This is the draft of the proposed constitional revision to restructure the Social Af fairs Committee which was re ferred to in "Outline For A Pro posal To Be considered By The SGA." dated October 3, 1978. This draft is a revision of Section 6 of the present Con stition of the Student Govern ment Association which would change Social Committee to a "Campus Activities Planning Board." Section 6 Campus Activities Planning Board The Campus Activities Planning Board (CAPB) shall consist of an Executive Board and a General Committee. Executive Board MEMBERSHIP Four voting members (2 jun iors, 2 seniors or graduate student, to be appointed by the Senate), General Committee Chairperson and the Vice Pres ident of the Student Govern ment Association or his/her duly appointed alternate. (1) Members of the Execu tive Board may not be officers of any Student Government Association registered club or • organization. (2) The term of office of members of the Executive- Board shall expire on the last day of the Spring term and shall be reinstated of the first day following the end of sum mer term. Elections Juniors & Graduates Petitions Are Due Friday Oct. 13th . i 1111)?; 1 tgite.„ ._ Campus Activities Planning Board (3) The members of the Executive Board, subject to the concurrence of the President of the Student Government As sociation and the chairperson of the Election Screening Com mittee, shall nominate an acting Executive Board for the sum mer term consisting of three voting members. The Senate must approve the nominees by two-thirds vote. (4) The term of office of the summer Executive Board shall begin on the first day following the end of the spring term and shall expire on the last day of the summer term. DUTIES The CAPB Executive Board shall: (1) Prepare a tentative annual social calandar for the forth coming academic year with the aid of the CAPB General Com mittee and President's Council to be presented to the Student Senate four calandar weeks prior to the date of commence ment. (2) Coordinate and recommend to the Student Senate all co curricular activities that are to be held on a campus-wide scale and provide funding for such selected activities sponsored by other campus organizations as a loan to the borrowing organiza tion. a. c•l•3lbuGH IS TlAis, ?Roc on) EXAMS! A. HE Gptve ThE firtrießm AT THE SPANISH INCtutSIT ION! (3) Select, sponsor, coordinate and manage all social events presented by the General Com mittee and to determine profit allocations in conjunction with recognized campus organiza tions for events sponsored by said organizations utilizing a sliding scale to be determined by the Senate prior to com mencement of the school year or as deemed necessary by the Senate. The profit allocation scale should be based on the amount of involvement with the event, creativeness of the ac tivity, and take into consider ation the profit raised by a co curricular event. (4) Present to the Senate for majority approval all major expenditures (expenditures ex Positions Available Project Helpline has pos sitions available for project vol unteers for the fall 1978 term due to the large amount of interest in the program during the first few weeks of opera tion. If you are interested in filling one of these positions, you may call the Helpline office, 944-5997, between 6-12 pm, monday through Friday. biter views will then be held during the weeks of October 12 and 19. Project Helpline is a tele Stec:Cling a phone call isn't a game. ceeding five hundred dollars) at least one week prior to said ex penditure. (5) Make an annual survey on the Spring term of each term to identify the interests of the members of the student as sociations in regard to the inaugeration of new activities for the forth-coming year. General Committee MEMBERSHIP Open to any interested full or part-time students. The Gen eral Committee shall have a chairperson to preside over their meetings. That chairper son shall meet the qualifications for members of and shall serve on the Executive Board. For Helpline phone information and referral line. The program was designed to provide the campus com munity with information about programs, events, and com munity services. Helpline can provide you with information on numerous topics of interest. For example: train/bus schedules, where to purchase kegs, campus events University Park programs, cultural events in Harrisburg, and concert information. The CAPB General Committee Shall: (1) Generate and evaluate all ideas for co-curricular activities and present said activities to the Executive Board. (2) Perform other duties as may be delegated to it by the Executive Board of the CAPB or the Student Government As sociation. Note: Appeal of any decision made by the Campus Activities Planning Board may be taken to the Student Government Association. Helpline is a new program that is continually gathering information. Therefore, if some time during the year you visit a place of interest (restaurant, bar, club, or cultural event) that you particularly enjoyed, please call Helpline so that this information can be added to their files. This program was designed to serve the campus population. Please take advantage of the services Most students play by the rules when placing a long distance call. They take advantage of bar gain rates and make their calls during the discount periods. If you re not sure when you can call at discount rates, check your phone book. A few students think it's O.K. to break the rules by stealing their telephone calls. They're not beat ing the system, they're taking advantage of all of us, because it drives up the cost of providing telephone service. Students who break the rules also run the risk of paying a large fine. Spending time in jail. And getting themselves a permanent police record. It's just not worth it! DUTIES
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