Broken Doors The university budget deficit has been felt by the residents of Church Hall. In response to last weeks letter to the editor about the broken door on the north end of the building, we got this picture of the coat hanger which is doubling as a door handle. According to one; university employee the . delay is due to the inability to get a new door handle until the school allocates the money to order it. The employee said it could be several weeks before it is fixed. NO PARKING ON CAMPUS What's Happening In Recreation And Athletks Meetings Two very important meet ings are scheduled for- Friday, February 17: 2:00 P.M. - Tennis - For all persons interested in joining the tennis team! 2:30 P.M. - Golf - If you are interested in joining the golf team! Meetings will be held in class room, Upper Level, Multi-Purpose Building. Call 787-7751 for further informa tion. Wrestling A wrestling tournament will be scheduled for March 8! If you are interested, sign up in Rec/Ath office, Room 121, Multi-Purpose Building, or call 787-7751. Racketball Court Reservations Effective immediately!!! Reservations for racketball courts will be accepted for only one (1) week in advance! IM Basketball The IM basketball standings to date are as follows: Whoosiers------- Running Rebels Brotherhood Voit Indeterminate Forms--- P.A.S. 1-2 69'ers 1-2 Valiant Bros. 1-2 Cherry Pickers 1-3 0-2 0-4 0-4 M. PA Ceasars Entertainers-- All schedules are posted in the Hall, Lower Level, Multi- Purpose Building, weekly. Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harriaurg, PA 17101 Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PR EGNANCY TESTING VD SCREE vl NG ABORTION COUNSELING 1-717.232-9794 eaot *ea Saadi 'tilled few dote aged? Your time is valuable. You can make it more val uable by studying in a doner chair at Sera-Tec. The 90 minutes you spend at your dorm or apartment could be spent making a donation of plasma that can earn from $6O to $lOO. per month. The contour chairs are comfortable, the lighting is excellent, the "work" is effortless and the lives you save are irreplacable. WON'T YOU LEND an ARM? for Details Call: 232-1901 lIIIIIII L II Serilec lieloilcals PLASMA FRACTIONS FOR QUALITY BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS Varsity Basketball The last home game for the 1977-78 season will take place this weekend! If you have not been able to come out and support this tremendous team, you should do so now! The team spirit has never faltered, in spite of many adverse condi tions, so at least show them they have your support! Thursday - Feb 16 - 8:00 p.m. vs. Alvernia College Friday - Feb 17 - vs. Lackwanna Jr. College Saturday - Feb 18 - 2:00 p.m. women; 4:00 p.m. men vs. Spring Garden College -4-0 260 REILY STREET HARRISBURG, PA. 17102 9ga ratella RESTAURANT HIGHSPiRE PLAZA 0. Cre 53 4r,rn NcDon4k/S PR E3ENTS MECCA 13 ROT VAERS Cbur,4rs Show ENJOY MP Slut cofiams WNE THIS FRI. + SAT. NOTE 10 or 1: Awl ospi CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published free as a service to the stidents of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). WANTED: Persons to share expenses of a Florida trip. Leaving March 17 or 18, returning March 23 or 24. Call Steve 737-2264 or CC 787-1663 from 12:30-1:00 p.m. Found: Beer mug, at Phi Beta Lambda Social Friday, January 27th. Call Wins at 944-9216. FOR SALE: Triplett 310 F.E.T. VOM with leads (hand held unit) was ;92 asking $6O. Call 367-4403. ROOM FOR RENT: 20 minutes from school, furnished, $67 month, call Howie or Mike at 234-9147 or check in Student Affairs office. FOR SALE: Craig Pioneer 8 track Tapeplayer for home; tape deck and 2 speakers, $35 Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: All chrome trailer hitch for V.W. Bolts on to frame, hardly used...s2o. Call 367-4403. Ski lessons, private lessons or group rates, skis sharpened and hot waxed, fees are very reasonable, call 944-0012, Rich. CLOSED of ALL. youat coußses? CHEER u SottE'D fly yousLL Se A - rweLFTH TERMER A Fib H AVE ft a.,ST cAAcIC Addressers Wanted Immedi ately! Work at home no experience necessary -- excel lent pay. Write American Service, 8350 Park Lane, Suite 269, Dallas, TX 75231 LOST - Ti 30 calculator "Texas Instrument". Left in Room 231, sth period 1/24/78, would appreciate its return, please call 944-5868. FOR SALE: 1 pair F7B x 14 snow tires mounted and balanced on chevy rims; 1 pair 14 x 7 keystone slotted mags; 1 wooden drink tray for '76 on Ford Vans, call Craig at 533-6650. FOR SALE : XL 100 Bomar Brain calculator, eight digit, 20 function, with memory and recharger, never used, $17.00. Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: Ski boots, Caber 11-11%, call Don at 944-3793. For Sale; Scotch Classic 45 minute 8 track tapes, still in store bought condition. Low prices. call Bob at 944-2327
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