Page 8 Capitol Sports Roundup The Capitol Campus hockey team will face off against Rutherford College on Monday, November 14. Game time is scheduled for 10:15 p.m. The hockey team is off to a 2 and 1 record. They have outscored their opponents by a margin of 18 to 10. The team is coached by Dick Ammon. Leading the team out on the ice is captain Larry Archibald. The home games are played at The Skatedium in Mechanicsburg. Come on out and support the team and lead them to victory. The varsity bowling team will be one of 5 teams competing in the E.P.M.I.C. Invitational Tournament on Saturday at Rocky Springs Lanes in Lancaster. The tournament begins at 9:00 a.m. Along with Capitol will be the University of Pittsburgh, University Park, University of Maryland, and Temple. Each team will be Desperately Needed - 300 Plasma Donors WILL YOU HELP? For Humanity—gas u :despre ma ki agn .s i gn ifi can t co t r ib m t- u . sed save countless lives. For Yourself— Istro r oo rendi per IM 11W Mem we e'er"' here SERA4K 111101111140113 232.1901 260 Rely Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17102 By Neil Landes Staff Writer bowling nine Saturday's match , The varsity team is in second place behind Shippensburg State, who has bowled in one more match. The Lions face Shippensburg State on November 20. The team is made up of: Bob Braun, 180; Joe Sneed, 175; Coach Graham Mayr, 174; Mike Henry, 171; Jeff Hartman, 166; and Mike Knill, 163. The rest of the team consists of George McCleary, Pete Stefaniak, Brian Neidlinger, and Neil Landes. The team is 49 - 29 with an average of 172. The intramural fall bowling season is coming to an end with the top teams facing each other. The top five teams in the standings are: 1. The Outsiders 2. The Who 3. T.K.D. 4. High Rollers 5. Whoosiers Ken Bernhardt bowled a 200 game last week; his average is 139. Ruth Clem rolled a 521 series last week. The team T.K.D. moved from 9th to 3rd place in one week. games in With the start of the '77-78 basketball season just one week away, members of the Lions basketball team are getting in shape. Under new head coach James C. Baker, they are looking forward to a fine year. Jim is a 1976 graduate of Capitol Campus and played on the varsity team during his two years here. He also served as assistant basketball coach during the 1976-77 season. Dan Phillips will serve as assistant basketball coach this year. He has had an extensive career coaching at Bishop McDevitt High School, dating back to 1972. The season opens up with a game on Tuesday, November 15, at Lancaster Bible College. The game begins at 8:00 p.m. The remainder of the schedule for the Fall Term looks like this: Friday, November 18 - at Williamsport Area Community College, 7:30 p.m. Monday, November 21 - at Alvernia College, 6:30 p.m. Best of luck to coach Baker and the 77-78 Lions. C.C. Ruder 11 ilog 20 9 ./14741 a/ .Aitilli/Mt, ? LET US HELP! RESUME WRITING WORKSHOPS (You need only attend one!) Tue. Nov. 15 11:00 - 12:00 E-245 Tue. Nov. 15 4:00 - Wed. Nov. 16 9:30 - 10:30 W-202 students of Capitol Campus. Classifieds should be left at the Reader office (W-129) or in the mailbox in the S.G.A. office (W-110). The Maranatha Bible Study will meet each Wednesday in W-135 from 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. All desiring to learn what the Bible has to say to the modern christian are invited to attend. Salvation, the diety of Jesus, God's plan for the future, and many other topics will be discussed. For further informa tion contact the Student Activities Office. Faculty members and stu dents wishing a complete set of instructions for "meditation" together with a list of "secret" mantras and a description of how they are assigned can obtain them without obligation of any kind by sending a stamped self-addressed enve lope (preferably about 10 inches wide) to: Meditation, Webster College, St. Louis, Missouri 63119. FOR SALE: All-U Day Senior ticket, price negotiable. Phone Peg, 944-9277. Found: one Texas Instruments SR-50 calculator. Check with Lost and Found. Must identify!•ii.l 5:00 E -245 Narember 10, 1977 For Saie-'74 Kawasaki, 175 cd street/dirt bike, new inspec tion; extra tire; 3,600 mi.; very good condition. $395. Call Joe 944-3793. Writers: You can win $100; $5O; or $25 in cash and book prizes for best short story, humorous essay, or other short pieces between 250 and 1000 words--with free copy of winning college Contempora ries Magazine for all—if you enter the Collegiate Creative Writing Contest whose dead line is November 5. For rules and official entry form, send self-addressed, stamped enve lope to: International Publica tions, 4747 Fountain Ave, Dept. C-3, Los An; eles, CA. 90029. NAME WITHHELD: Please sign your letter and the C.C. Reader will print it. C.C. Reader policy states that all letters to the editor must be signed. You can request that your name not be printed but the letter must be si need. Notes Middletown-The Institute of Public Safety of The Penn State University will conduct two Occupational Safety and Health Act programs in the Harrisburg area, according to Ron Melchiorre, area director of Continuing Education at Penn State-Capitol Campus. Beginning Tues., Nov. 29, the Institute will present a two-day workshop at the Penn Harris Motor Inn. The program entitled, "Safety Management," will explain the role of the safety supervisor in carrying out management safety policy. The all-day workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. The fee is $lO5. The second program will begin Dec. 13 at the Penn Harris Motor Inn. The program entitled "OSHA and the Secretary" is designed to provide the background and instruction a secretary needs to support the director of safety and facilitate the administra tion of a safety program. The fee for the workshop is $5O. ELEVEn FOOD STORES
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