Page 4 XGI Reporter First, I would like to apologize for calling off the keggar last Saturday but the band that was supposed to play had trouble getting here so at 2 p.m. the keggar was called off. Anyway, the next keggar is scheduled for February 25th at the Student Center. We are trying hard to find someplace else to have our keggars but as it stands now we will have the next one at the Student Center. We are currently in a minor dilemma, we need an advisor for our club to replace Mr. Acorn. If any faculty member would like to be our advisor call me at 944-0106 or stop by the lounge. There is very little, if any, workload involved and CLASSIFIEDS Reader classifieds are published free as a service to the students 6f Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be rot at the Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). Ski lessons, private lessons or group rates, skis sharpened and hot waxed, fees are very reasonable, call 944-0012, Rich. FOR SALE: Ski boots, Caber 11-11'/z, call Don at. 944-3793. FOR SALE: All chrome trailer hitch for V.W. Bolts on to frame, hardly used...s2o. Call 367-4403. FOR SALE: Triplett 310 F.E.T. VOM with leads (hand held unit) was $92 asking $6O. Call 367-4403. For Sale: Firewood, fourty dollars a truckload call 561-2698 after spm if no answer call 545-3356 For Sale;Scotch Classic 45 minute 8 track tapes, still in store bought condition. Low prices. call Bob at 944-2327 Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 1710/ Across from the Harrisburg hospital BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1.717-232-9794 By Andy Arce the nature of the job is advisory. We are currently looking for new members, especially jun iors, whom we need to maintain our continuity as our leadership changes hands. The Chi Gamma lota fraternity would like to welcome Phi Beta Lambda, a business organization, which is the newest club on campus. The challenge, as we have learned by experience, is not starting something but keeping it together. Lots of luck. P.S. ¶ Mucho congratula tions to our new members Carol Andress, Rick Wadell and Charles Pastva. (left) IT E Hotel check-in, left to right(facing) - John Harmon, Mike Keiser, ,and Paul Balcav age. (below) ITE surveys new and fancy computer operations at U.S.G.S. - left to right - fancy equipment, Bob Abbott, Paul Kitsakos, and Bill Witman. 4111 . . it 1 $ . - FOR SALE: Craig Pioneer 8 track Tapeplayer for home; tape deck and 2 speakers, $35 Call 367-4403. LOST - Ti 30 calculator "Texas Instrument". Left in Room 231, sth period 1/24/78, would appreciate its return, please call 944-5868. FOR SALE : XL 100 Bomar Brain calculator, eight digit, 20 function, with memory and recharger, never used, ;17.00. Call 367-4403. Lost: one pair navy blue mittens on west 3rd floor of the main; also one gold loop pierced earring at the Student Center or nearby area. If found please contact Peggy Hartzell phone 944-7558 community. Accordingly, the visitors to Mexico, as well as the American hosts, will consist of people from all walks of life. Many other people from Capitol Campus are involved in February's exchange, including Dr. McDermott, Provost, who is chairman of the program's Workshop Committee. This committee meets several times with the hosts and ambassadors before the trip, offering advice and suggestions concerning their visit. Mr. Clem Gilpin, one of the Capitol Campus instructors working to make the exchange successful, notes at this time people who can speak Spanish are still needed to help recieve the Mexican ambassadors when they arrive at Harrisburg International on February 20. Anyone interested in helping should contact Mr. Gilpin in his office, W-154. Again, as most of you do or don't know by now, our trip to Washington, D.C. was called off because of the snowstorm. (Sounds old, doesn't it?) So, the trip has been rescheduled for. Saturday, February 18th. It will be an arts tour and I will write more about it in about two weeks. Anyone who is interested should call me at 944-0106 or sign-up at Professor Gilpin's office at W-154. The sign-up sheet is on the door. We still need some help with the upcoming Model United Nations that is being sponsored by the International Affairs Association on February 23, 24 and 25. If anyone has any help to give on all or any of these days, please get in contact with us. We are still looking for people who have favorite recipes and would like them published. We are putting together an international cook book which we hope to have on sale by April. I will write more on this subject and others in the ' 1 i i ' j - • f .: ‘ . lito / 44::E. 1 i : 004, ... '•;'r C.C. Reeder Cont'd lAA Reporter By Andy Arce Recreation/Athletics IM Basketball & Volleyball IM basketball and volleyball will begin this week. Schedules are posted weekly in the hallway, lower level, Multi- Purpose Building. Standing boards have also been posted for your information. Soccer The soccer team is holding indoor practice sessions Friday evenings, in gymnasium, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00' p.m., except for varsity basketball games scheduled onFridays. Varsity Basketball Our campus team now stands with 6 wins and 2 losses. To date, two games have been cancelled due to weather. We hope "Mother Nature" will ease off for awhile so we can continue with our schedule!! Friday, January 27, Capitol will host Behrend College, game time 8:00 p.m. Bowling Intramural bowling con cluded its second week with some good bowling and a battle for first place. Leading the pack are T.K.D. and the Outsiders who are tied for first with 6-2 records. The high games were rolled by Bob Braun-233-587 series; Jeff Reitz 203; Doug Fisher 201; and Neil Landes 212. Bob Braun has the high series for the men - 587. The high series for the women goes to Terry Egenireder - 440 of Computer Cretins Center. Any intamural team that may need a substitute shoud contact Joe Rosskowski - 9440155 65.4 F t t":Mi January 26,1978 By Neil Landes The women's basketball team will host the Altoona Campus, game time scheduled for 6:00 p.m. Be sure to attend both these games and help cheer the teams on to a win!! Varsity Bowling This coming weekend will be a busy one for the Campus varsity bowling team with matches scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, January 28 our campus will roll against the team from University Park, at 1:00 p.m. Suday, Janary 29, Capitol will host the team from Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland, beginning at 1:00 p.m. Remember, all home bowling matches are held in the Middletown Lanes. Be there and support this excellent team!! They are doing a great job for Capitol---Let them know you care!! Wrestling Tournament A w rest ling tournament is being scheduled for March 8, 1978 (Wednesday). Anyone wishing to sign up for this tournament can do so in the Rec/Ath Office, Room 121, Lower level, Multi-Purpose Building, or call 787-7751. NO INKING ON CAMPUS Jo ST 144N1T you'LL +46 RE it
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