Page 2 Vote Intelligently Now it's time for that old familiar editorial which urges all of you to get out and vote for your SGA representa tives. Ideally, the student body votes with some understand ing of the issues, knowing which candidates support what ; they vote on the basis of who they feel will best reflect their views. Then those students elected are truly representative of the majority of the student body when they practice their power in school governance, which is itself a dynamic force on the campus. How far is Capitol from this ideal? First of all, at last count, there were only six people running while there are eight positions open, (and some of those six people are running against each other for one seat). Second, it is not nearly a majority of the student body that votes. Third, how many that do vote do so to promote their interests on current issues and how many vote simply because a friend of their is running? Admittedly, the winner is whoever drags more firends out to mark a ballot. These qualities that are lacking in our elections would not be so crucial if our government did nothing with its potential power. That, however, is not the case. Our SGA is making important changes that will effect nearly everyone, and it's doing so without representing the interests of the majority of students. Don't vote ignorantly or because you promised a friend that you would. Ask questions, find out what the issues are and who, if anyone, supports your views; vote intelligently or don't vote at all and be content with a very few students in the SGA making decisions and changes while they are oblivious to the opinions of their student body. % b. VOTE! I ■ 11 EHE raIIME GB OUElrthe vote! CAPITOL CAMPUS READER of the PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY THE CAPITOL CAMPUS RTE. 230 MIDDLETOWN, PA., 17057 OFFICE W-129 PHONE [7l7] 944-4970 Editors-in-Chief Associate Editor Copy Editor Sue Middleton, Vito Valvano, Jeff Stout, Wendy Hawthorne, Debbie Morrow, C.J. Marshall, Jane Reinstadt, Randy Myers, Pete Faith, Connie Lantzer, Tony Romeo, Joan Klein, Jeff Drinnan, Sue Girolami, Terry Reed, Michael Argento, Duane Kanagy, Dave Marko, Sandy Stern, Frank Lynch The Capitol Campus Reader is the school newspaper of Penn State's Capitol Campus. It is published weekly on Thursday by the students who attend this school. Final deadline is on Tuesday at 12 pm. Perspectives To the Editor: Now that the 1978-79 Bud get as presented by the Finance Committee has been passed, I would like to reply to your accusation of the SGA Senators for defeating the first budget-as contained in your editorial com ment of October 5, 1978. You portrayed the SGA Senators as being "uninformed, negligent, not doing their homework". However, I would like to cor rect this misrepresentation. I feel the 1978-79 breed of Sen ators must be one of the best if not the best the Campus has ever produced. Here are young men and women dedicated to serve their fellow students and believing in the principle of equity. It should be made clear that the first budget was defeated by the SGA 4-5-4 because that budget did not place all the clubs on the same footing which meant that some clubs could not survive or operate at all with their allocations whereas others were extremely favored. We felt all clubs on Campus should be given an equal chance of surviving. Hence, the budget was defeated. This should show you that the Senators collec tively have great interest in the welfare of the students. We care! Also, you said we should have passed the first budget and taken care of dissatisfac tion thereafter. I do not know where you got this idea from. If we did just that, would our votes be meaningful? We would have shown that we were ro bots. To show that we were right in our action, a new and more popular budget was passed by the same SGA 13-0-1 the follow ing week. It was not that the new budget was new as such but it took better care of all clubs and gave each club a better chance to survive. Please let it be known that the Senators as a group will continue to serve loyally the interests of the students we represent despite all odds. In conclusion, I feel you have a beautiful crew there at the C.C. Reader--you have done a good job so far this year. Keep it up. Only note that as 'watchdogs' you need all the facts. .Maureen Doyle Jim Musselman Lyda Baker Ed McKeown C.C. Reader The Editor Counter Point Peter Olayiwola Sr. Senator Business Encroachment On Student Rights The Continuing Education Program is slowly encroaching upon our student rights. At present, Continuing Ed. has assumed use of an outer room of the Student Center as storage space for their chairs and tables. It has brought to the attention of the Student Government Association that Continuing Ed. is thinking of taking over the student study lounge for their use, and put t:ng the student lounge chairs and tables in the outer room which they are using. The Student Center was de signated for use by the stu dents. It is unfair to the stu dents, the rightful users of this SGA News NOTICE:We are now hold ing our meetings at 4:30 pm. The time has been changed to aviod a conflict with ITE re views. The interviews for a new Provost/Dean are continuing. The candidates have been visit ing the campus and the SGA has had a chance to meet with them. For those of you who are interested, the pool at HACC is open during the following times: Sat. 1-3 pm Mon.,—Fri. 2-3 pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 6-7 pm Recently the SGA has received bills for the phone in 1 1 6 0)1 , 6 4 ;11 a October 19, 1978 facilty, to be shoved aside by an organization which is not devo ted to serve the interests of Penn State full time students. As a representative in SGA, I will not stand for this en croachment upon the rights of my constituents. Many sena tors share my view. Students, lets wise up and take care of one of the few remaining facilities designated for us to use. Let's respect the physical plant and use respons ibly the recreation equipment inside, before its too late. John Stachowiak SGA Representative Math Science the SGA office. If you use the phone check the dialing in structions on the wall. Elections are underway. The date for elections has been changed to Thursday, October 26. The petition deadline has been extended to Friday, Oct ober 20. Action taken by the SGA included electing Mark Kowal ski as GPP chairperson; nomin ating Wayne Kissinger and George Roberts to the Librar ian Search Committee; deciding to purchase two CO2 tanks for use by chartered clubs at keg gars. Sandy Mancuso SGA Secretary iPty Docroit SAys TN AT Mt AEAL:TH IS AS Sou ND AS A boL.LCM!
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