Power Volleyball Clinic MIDDLETOWN -- Penn State - Capitol Campus will offer a men's and women's power volleyball clinic Sat., Nov. 11 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on campus in the gymnasi um of the Multi-Purpose Build ing. This clinic is designed to present techniques to volleyball coaches and their squads with emphasis on coaching for squad practice and on areas of individ ual development. Clinic leader is Gail M. Ben nett, instructor of health, physi- Secretarial Skills Workshop Offered MIDDLETOWN -- On Mon., Nov. 13, the Continuing Educa tion Office at Penn State - Capitol Campus will offer a one-day workshop entitled "Im proving Secretarial Decision- Making and Problem-Solving Skills." The workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. The objective of this work shop is to better equip the secretary with the knowledge, skills, and techniques needed for effective decision-making Campus Offers Income Tax Course MIDDLETOWN -- Penn State - Capitol Campus will offer a six-week course entitled "Personal Income Taxes" be ginning Thurs., Nov. 2 through Thurs., Dec.l4 from 7 to 9 p.m. on campus. The course is designed to provide a brief, practical train ing in the basic principles of federal exemptions and filing status, business and personal deductions, capital gains and losses, and special tax situa tions. FREE CATALOG of COLLEGIATE RESEARCH Over 10,000 listings! All subjects. Send NOW for this FREE catalog. (offer expires Dec. 31, 1978) Send to: COLLEGIATE RESEARCH P.O. Box 84396, Los Angeles, CA. 90073 To Be Held cal education and recreation at Penn State - York Campus. The clinic is a working ses sion; participants are advised to bring suitable attire and towels. Locker and shower fa cilities are available. Fee is $l4. Fidgistration will be held until Fri., Nov. 3. For further information, contact The Office of Continu ing Education, Penn State - Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa., or phone (717) 787-7753. and problem-solving. Also co vered are the psychological fac tors which influence these fac tors. The fee of $45 per person includes instruction, materials, coffee breaks and lunch. Regis tration must be completed by Mon., Nov. 6. For additional information contact the Continuing Educa tion Office, Penn State - Capitol Campus, Middletown, PA 17057 or phone (717) 787-7753. Class instructor will be James McCarthy, M. Admin., C.P.A., Assistant Professor of Accounting, Penn State Capitol Campus; and Controller for the city of Harrisburg. Course fee is $4O. Registra tion should be completed by Tues., Oct. 31. For further information, contact The Office of Continu ing Education, Penn State - Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa. 17057, or phone (717) 787- 7753. What's Happening IM Flag Football Standings to date in the IM Flag Football League is as fol lows: C Dogs 4-1-0 Redneck Mothers -0-5-0 Joint Effort -3-2-1 Brotherhood-- -3-1-1 XGIs- -0-5-0 Toga Men New Hours for Multi-Purpose Building Weekend hours for Rec/Ath have been revised as follows: Saturday & Sunday; 12:00 noon to 8;00 pm; week day hours remanin the same, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, Monday thru Friday! Enjoy!! Racketball Tournament: A Capitol Campus Racket ball Tournament which will in clude Students, Faculty, and Staff is being planned for the 2nd week of November. Any one interested should call 787- 7751, or sign up in the Rec/Ath office. Education Courses Offered MIDDLETOWN, PA. -- Two one-credit courses in edu cation will be offered by Capitol Campus Educational Programs. Both will be given at University Center, 2991 North Front St., Harrisburg, Pa. 17110. "Legislation Related to the Least Restrictive Environment (Mainstreaming)" will be of fered on Nov. 11 and 18. This course will describe how the Education for All Handicapped Children Act and the Vocation al Rehabilitation Act Amend ments of 1973 affect teaching practices and relationships be tween and with parents. "Individualized Education Programs" will be presented Jan.2o and 27, 1979. This course will focus on preparing partici pants for writing an individual ized education program in their particular educational setting and will provide an awareness of the relationship between par ents, teachers and other school staff who may be involved in the I. E. P. program. Registration should be com pleted by Nov. 6, 1979 for the first course, and by Jan. 15, 1979 for the