhodesia. This will be held in the B.C.A.C. Lounge (W-132) at 2:00 P.M. FOR SALE: Pioneer 8-track and FM car stereo (supertoner) Excellent condition. Call Deb at '761-0909 after 5:00 FOR SALE: Two dorm con tracts for winter and spring term at UP. Female. Contact Mada or Kathy at 314 Runkle, UP, Pa. 16802. Or call (814) 865-5255. FOR SALE: Datsun 260 Z 2 plus 2, 1974, 4-speed, air, new Uni royal 240 tires, 31,000 miles, Ziebart, garaged. $5695 firm. Call 652-0202 Mon-Fri after 5, all day Sat. and Sun. FOR SALE: 10 gallon aquarium set-up, complete with stand, filters, hood and fish. $25. Call 944-5966. Ask for Ted. FOR SALE: women's stylish brown leather boots, 6 1/2B Worn only once, $25. Call 939- '290 evenings. Summer internships in MENTAL HEALTH are avail able for undergrads or grads at the Psychiatric Institute in Washington D.C. Interns are paid $420 a month for 10 weeks. Contact the Director of Stu dent Placements 4460 MacAr thur BLVD. NW Wash 20007 EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 260 Reily St. or call for information at 232-1901. Addressers Wanted Immedi ately! Work at home--no ex perience necessary-excellent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas TX 75231 IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226
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