Page 8 New Clubs Forming Preliminary meetings have been held this term and last for the purpose of acquiring a chartered P.S.U. Capitol Campus Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) organization. The organization will be a student chapter of SAE Inc. whose worldwide headquarters are located in Warrendale, Pa. It's purpose will be to broaden the knowledge 05 _ interested students in the areas of land, sea, air and space transportation through field trips, guest speakers, films, literature, and the "Automotive Engineering" magazine (pub lished by SAE Inc.). The organization will be open to full-time students of Capitol Campus who have joined SAE Inc. by the remittance of an application form and $4.00 (Iyr. dues and 1 yr. "Automotive Engineering" subscription). On Thursday, February 23rd, at 7:00 p.m. a short planning meeting will be held in W-212 for the purpose of elections for officers and the approval of a constitution. For more information and/or an application contact Prof. Kravitz, George Bakowicz (944-9220), or Thomas Baloga (944 1144). Pa. College Republicans A gmup of students is currently forming a campus organization of the Pennsyl vania College Republicans. Our purpose is to promote a better knowledge and understanding of the American political process. lf you want to know more about this group, contact Steve Nailor or Sheila McCaf frey or let a note in the mailboxes in W-110. C g-ar at ella RAYrAt/ RANT MONSPIAIee' /GAZA across Prom ii*liansAir rr L /4/ti epir* Tod Veda eta d a v On/. 61748 _ lt/ : 4 4 4 -7:4 16d d Carver te4 or secie ENJOY F 920 slut coG IC TAU ' S WINE THIS FRI.+ MT. HITE 10r.-1... Backgammon Club On Thursday, March 2, there will be an organizational meeting for the Capitol Campus Backgammon Club. The meet ing will be held at 3:05 in the main building room W-129. The club is open to all students, faculty and staff. Those who have never played and want to learn are welcome. So if you are advanced, intermediate, novice of just curious, come to our first meeting and be a part of it. Some ideas already being planned include a campus tournament and competition with other area schools and clubs. Remember, Thursday, March 2, 3:05 in Room W-129. Your support will be helpful in getting the club underway. Any faculty member who is interested in being our adviser, please contact Wayne Bulley or Jeff Stout at 944-9338. N.O.W. Bulletin In a recent letter to the editor H. Geiger ennumerated most of the contentions of anti-ERA forces regarding the ERA. Among these conten tions was the notion that the ERA and equality for all poeple would make abortin-on-demand a Constitutional right. I can see no connection between abortion ans equal rights. I would welcome clarification on this point from Geiger. Or am I to assume that she/he feels that equality will extend the present Constitutional right to abortion during the first and second trimestic of a pregnancy from men to women? Regarding the legalization that homosexual marriages would somehow be legalized C.C. Reader XGI Reporter By Andy Arce If you haven't heard yet or if you are blind, our next keggar will be Saturday, February 25th at 9:00 p.m. in the Student Center. The band will be "Grand Slam" and all indica tions are that this keggar will be well attended. Well finally, after much deliberation, we decided to change our image and paint the XGI lounge. It seems that the sight of stale green walls superimposed by Playboy cen terfolds has caused more than a few people to be reluctant to enter our lounge. In any case, the pictures were meant to cover the wall's ugly institu tional mediocrity (and dirt) and not the attempt by ex-Angolian mercenaries to get their rocks off. So, the lounge will be painted during the break following this term and maybe my comment is, so what? I do not share Geiger's apparent Anita Bryanistic fear of the 10 to 15 1 / 2 2 of our population that happens to be gay. But married couples, regardless of their sex, are not automatically allowed to adopt children, as Geiger seems to assume. Adoption, like driving, is a priviledge, not a right. Each case is considered individually. (Out of curiosity, what would Geiger do to a mother who happens to be lesbian--take her child away?) The next NOW meeting is Monday, February 27, 1978 at 4pm in the SGA suite room W-110. Pictures may be taken for the yearbook. Please attend. Answer to Puzzle sooner. Anybody who has a suggestion as to what color to paint our lounge can drop by our lounge anytime, drink a cup of coffee on the house and tell us. The partition in our lounge is intended to provide privacy for those members who want to study and is not intended to engender any atmosphere of insularity, so drop in and tell us what you think about it. Plans are that we will visit one or two V.A. hospitals in the Spring. A sign-up list for those wanting to make the trip will be circulated soon and/or posted in the lounge. As you may, or may not know, the Paris Peace Treaty was signed in 1972 but for many the war is not over. Those confined to a V.A. hospital are painfully reminded of that fact. On a more upbeat note we I 4 19).v 914::itto C.C. READER 0,4 t ct. CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published free as a service to tie) students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). ROOM FOR RENT: 20 minutes from school, furnished, $67 month, call Howie or Mike at 234-9147 or check in Student Affairs office. Found: Beer mug, at Phi Beta Lambda Social Friday, January 27th. Call Wina at 944-9216. FOR SALE: Triplett 310 F.E.T. VOM with leads (hand held unit) was $92 asking $6O. Call 367-4403. For Sale; Scotch Classic 45 minute 8 track tapes, still in store bought condition. Low prices. call Bob at 944-2327 FOR SALE: Craig Pioneer 8 track Tapeplayer for home; tape deck and 2 speakers, $35 Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: All chrome trailer hitch for V.W. Bolts on to frame, hardly used...s2o. Call 367-4403. Ski lessons, private lessons' or group rates, skis sharpened and hot waxed, fees are very reasonable, call 944-0012, Rich. February 23, 1978 are in the process of forming our softball team for Spring so don't be bashful, sign up in the XGI lounge. Anyone who wants to go to the Phillies game in -May should see our president, Bob Abbott, for details. Nominations were held at our last meeting for the Executive Board and for the official record they are as follows: President - Bob Frazier, Paul Russell, and Barry Kile; Vice-President - Paul Batcavage, Fred Zmitrovick, Secretary - Carol Andress, Joe Cohen and Fred Zmitrovick; Treasurer - Richard Henry. Speeches were given but they were all dull so anyone who has a favorite candidate or hates any of the nominees should make it a point to show up at the next meeting on March 2nd and vote. cLetssif lED AD: Volt SALE. LARGE GREAT DANE. REGISTERED PED t GIME. u01u... EAT ANyTHI3G. esPeti ALL‘s FOND of CHILDREN. Addressers Wanted Immedi ately! Work at home -- * no experience necessary excel lent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231 LOST - Ti 30 calculator "Texas Instrument". Left in Room 231, sth period 1/24/78, would appreciate its return, please call 944-5868. FOR SALE: 1 pair F7B x 14 snow tires mounted and balanced on chevy rims; 1 pair 14 x 7 keystone slotted mags; 1 wooden drink tray for '76 on Ford Vans, call Craig at 533-6650. FOR SALE : XL 100 Bomar Brain calculator, eight digit, 20 function, with memory and recharger, never used, $17.00. Call 367-4403. WANTED: Persons to share expenses of a Florida trip. Leaving March 17 1::Ir 18, returning March 23 or 24. Call Steve 737-2264 or CC 787-1663 from 12:30-1:00 p.m.
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