Young Replies Dear - Gary, Your article in the C.C. Reader of March 2, 1978, strongly tempts me to suspect that you are the Gary that is rumored around campus to be wishing .for the job of the Coordinator of Student Activities here after gradua tion. Your recent employment in the Student Affairs Division makes the temptation even stronger, and makes some students wonder if your article was an echo of the "master's voice." Nevertheless, I want to believe that one who would cry out so loud against an imagined official incompetence wound not stoop so low to seek a job in so base a manner. The only complaint I could gather from your article is that the Coordinator of Student Activities, Ms. Roberta McLeod has not completed the Student Leaders Handbook in time. For this reason you recommend that both Roberta and her office should be "eliminated" from the University because, according to you, they are "non functional." To back up or justify your recommendation, you gave three of you observations: 1. that "Ms. McLeod's secretary is frequently ob served doing nothing construc tive," but in the same line you also observed that "she completes her work on time." Gary, does this really make any sense? In any case who would know of any laxity in the Coordinator's office better than Dr. South, who is Roberta's immediate boss? Were you speaking for or implying that Dr. South himself is not doing his work? 2. that the handbook would have helped student leaders to work better. Gary, you do not seem to know that the whole idea of the handbook was a brand new idea suggested by Roberta herself. How can you be so sure that an idea that has not been tested before could so revolutionize student activities on campus? I am a student leader. If I am not performing well, it is certainly not because I do not have an instructional manual in my hand. 3. that there was no need for a "change over" as a result of the changes in personnel in the Coordinator's office. This point is not worth commenting upon because of the pitiable ama teurism it exhibits. All Capitol Campus stu dents who will need financial assistance for the Summer Term 1978 or any portion of the 1978-79 Academic Year are encouraged to file the required financial aid applications im mediately. All of the forms may be obtained from the Admissions Office Receptionist. Current recipients are re minded that aid does not renew Your recommendation that Roberta should be "eliminated" is not only an insult to an administrator who has fre quently gone out of her way to help students and student organizations; who often works on Saturdays and Sundays; who goes on her first vacation in two years with office work in her brief case, but also a judgement on the Administration that has re tained the services of your alleged non functional employ ee for many years now. One thing that never ceases to amuse me about inveighers like us is our periodic fits of justice or morality. Generally, professors, administrators and other employees fall behind or neglect their duties with little or no notice. Or sometimes, we talk and gripe about it for a minute or two and forget it. But once in a decade, a Gary rises up, our requirements of official competence becomes outrageous and can no longer be violated; we must take a stand against non functional employees; we must teach drones that there are still students at Capitol who are interested in what the Administration does or does not do. Accordingly, a scape goat, by no means no more "non functional" than scores of other who are being treated with levity, is singled out as an expiatory sacrifice and nailed to the atonement stake. When our victim is suffi ciently insulted and humiliated; when our victim's enemies are given a tool to use, then supposedly others are ade quately warned. Our anger is thus satiated and our virtue goes back to sleep for the next decade. It is extremely hypocritical to be censorious of only one employee (particularly to pick the wrong one) at this campus for non functionality. It is even more dangerously naive and cowardly to pretend that ALL the other employees are "functional." Gary, if you really want to eliminate laggard University employees from our beloved Capitol Campus, please send me your address. I have a list for you. But if you have Roberta's job in mind, have the spine to take a shot at it the decent way: send your resume to whom it may concern. Young Inyang itself automatically, new appli cation forms are required every year. In addition to Federal, State and University financial aid, this Spring over $5,000 will be awarded to Capitol Campus students through the Kunkle Scholarship Program. Aplica tions for Kunkle Scholarships are also available in the Admissions Office. ctives Page LETTERS EDITOR Linde Replies Editor, When I read A Personal Viewpoint in last week's issue of the C. C. Reader, I had mixed feelings. I, too, was looking forward to recieving a Student Leadership Handbook shortly after the start of the fall term. And I, like the rest of the student leaders who attended the student leaders workshop, have not recieved one. However, I was surprised to see that Gary wrote, "Each - eptember student leaders are supposed to recieve a copy of the handbook . . ."since there has never before been a handbook. The idea of prepar ing a handbook was Roberta's idea, and I believe a very good one. Gary also seems to feel that it is a good idea. Preparing a book from scratch is a substantial under taking, requiring a lot of time and effort. It is not simply a matter of updating an older copy. None of Roberta's other duties have been removed to allow extra time to tackle this task. Last year when I was president of a student organiz ation, I recieved many hours of assistance from Roberta. She helped me learn the ropes of getting things done in this institution.. I probably never thanked her, after all its her job. I've decided to take this opportunity now to say-- Roberta, a personal thanks, and keep going on the handbook. It will be a valuable asset when completed. And if it was not, regretfully, available for this year's student leaders, I'm sure it will be of great assistance to next year's student leaders. P.S. This is the last issue of the term. And this is my last term. So, goodbye to the C. C. Reader, and its readers. I've enjoyed,Te4ling, And occasion. ally writing for the paper these last two years. Dear Sirs, We are not interested in engaging in a letter writing campaign, but we feel we must respond to the unfounded allegations by Deiter, McCon nel and Zerbe. Prior to this Tuesday we had not seen you at any of the S.G.A. meetings. You might have found out that we have conducted some business dur ing the year if you had attended one or two of those meetings. Last fall the S.G.A. held a budget hearing and determined the allocations given to the various student organizations on campus. Through this budget process the S.G.A. determines priorities and how the limited resources available for student activities will be spent. Such things as whether or not we will have a weekly student newspaper, a campus yearbook, or a large number of active clubi can be determined by the decisions that the S.G.A. makes on their budgets and They weren't much, a pair of Sear's cheap jeans, with a crooked inseam down the right leg and a hole in the right pocket, but they were my jeans and my one pair of two. So what happened? Last Tuesday night they were ripped off from Suds City. Perhaps it was through my own negligence or my own stupid naivity, but none the less the fact remains that half of my everyday standard wardrobe is gone, and I miss them. Maybe the person who took them Linda Weaver Dave & Larry Speak Taken To Cleaners Attention Judy News now has in stock hard back copies of the New York Times Book Review Best Sellers, and for your convenience, Judy News will make available any other book that you desire. Come in and look around, or call us. Judy News 2 N. U nion St., Middletown financing during the year The S.G.A. also chartered several new clubs this year. If you are a member of Phi Beta Lambda, the Society of Planning Students, or the College Republicans, you are part of a club only recently recognized and chartered by the S.G.A. Several new clubs probably will be added by the end of the year. The charge that the S.G.A. has done nothing during the past year are just plain wrong. We may not have accomplished everything we hoped to, but as a wise man once said, "a government is only as strong as the people it represents." When have you helped to solve the problems on campus? Have you pitched in and offered ideas to us? If you haven't, we hope to see you at future meetings. Sincerely, David Nikoloff S.G.A. Vice-President really needed them, maybe he or she doesn't need them. Anyhow, I need them. So, if you (who took my jeans) are reading this right now, please decide in your own mind what you want to do. If you decide you don't need them, wear them in good health and damn-it-all, don't rip anyone else off: most of the kids at Capitol can't afford it, myself included. 944-9992 Larry Ranieri S.G.A. Treasurer Peggy Hartzell
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