February 23, 1978 Early Pregnancy Test r A new blood test can determine pregnancy before the first missed menstrual period, as early as 8 to 10 days after conception. This method will cut down the normal detection time by as much as four weeks. The conventional urine test is not reliable until one or two weeks after the first missed period (25 or 30 days after conception.) This new test, which uses blood serum and is reported to be 98 per cent accurate, can be performed at the very early stages of pregnancy. "It is the only test now available that provides diagno sis of pregnancy this early," said Dr. Robert Landesman of New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Landesman was one of the early evaluators of the test, developed at Cornell by Birj B. Sexana, professor of endocrin ology and biochemistry. The test, called Biocept-G, marketed by Wampole Laboratories, measures the amount of a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), which is released when conception occurs. The test is performed by drawing a small amount of blood from the patient's arm. The blood serum is separated and added to a test tube containing a cow ovary membrane and purified HCG Spain Each year for 5 weeks of the summer, a program is offered to students in the U.S. and Canada to travel and study in Spain. Last summer, 93 students from 25 states, Canada and Puerto Rico departed from Kennedy Airport in New York •and flew to Madrid. The group was then bussed to the campus of the Ciudad Universitaria of Madrid where they lived and attended classes. The living quarters consisted of one room per student. Each class met five days a week and courses ranged from Elemen tary Spanish to literature and Culture. Studerits toured La Mancha for two days, visiting all the interesting places related to Cervantes and Don Quixote. Sixty students made a four day tour to Santiago de Compostela and Leon. Once or twice a week a group was scheduled to visit such historical places as Valle de los Caidos, El Escorial, Segovia, Avila, Toledo,Museo del Prado, Palacio Real etc. Students found that they had also more than enough time to do, see and learn what-ever they chose. As part of the program, a trip was taken to Southern Spain, visiting famous cities as Cordoba, Sevilla, Granada, Malaga, and two days were spent in the beautiful Torremolinos Beach. Plans are already in progress for the 14th Summer School Program in Spain 1978. Students may earn 9 quarter college credits. All persons interested should write to Dr. Doreste, Augustana College, Rock Island, 111. 61201 as soon as possible. Space is very limited. that has been treated with radioactive iodine. The mixture is then incubated and centri fuged. If the patient is not pregnant, she will ahve produced no HCG, and only the radioactive hormone will be found. If she is pregnant, her HCG molecules will stick to the membrane, competing for its receptor sites; therefore, there will be fewer radioactive HCGs adhering to the membrane. The standard urine test does not use radioactive agents and is not as sensitive in picking up the patient's HCG hormones. The greatest advantage of the blood test is that it can be used at an earlier stage and would make the medical treatment of pregnant women safer. For a wanted pregnancy, this is a dramatic preventative measure as the woman could avoid any drugs, X-rays, excessive alcohol, or other contraindications to a safe pregnancy. For an unplanned problem pregnancy, the feasi bility of making an early SUBSCRIPTIONS GO ON SALE Fsp, a3, - a4,ea7-iaB AT VENDORVILLE C.C. Reader decision to terminate is obvious. Many women, who are not able to continue with a pregnancy, can choose a medically safe and early abortion. They can now know if a suspected pregnancy is positive without agonizing for weeks. The Biocept-G test is available at Hillcrest Clinic and Counseling Service, 2709 N. Front St., Harrisburg. An appointment can be scheduled for the test by calling Hillcrest between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. at (717) 234-4994. The fee for this test is $l2 and the results will be available to the patient the following day. Should the patient want to have an early abortion, Hillcrest will assist in immediately schedul ing an appointment. This abortion procedure is per formed by vacuum aspiration with curettage. The fee is $l5O. Additional information on Biocept-G pregnancy testing is avilable by calling Hillcrest Clinic in Harrisburg 'at (717) 234-4994. 0 o / //vr7i9 firOZ/72 wiN S 25 MURAL CON TEST 11) for vi 11 9e+ l'A/P1300,r I N THE S. G. A. chtderit interested desi3ning 4 mood I +l,e. SGA Vender- e wall ram' can defoj is in W- tic)] unmmumnumitmuniudi Page 3
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