STOP Would you help a sick or injured child? Would you read this ad for $6B to $lOO per month? Say yes to one, and become a Plasma Donor SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS Harrisburg urges you to sIOPI and consider helping someone today by becoming a PLASMA DONOR and consider that a PLASMA DONOR makes on in ' valuable contribution to many- THE GIFT OF LIFE STOP and consider the URGENT need for PLASMA DONORS. :STOP and call SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS at 232-1901 or 232- _ 1902 and find out if you qualify as a PLASMA DONOR. STOP' and also condider that a PLASMA DONOR can earn from $6B to 8100 per MONTH and say YES to one of these questions and call: z • SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 Reily Street Harrisburg, PA 232 , 1901 OR 232-1902 TROPICAL PHOTO WORKSHOP MIAMI BEACH JULY '7B 7 GAYS/6 NIGHTS $465* Intensive field and workshop training to bring new expertise to your photography techniques. Known professionals provide personal and practical instruction: film and camera, portraits and figure, travel and nature. Photo field trips. *Single Rate, Double Occupancy. Includes hotel, Modified American Plan, parties. Free, daily film processing provided. Write for detailed brochure and reservation forms: PHOTOTOURS, DEPT. 30 7745 S.W. 33 TER., MIAMI, FLA. 33155. PH: (305) 446-5764 DISCUSSIONS cont'd the effect of which is much like a late sixties rock guitarist. Del McCoury's last 1p with his old Dixie Pals(before they all quit to become Square Deal) is MY Kind of Grass. The band is in top form. Del does not seem to have slakened his hold on good vocals and everyone cooks from "The White House Blues" through "Caracas" and "Birmingham Jail" to "Bustin' Out the Seams." Another fine job on par with his earlier Rebel effort. GRASS NEWS cont'd should also mention that Dino Danelli, drummer and former Rascal, contributes some fine percussion work throughout the album. annummumunimmiummunmummummumminemisimmemmenummisimmommummE, I E 5 E = = Reader classifieds are published" free as a service to thli students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at thet .Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (IV-11.0).- David Marston for Governor campaign needs volunteers. Contact: Mike Fortino (561- 0439) or Ed Perrone (Rm. 16, Lamp Post Inn). Note: The Campus Lost & Found is located in - Room 118. For Sale--Car & Home 8 track tape players, speakers, 4 channel speaker adapter, psy chedelic light. Also a bullwork er. Call Bruce 944-7821. Any student organization that would like their meetings announced in the Reader should drop a note off in room W-129 on Monday afternoons. himmummum C.C. Reader Harrisburg • REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harris&srg, PA 17101 Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREEWING ABORTION COUNSELING 1,717-232-9794 ROOMATE Wanted immedi ately for a two-bedroom apt. located in Highspire--only two minutes away, dishwasher, washer and dryer. Cheap and convenient!! Phone 939-1080. For Sale: 2 G7O-14 Lee GT belted tires mounted on Chevy rims $25.00 Call Bob 566-8283 FOR SALE: 1 26" men's 3 speed bike. 1 pair 14X7 slotted mags. Call Craig at 533-6650. NININNNNNNNN lIIIIrn.Iu MMINMMINNINNIIIININNIII/NINNNNNIj It is a shame that the song writing is so poor. The instrumental work is very good, but the themes of the songs all deal with love and hurt and the relationships between men and women. It seems that the album is aimed at attracting a large listening audience, but does not produce anything different or chal lenging. None of the songs are longer than five minutes: a trait attributed to Top 40 hits. Don't get me wrong. The band has potential. They are good musicians with enough diversification to produce some quality material: but something more is needed if Fotomaker is ever going to surpass the popularity its members achieved in their former groups. April 27, 1978 Sports Shorts IM SOFTBALL There are 24 softball teams entered in the intra murals at Capitol for the spring term. Do to the time limit for games to be played, the league has been divided into two divisions: the National AND THE American. Schedules are made up weekly and posted near the atheletic offices, lower level, Multi-Purpose Bldg. Standing boards are also posted up to date. It is requested that team captains check the scchedules and notify the teams, or team captains, only, call the atheletic office regard ing schedules. The increase in telephone calls is becoming almost impossible to handle with just about every member on each team calling to see when they play. BOSTON MARATHON Mr. Ruben M. Smitley, Recreation/Atheletics coor dinator, entered the 1978 Boston Marathon and com pleted the 26 miles, 286 yards in just 3 hours and 11 minutes. "Bud" stated this was the best run he had ever had and really felt great when he reached the finish line. BASEBALL The Capitol Campus base ball team has a doubleheader scheduled for Saturday April 29 at 1 p.m. with York College. The game will be played at the Little Hollywood field. CROSS COUNTRY A preliminary cross country meeting was held Monday, April 24, for the purpose of determining whether or not there is enough interest in having a team for the fall 1978. Another meeting will be held before the term ends and will be announced at a future time. If there in anyone gunuinely interested in a cross country team for next fall, call 787-7751, or stop by the Rec/Ath office and leave your name and phone number. BUILDING HOURS the following changes have been made in the hours for use of the Multi-Purpose building: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sun. 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. nth ELEVEII FOOD STORES
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