February 2, 1978 Award Eleven Penn State Capitol Campus students have received awards from the 1977-78 Renaissance Scholarship Program according to Dr. Robert E. McDermott, provost of Capitol Campus. The Renaissance Fund provides financial grants to students with proven academic potential. The recipients are: Gerard Hoover and Francis Zeak, both of Altoona; Michael Malinowski of Scranton; Peter Santoro of Philipsburg, N.J.; Edward Erk and Marie Taraborrelli Erk of Vandergrift; Stephen Wasser of Philadelphia; Nazmuddin Jiwani of Akron, Pa; Steven Gauvry of Harrisburg; James Hartmann of Erie; and Cynthia Vaughn of New York City. Study Abroad The Rotary Club of Harrisburg has announced a search for young people as candidates for Rotary Foundation educational awards for study abroad in 1979-80. The awards, for graduate and undergraduate students, teachers of the handicapped, and students in technical training programs, provide round-trip transportation, edu cational and living expenses for one academic year, and funds for intensive language training, if necessary. Since the program began in 1947, the Rotary Foundation has sponsored more than 10,000 students at a cost of $35 million involving 127 countries. A trust supported by voluntary contri butions from Rotarians, Rotary Clubs, and others in more than 650 Rotary countries, the Foundation will spend ;25.4 million over the next three years. The deadline for application to your local Rotary Club is March 1, 1978. Contact Stephen H. Schultz, P. 0. Box 1865, Harrisburg, Pa., 17105 (phone 232-1801) or the Harrisburg Rotary Club Office, phone 234-1208, for further informa tion on eligiblity and applica tion procedure. IRS Looking for a way to take home more of your paycheck? Don't have your employer withhold income tax, suggests the IRS. "Most students who work part-time earn less than $2,950 a year and therefore don't have to file a tax return," according to an IRS spokesperson. "But if tax is withheld, they have to file a return before April 15 just to get their money back," says IRS. Students who believe that they will earn less than $2,950 in 1978 are urged to file a Form W-4 (Exemption from With holding) with their employer. If you have any questions, call the IRS. Single persons don't have to Me a tax return if their income is under $2,950 and their income from interest and dividents are under $750. For married taxpayers filing joint ly, the cut-off is $4,700. Special As a service to the Capitol Campus community special parking arrangements in the front of the main building may be made for individuals who are temporarily disabled or who have medical conditions which preclude them from walking long distances. These special health related parking privileges may be requested through the nurse in the health office at any time during the term. Generally these _ privileges permit an . individual to park in the visitors parking spaces, and are valid for one term. The only people who are permitted to park in the handicapped spaces are those driving vehicles with official license plates designat ing the driver as a disabled person or individuals in wheel chairs or on crutches who receive authorization through SUBSCRIPTIONS GO ON SALE FE8.13-14-16-17 AT VENDOR VILLE C.C. Reader Parking the nurse. These special parking privi leges must be authorized in advance by the nurse in the Health Services Office. Unauthorized parking in the visitors' slots results in a parking violation notice. Unauthorized parking in the spaces designated for handi capped parking by the blue international handicapped per son signs results in a Commonwealth citation for violation of the Vehicle Code Section 3354 subsection (B) (2) and cause the person to pay the magistrate a fine of $l5 plus $lO court costs. Anyone with questions about these special arrange ments is encouraged to contact either the Campus Health Services or the Department of Safety and Security Services. 0 o Middletown - A ten-week Radio License Course will be offered at Penn State Capitol Campus on Wednesday even ings from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. beginning February 15. Course content includes the FCC basic laws and operating practices, technical training, rules and regulations as well as study of the FCC training manual. The fcc third Class Radio- Telephone License course pre pares the student for the FCC exam. Upon passing the exam. By Anniken Howell Due to the phenomenal controversy my recent brief article on the ERA has caused, I will devote the next several weeks to explaining and clarifying allegations being hurled at the ERA supporters by anti-ERA factions. Open debate on issues before the Xe -I ,44: ) ae:7o'A* FCC Course the individual will hold a valid Third Class Radio-Telephone License with a Broadcast Endorsement. This license is essential for all types of positions in the broadcasting industry. Registration must be com pleted by Wednesday, Feb. 8. The cost is $45 for the course. For additional information contact the Continuing Education Office, Penn State-- Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa. 17057, or phone 717-787-7753. N.O.W. public ranks as one of the most important elements that makes democracy work. I welcome and encourage such debate. The next NOW meeting will take place February 13, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. in Room W-110 (SGA suite) - NOW Room. Please plan to attend if you are a member or would like more information on the ERA and other topics.
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