Page 4 Recreation And Athletics CAMPUS BASEBALL TEAM The Capitol Campus baseball team defeated Messiah College in a Doubleheader on Saturday, April 8. Gary Conners was the winning pitcher in the first game, with a home run scored by Steve Scandura, and the winning run Haas bio~agt t, it Nay Vriemil. 7-eweam... Gary Owens was the winning pitcher in the second game, with a save by Gary Connors, and the winning run was brought in by Paul Arbuckle. As evidenced by the wins, the team as a whole played excellent offensive and defen sive baseball. Three cheers for the baseball team. Cheers for the coach Terry Eberle. The next home baseball game will be played on Tuesday, April 18, at 3p.m. when Capitol Campus meets Ogontz Campus. On Saturday, April 22, at Ip.m. a doubleheader with Lincoln University will be played at home . All home games are played on the Little Hollywood Baseball Field in Lower Swatara Township. There will be a brief meeting for those interested in running Cross Country next fall on Monday April 24th, in the gym at 3:30. The Annual PSPE Bathtub Race will be held at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 10. Pick up the rules and an application in Room W-261. Enter your tub and win some of the suds! Commonwealth National Bank Member FDIC HIGHSPIRE OFFICE 218 SECOND STREET PHONE 939-2487 "A Happ:, , To Help You Bank" TENNIS The Capitol Campus tennis team has several home matches scheduled for April. On Saturday, April 22, at 1:30p.m. they will host Eastern College;on Monday, April 24, at 3p.m. they will meet Millersville College; and on Tuesday, April 25, at 3p.m. t'nvy ..m host the Berlts County Campus team. IM SOFTBALL The deadline for submitting softball team rosters is Thursday, April 13. Games will be scheduled for the next week. All schedules, standing board, and any pertinent information will be posted by the recreation athletics offices,lower level, Multi- Purpose Building. Team Rosters are unlimited and the team fee is $lO. BUILDING HOURS Effective Monday, April 17 - The building hours for use of the Multi-Purpose facilities will be from Ba.m. to 9p.m. Monday thru Friday. The students on duty will begin making their rounds through the building at 8:30p.m. to alert all those in the building that they have 1 / 2 hour in which to change apparel, shower, etc. VARSITY BOWLING TEAM The varsity bowling team has a home game scheduled with Drexel University on Saturday, April 22, at Ip.m. All home bowling games are played at the Middletown Bowling Lanes. Stop by and support your campus bowling team. C.C. Reader Hours Cut Due to the loss of one student employee in the Department of Safety and Security, our evening business hours will be limited to lbesday and Wednesday evenings from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Note The Central Heating Plant will be shut down from June 11th to June 18th for annual maintenance. There will be no domestic hot water available in the Main Building, Dormitories, and Student Center during the shut down. CPR Course The response to the C.P.R training course offered April 25-28 was very good, as a result of this another course will be opened May 2 & 4th and May 3 & sth from 2 to 4 p.m. in Rm. #212. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Kresge, WlO2, before April 20th. The classes are limited to 6 persons per class. If you would prefer taking a course in the evening please contact Mrs. Petiosino in WlO2. CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published - free as a service to the> students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at thj Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-410). ROOMATE Wanted immedi- For Sale—Car & Home 8 track ately for a two-bedroom apt. tape players, speakers, 4 located in Highspire--only two channel speaker adapter, psy minutes away, dishwasher, chedelic light. Also a bullwork washer and dryer. Cheap and er. Call Bruce 944-7821. convenient!! Phone 939-1080. • Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREE NIN: ABORTION COUNSF,LING 1-717-232-9794 STOP Would you help a sick or injured child? Would you read this ad for $6B to $lOO per month? Say yes to one, and become a Plasma Donor SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS Harrisburg urges you to (STOP I and consider helping someone today by becoming a PLASMA DONOR CO and consider that a PLASMA DONOR makes an in / valuable contribution to many- THE GIFT OF LIFE and consider the URGENT need for PLASMA DONORS. 4; and call SERA-TEC BIOLOGICALS at 232-1901 or 232- - 1902 and find out if you qualify as a PLASMA DONOR. and also condider that a PLASMA DONOR can earn trom $6B to $lOO per MONTH c) and soy YES to one of these questions and call: G= l SERA TEC BIOLOGICALS 260 Reily Street Harrisburg, PA 232-1901 OR 232-1902 April 13, 1978 ATTENTION EVERYONE If you are interested in helping out in the Sprin: Concert and especially in the area of Crowd Control, please contact: Phillip Geigert 944-0355 Mark Viehman 944-9106 Dave Gadd 944-4178 We need at least 60 peopl, to effectively carry out o objective. If you want additiona information stop down at th round table in the main lobb between 1:30 - 3:00 on Mon., Tues., Thurs., or Fri. Jump Rope Want to get trim for the bathing suit season? Try jumping rope. It is an excercise that can be done just about anywhere. The benefits are: Stronger wrists and ankles. Trimmer thighs, hips and legs. Improved balance and coordi nation. In terms of overall exercise for the cardiovascular system, jumping rope for 15 minutes is equal to: three sets of tennis (singles), running one mile in eight minutes, bicycling three miles in nine minutes, walking two miles in 20 minutes.
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