Page 2 P dives Page EDITORIAL Are you going to vote in the May 16 primary? U you are I hope that you have taken advantage of the opportunities, here at Capitol Campus, to meet some of the candidates in person. A personal confrontation is usually much more revealing than the campaign put together by the candidates public relations people. You will see how the man reacts to the questions put to him. It is important to choose the best man. The present administration in the governor's office brought more corruption into Pennsylvania politics than ever before. Marston might be the candidate who will help end this corruption. As a U.S. Attorney he did not hesitate to point to the corruption in Washington. Come see him tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. in the Gallery Lounge and decide for yourself. VEN Vit. Capitol Campus Reader of the Pennsylvania State University The Capitol Campus RTE. 230, Middletown, Pa., 17057 Editor-in-Chief----- --------------- ------ ----- ---------------Doug George Associate Editor Editorial Page Editor ----Jim Mueselman Layout d' aureen Doyle Photographers Wayne Bitlley, Paul Werver, Supie Murphy Copy Editor ------- ------ -------Ed McKeown Arts Editor— -------- ------ ----- ------ ------------- Greg Hall Staff --Tim Adams, Bob Buckingham, Jan Gill, Frank Lynch, Peter Olayiwola, Randy Manager------------ Advertising The Capitol Campus Reader is the school newspaper of Penn State's Capitol Campus. It is published weekly on Thursday by the students who attend this school. Final Deadline is on Tuesday at 12 p.m. Who Is The Oast Mon? Office W-129-131 Phone (717) 944-4970 Parrett, Cindy Vaughn Business and Advertising --------------------------------Carol Andress RAt-Qh A‘s mint WHAT'S NEW SE you 'RE \ Ca" 's CALLED CoNfoßMrrt kiwis 1 r eouT ' 'Dom 'r . X ift Go LASS! Don Kramer C.C. Reader SO News The newly elected SGA held their first meeting on the 25th of April. The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. and 13 members of the 16 member Senate were present. The minutes of April 18 were approved. Jeff Hartman then gave the Treasurer's Report. Income for the week was $l6B from Vendorville and $69 in parking fines. Tarnhelm, the literary magazine, recieved $175 to cover their additional printing costs. Under old business, the National Association of Inter collegiate Atheletics (NAIA) was discussed. The new Senate. will take a vote on this subject next week. Now is the time to let your representatives know how you feel about it. Joe Mahar gave a report on the beer system. He said that no air leaks could be found in the tanks. New business started off with a new account being established for funds for the '7B class gift. Any suggestions should be placed in the suggestion box in Vendorville. Charles Lament was nom inated for Senior El Ed Senator. Randy Goshert was nominated for Social Com mittee Chairperson. Votes will be taken next week. Young Dem - ocrats was reactivated by student interest. Bill Roseberry is acting president. Anyone wishing to join can get information in the SGA office. There is an upcoming COBCSG meeting on May 5. Craig Hocker and Joe Mahar will attend. This is the Council of Branch Campuses Student Government Association. It meets at University Park to discuss problems relating to all Commonwealth Campuses. Craig Hocker introduced a new agenda format. There is a place in the new agenda for students who wish to come to the meetings and discuss any student problems. Now more than ever you are welcome to come out and get involved with your SGA: Problems which will con front the new SGA were brought up: the resignation of the Provost and the Dean of Faculty; space allocation for the Multi-Purpose Building; keggar control and budget allocations for the coming year. It is important that the Finance Committee start work right away. Any student interested in serving on the committee should contact Jeff Hartman, treasurer. Scott Summers made the Senate aware of the new gym hours and the meeting adjourned at Sandy Mancuso LETTERS EDITOR Posters This is in reply to false allegations made by a certain few females in the last issue of the C.C. Reader. First of all, the 'girlie' centerfold campaign posters which were posted for the SGA election 2 weeks ago were not the work of IGGY LESYK. They were the sole work of one of the vice-presi dential candidates, namely Scott Summers. IGGY LESYK had 2 campaign posters with beautifully attractive females on them, which were indeed fully ,clothed. These were put on my posters merely to catch the attention of the bypassing students of this campus. Secondly, as far as being insulting to the male population as one of the letters stated, I doubt very much that it would be to any normal male. Please don't give me credit for anyhting I didn't do. "I came in as a candidate, and left as the scapegoat." If you certain equality minded females want to be critical and submit these letters for God's sake get the names and facts straight before you open your mouth. Besides, some of the centerfolds were indeed expos ing feminine beauty. If you are ashamed of that, then a problem does exist. Maybe that's why Scott Summers got elected and I did not. Think about it girls... IGGY LE SYK c o i" H e‘,o 4/ QQ9 4i4, PROJECT HELPLINE is a campus run referral/information line. Volunteers are needed to work a few hours each week during the spring and fall terms to operate the phones. Volunteers will be screened during a brief interview. If interested please write down your name, local address, phone number, academic program and academic tanding (Jr./Sr. Grad.) and take them to W-137 by Monday May st. You will be contacted by mail/phone as to the time and of your interview. Thank you for your cooperation. Young Domoe,rots 1978 is a Gubernatorial election year and you can take part in the political process by becoming a member of the Young Democrats. The Young Democrats are just beginning to organize and new members are welcome. Now is a good time for juniors to become active so that the club can continue next year. Any one interested in politics, candidates, or the state of government in Pennsylvania can take part in the club. None of us are experts, but through discussion and activity we can increase our knowledge. We do not support any one candidate, nor do we allow any single philosophy to dominate to the detriment of all others. Clubs thrive when their members are given the freedom to do and think what they like. You can expect the maximum of independence and a minimum of regimentation. Students who are interested in joining the group can come to the SGA office (W 110) between 10 and 10:30 a.m. and get some information. In addition you can leave your name and telephone number in the Young Democrat mailbox in the SGA office and we will contact you. Just ask for or address your note to Bill Roseberry or David Nikoloff. Dance Films On Thursday, May 4th in the auditorium from 9:25 to 12:00 noon six different dance films will be shown. The films include "Ballet Adagio", "Nine Variations on a Dance Theme," "The Shakers," "Fusion," "Night Journey," and "Pas De Deux." The films cover a wide spectrum of dance styles. The public is invited. Please come. Sponsored by Humanities De partment, course number 498- B, Theatre Arts Laboratory. O gi r m V I MIN 4111.10 , 1978
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