second program. Tuition is $57 per course, plus an $8 registration fee. For further information, contact: The Area Director for Continuing Education, Penn State Capitol Campus, Middle town, Pa. 17057; phone (717) 787-7753. In Rec/Ath Open Golf Tournament: Winners of the recent Capi tol Campus Open Golf Tourna ment held at Hershey Parkview Golf Course were as follows: Ist Place, Wes Houser - 144; 2nd Place, Emerson Jacob - 184; 3rd Place, Paul Steinmetz - 186. George Dressler, Tourna ment Director, stated that the 2 day, 36 hole tournament, at tracted 12 participants. He also pointed out that a larger tourn ament is being planned for the spring term. The Capitol Campus Mens Varsity Bowling Team started off their season with a highly respectable third place finish in the Eastern Pennsylvania Maryland Intercollegiate Bowl ing Conference Invitational at Sun Bowl Lanes, Sunbury, Pa. The other schools invited to the competition were the host team, Bloomsburg, Drexel, Maryland, Mongomery College, PSU-UP, PSU-CAP, Shippens burg, Temple, and Villanova. Penn State UP won the tournament with Bloomsburg second and Capitol placing third. Classified ads are published as a free service to the Capitol Campus community. Other advertisers will be charged 91.00 per ad. Submit ads to staff members at the READER office, W-129; or call 944-4970. Deadline is Tuesday at 5 pm. REWARD: LOST on campus, Gold Wedding Band. Call (717) 243-8547 after 9 pm. Ask for Paul. FOR SALE: 10 gallon aquarium set-up, complete with stand, filters, hood and fish. $25. Call 944-5966. Ask for Ted. FOR SALE: Akai 7 1/2 reel to reel autoreverse, autostop on shut off, ;175. Garrard Turn table model 82, has Shure 95 ED cartridges, $75. Call Ken at 944-0379. FOR SALE: Pioneer 8-track and FM car stereo (supertoner) Excellent condition. Call Deb at 761-0909 after 5:00 FOR SALE: Datsun 260 Z 2 plus 2, 1974, 4-speed, air, new Uni royal 240 tires, 31,000 miles, Ziebart, garaged. $5695 firm. Call 652-0202 Mon-Fri after 5, all day Sat. and Sun. For Sale--Olympia Portable (manual) Typewriter. Recently overhauled. $25 Call 564-2357. FOR SALE: Marshall 100 watt amplifier head with cover. Good condition. $350 Call Dino a round 6:00 737-4696. IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $l.OO for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Prompt Delivery. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025. (213) 477-8226 The highlight of the day for the Caps came in the third game when the team ripped the high game of the day with a total of 1042. Participating in the big game were Pete Stef aniak (226), Mike Henry (193), Bruce Rambacher (184), Mike Knill (208), and Jeff Hartman (231). Jeff Hartman led the team with an average of 189 for the six game tournament. The team's first head-to head match will be on Saturday at Shippensburg State College. The Capitol Campus soccer team has dropped their last five contests. On Oct. 10, Phila delphia Bible College handed the C.C. kickers with a tough 5 - 3 loss. Franklin and Marshall Junior Varsity beat Capitol 4 - 0 on Oct. 12. Messiah College was next, taking the best of Capitol 4 - 0. Penn State Mt. Alto Campus then squeezed past Capitol 2 - 0 on Oct. 18. The climax game on Saturday, Octo ber 21. Eastern college roughly trounced Capitol 14 - 0. The soccer team's record now stands at 2 wins, 8 defeats and 1 tie. Classifieds FOR SALE: Girl's 5-speed John Deere bike. Good condition. Call Deb at 761-0909 after 5:30. FOR SALE: women's stylish brown leather boots, 6 1/2B Worn only once, $25. Call 939- [290 evenings. Addressers Wanted Immedi ately! Work at home--no ex perience necessary—excellent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 127, Dallas TX 75231 WANTED: Past tests from the Behavior Modification course. Call Wally at 944-0604. ATTENTION: Since you're graduating (hopefully) before the Spring Dance, you should be taking me to the Fall Semi- Formal next month. (And yes, you know who I am.) FOR SALE-11 Chevy Impala, new brakes and exhaust sys tem, 2 new tires, 2 tires in excellent condition, 2 extra wheels, automatic, radio, 94,000 miles. ;650, or best offer. Call 566-3064.. EARN $6B to $lOO per month for four hours of your time per week. Donate Plasma at Sera Tec Biologicals. Open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Friday from 8:00 to 3:00. Stop in at 260 Reily St. or call for information at 232-1901.
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