May 25, 1978 Surveying Workshop MIDDLETOWN -- Penn State Capitol Campus will offer a two-day workshop entitled "Surveying With the Modern Metric System." This workshop is designed for practicing civil engineers and surveyors. It reviews plane and route surveying while introducing new material on the use of the metric system as it pertains to surveying. The workshop will be held on Thursday, June 1, and Friday, June 2 from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Building conference room on campus. The fee of $llO includes all workshop materials, coffee breaks, luncheons, and the textbook. Registration must be completed by Monday, May 29. For further information contact the Continuing Educa tion Office, Penn State Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa 17057, or phone 717-787-7735. OTS School Harrisburg.. College seniors or graduates may now apply for an Air Force commission through Officer Training School (OTS) announced SSgt Les Teahl, recruiter in Harrisburg, Pa. More than 1,800 openings for OTS are currently available. Selected applicants who suc cessfully complete the three month OTS course will be commissioned as Second Lieu tenants in the Air Force. Because of the large demand for individuals with scientific, mathematical, engi neering, physics, meterology and computer science, bacca laureate degrees will be needed for entry into OTS. Individuals in their Junior and Senior year of college should contact SSgt Les Teahl now to find out how to make application. Due to this increase in the OTS Program SSgt Teahl has arranged to be at the Penn State University Capitol Campus in Middletown, Pa every Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Public Information Office of the Main Building. You can call 787-7737 and arrange an appointment or you can reach SSgt Les Teahl at 2525 Paxton St., Harrisburg, Pa., 782-4588. Applications should be submitted early in order to be considered for available openings. There are openings in the Pilot and Navigator areas also. Other areas are Weather, Air Traffic Control, Communications Scientific, Computer Science Technology and Developmental and Civil Engineering officer positions. Applicants selected for OTS will study communicative skills, leadership, management, mili tary history, customs and courtesies, world affairs, and other subjects designed to ease the transition to the Air Force way of life. Physical condition ing and organized sports are also emphasized at the 90 day school, located near San Antonio, Texas. While attending OTS, trainees without dependents rece&e $707.20 monthly in pay and allOwances. After.cormnis sioning as a second lieUtenant, the monthly pay increases to $941 or $9813 with dependents. pimeimummemenniemenummuninumenuemmemmummummenneummenimmuesummommemumenummennummissunme NOMINATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL TUESDAY MAY 30,1978 Criteria for nominations are: 1. Recognizable assistance to individual students [especially minority students] who have academic problems. 2. Clear and effective interest in assisting students in specific areas of developmental needs. • 1 I u 11 I MET 342 Masterpiece by Jeff Stout Construction is underway in front of the main building. Students designed and are now building the octagonal shaped bench and sculpture which they hope to complete by the end of this term. The sculpture will be in the form of a ten foot pole in the center of a hexagon supporting two red C's. The project was designed by Robert M. Suchebich, Dan Weigel, Bill Gallagher, Mat Brnik and is being funded by the university at the cost of about $lOOO. LOIS F. MARK MEMORIAL AWARD TO BE GIVEN TO A FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBER Tables will be set up in the lobby to receive nominations on Tuesday, May 30, 1978. For further information call Mrs. Prouser at 787-7722. 04, SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 REILY STREET / HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 Did you know that you could earn from $6B to $lOO per month for as little as 4 hours of your time each week? Sera-Tec Biologicals is in desperate need of plasma donors. Your plasma will be used in the treatment of a variety of diseases such as leukemia and hemophilia, and for reagents that help make modern blood banking possible. Here - is a unique opportunity to earn up to $lOO a month and help others at the same time. Be a special person; be a plasma donor at Sera-tec Biologicals. For in formation call 232-1901 or stop by 260 Reily Street, Harrisburg. C.C. Reader QEIntow:IDI Quarries Hazardous by Jeff Stout There is at least one drowning or other water related accident in the Middle town area every year. Don't become one of the statistics. It has been brought to the attention of the Reader that there are several quarries in the area that are popular with students. Quarries pose espec ially hazardous condidtions because of the depth and water temperature variations. Some basic rules to follow if you plan on taking a dip in a place where there are no lifeguards on duty are: 1) Never swim alone (who would want to?) 2) Beware of obstacles or debris in the water. 3) Have a basic knowledge of artificial respiration. 4) Don't get into water above your head if you can't swim. Page 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers