Page 4 Recreation And Athletics Effective Immediately All racketball court reser vations will be accepted for one week in advance only!! Also, when reserving a court in advance, if you find that you are unable to keep your reservation, please call 787- 7751 and cancel. The demand for courts is very great and it has been noticed that according to the reservation sheet for each particular day the courts are all reserved; yet, when a check is made several courts are vacant!! This is not being fair to some one waiting to use a court, so PLEASE take a minute to call to cancel your court. Baseball Team On Monday, March 6, at 3:30 pm, the baseball team will begin indoor practice in the gymnasium! Please be here!! Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1-717.232-9794 HACC Pool Hours The HACC pool will be available to all Capitol Campus students, faculty, and staff on the following days & times: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. It will be necessary for you to present your valid Penn State I.D. Be sure to have it with you. Important Meetings On Thursday, March 9th, the following meetings are scheduled for all returning and prospective team members: 3:00 pm - Golf - for further information call Dean Cook, 774-4953. 3:30 pm - Tennis - report to the Rec/Ath Office. The 1978 Spring schedule will be discussed at both meetings, plus information pertinent to both teams for the spring season! Wanted: Plasma Donors Sera-Tee Biologicals is happy to announce new donor fees. Effective February 13, 1978, all routine donors are eligible for a 13 per cent increase in their fees. Our plasma demands are increasing and we are in desperate need of new donors. You can join the 500 1 plasma donors currently earning extra money in their . spare time while helping to supply the many drugs: manufactured from plasma that are responsible for saving countless lives. Help yourself while helping others! For Details Call: 232-1901 i ii= SIITTIC Melilla' PLASMA FRACTIONS FOR OUALITY BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS C.C. Reader Locker Rooms Also effective imediately, no personal locks are permit ted on the lockers in the men's or women's locker rooms. Any personal locks used will be cut off immediately!! We will be issuing locks for use on a first come first served basis. Check in the Rec/Ath Office, room 121 or call 787-7751. Wrestling Do not forget--the wrest ling tournament is scheduled for March Bth, (Wednesday). Sign-up sheets will be accepted until 5:00 pm, Monday, March 6th. The Lost and Found in room' 118 is filled with various kinds of winter apparrel. If you are missing mittens, gloves, hats or scarfs, please check in the Lost and Found for your missing articles. Addressers Wanted Immedi ately! Work at home -- no experience necessary excel lent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231 200 REILY STREET HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 -43 a r • 14" 1-14 • \\\ , ..a • 04., _ • PBL Reporter While gazing out through my window I spy--dirty snow. With March coming in like a lamb around the corner, a lot of people will be thinking green. Another way to spell March is R-E-L-A-X, for it signals the end of an unpredictable term. Put green and relax together and one gets an idea of Phi Beta Lambda's upcoming bash. Think Irish is the theme behind PBL's party on March 17 in the student center. There will be C garatella garAt?RANT /// 6 / 6 49,40beer /12.4 &rota Prom AlleAnsAit Tr L / 41i A b Alr" Os" , Weeinaki On/ S P II4 ;A 414 ,401 0 ./.: Atiorahi 4 Coy tea e- sods ENJOY FSLO.D BELL cock - TAO WINE HIS FRI. - SAT. NITE CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are pnblishedE free as a service to ail; 'Ai - dints of Capitol Cautious. Classifieds should be ref at the . Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). Found: Beer mug, at Beta Lambda Social Friday, January 27th. Call Wina at 944-9216. ROOM FOR RENT: Z) minute" from school, furnished, $67 month, call Howie or Mike at 234-9147 or check in Student Affairs office. March 2, 1978 live entertainment featuring Still on the Hill and DJ Joe McCarthy. The bash will run from 9 pm to whenever. Refreshments include Green Genesee Cream Ale, Shamrock Sap and punch for you tea-totalers. More details will follow concerning when and where to buy advance tickets. So circle March 17 on your calender and end the term with us. There's a little bit of Irish in us all! LOST - Ti 30 calculator "Texas Instrument". Left in Room 231, sth period 1/24/78, would appreciate its return, please call 944-5868. Ski lessons, private lessons or group rates, skis sharpened and hot waxed, fees are very' ,reinonable, call 944-0012, Rich. FOR SALE: All chrome trailer hitch for V.W. Bolts on to frame, hardly used...s2o. Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: Craig Pioneer - 8 track Tapeplayer for home; tape deck and 2 speakers, $35 Call 3474403. Again, Continued The conference concluded on Saturday night with music and dancing in Vendorville for all of the weary participants. Anxieties and tensions faded as students recieved awards. For perhaps the first time in three days they were able to socialize as high school students rather than ambassadors bearing the weight of the world's problems. "The U.N.", one student comented, "is a nice place to visit, and if it's anything like Meade Heights, I'd like to live there."
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