CAPITOL CAMPUS READER Vol. 7 No. 8 Capitol Campus Penn State University PSU Tuition Hike Likely By Sandy Stern Staff writer News has come from University Park concerning a probable tuition hike effective Spring Term 1978. In a press release, Penn State President John W. Oswald stated the increase is due to a cutback of state funds. The $lO9 million appropriation requested by the University was trimmed down to $lO6 million by Governor Shapp and the Legislature. Capitol Campus Director of Admissions Mary E. Gundel said the CIS Dr. Chen Retires Dr. Shih-Chuan Chen, professor of humanities and oriental civilization at Penn State-Capitol Campus, has recently retired after nine years of service. Dr. Chen came to Capitol from the University of Pittsburgh, where he taught Chinese, contemporary litera ture and newspaper Chinese. He received his B.A. degree in philosophy and literature from the National Central University in Nanking, China, and his Ph. D. in Chinese literature and language from the University of Washington. He did post-graduate research in Greek philosophy and literature at Corpus Christi College, Oxford and University College, London. Dr. Chen has taught at the National Central University, Georgian Court College, Lakewood, N.J. and Seton Hall University. He is the author of amount finally approved by the governor, together with interest the school paid on money it was forced to borrow during the six month budget crisis, was a ;2.5 million loss for Penn State. The 1978 funding is less than the University received for 1976-77 operating costs. Other schools are faced with the same problem. Temple University has already tacked a surcharge onto its winter semester fee. Ms. Gundel added, "The Board of Trustees would determine any forthcoming tuition increase." Perspecitves On The Candidates By Frank Lynch Staff Writer Does it really matter who gets elected governor next November? If you are concerned about tuition hikes it does. If you care about our electoral system, it does. If our rally of last November is to have any meaning at all, yes it really does matter. For the past few months we have complained about the system that has held up funds to run our school. Many of us have become disillusioned with government, perhaps rightfully so. But The recently retired Dr. Shih-Chuan Chen. numerous articles on Chinese litera ture, history, and religion in both English and Chinese professional journals. Since his arrival at Capitol in 1968, Dr. Chen has published a book in Chinese entitled "Confucian Analects: A Revised Text and New Commentary." The "Analects" is one of the most important Chinese classics and has been translated into English and nearly all of the European languages. In addition Dr. Chen has published an English translation of Chinese lyrics from the eight to twelfth centuries. He is also a poet, writing in both English and Chinese. Dr. Chen and his wife, Therese, have eight grown children who have all achieved distinction in the academic world. He is currently living and teach ing in Taiwan. EMMII!I this year we have a good opportunity to make positive inputs into the system through the choice of the gubernatorial candidates of each party. Monday night, Robert P. Casey became the latest official member of an unusually talented and able crop of candidates for the Governor's chair. Other probables include former State Rep. Robert Butera, Alen Spector of Philadelphia, Pete Flaherty from Pittsburgh, Lt. Governor Ernest Kline, and State Senator Henry Hager. Over the next few weeks, the C.C. Reader plans a series of interviews with some of the major gubernatorial A Personal By P. Timothy Quinn On Thursday, November 17, the "Sixty-Niners" entry in the Capitol Campus Intramural Flag Football Program captured the coveted league championship. During the playoffs they came from behind to beat the "Brotherhood" and went on to hold off the Valiant Brothers in a defensive struggle that proved too strenuous for the now second place team. How could a team coming from next to the last place in 1976, with practically the same personnel, grasp the league title? This my friends is how it happened. An unknown writer once said; "As man evolves he will one day find that his greatest strength lies in his love for his fellow companions." The "Sixty- Niners" as a group have a love and respect for one another that makes true teamwork an obvious success. Through teamwork they battled tremendous odds toward attaining their goal. They have found the strength that the unknown writer had suggested. Through this example of teamwork I believe we can all learn a great lesson January 12, 1978 candidates, to find their positions on 'issues key to the University and you. If you have any questions you would like posed to the candidates, stop by the C.C. Reader Office in Room W-129 and submit suggestions. We feel that the governor is a very important figure in state government, and it is in your best interest to know as much as possible about how each man stands on issues important to us. If you think that the candidates won't listen to college students, consider this: What candidate can afford not to listen to a block of potential support as huge as Penn State? Viewpoint from what these fine young gentlemen have accomplished; that is, the rewards found through working together. If only society today could unite as one whole unit all working for the betterment of humanity. Through teamwork similar to that displayed by the "Sixty-Niners", our world would be a more , peaceful and harmonious place to live. As a closing gesture I believe we should all say; "hats off to the "Sixty-Niners", for a finer group of men couldn't be found. Weekend Weather Winter sports buffs take heart! The Weather Bureau in Harrisburg says that there is a good chance of snow on Friday and Saturday. Friday's temper ature should be around 30 with a steady drop in temperature over the weekend. Saturday and Sunday could reach lows between 5 and 15. Sunday should also see some strong wind activity.
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