November 3, 1977 XGI Reporter By Alfred Krebs Our blood drive is scheduled for November 7th and Bob Abbott reminds us that a sign-up sheet is available in the XGI lounge. We hope everyone can participate. The football team is to be congratulated on their first victory of the season. They defeated the Bushwackers 6-0, largely on a strong defensive effort. The bowling team is struggling, but looking forward to improvement. November 12th will be our next keggar and the group is Grand Slam. If you remember Crisis From Page 2 lems that face higher education affect all of us. I hope none of you will fail to take part just because you cannot make the Harrisburg demonstration, We will be conducting a lobbying effort with the state legislature on Nov. 15th. That means we will be knocking on the doors of the Senators and Representatives and asking them for support. In addition we will be handing them petitions and letters from students in their home dis tricts. Within a few days we will have a list of legislators and Desperately Needed - 300 Plasma Donors WILL YOU HELP? For Humanity— You will be making a significant contributimr by Humanity— supplying desperately needed plasma, used b Sift countless lives. For Yourself— DOMNS curwmtly on ow program me swig from $6O to cu`" per month. For Devella c n SERAMC INN.OGKALS 232-1901 260 Reify Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 17102 the last keggar, you'll know how great it was. The XGl's look forward to seeing every one there. If anyone has suggestions or would care to offer assistance, our lounge is going to be painted in the near future, so stop by the lounge and give your opinion. Congratulations to our new members: Paul Balcavage Robert Frazier Andy Acre Andy is the new record holder for the CHI GAMMA lOTA Drink-in. their districts. If you don't know who your legislator is, you can find out by checking this list. Don't mail your letters. We will see to it that any letters given to us will be delivered to the state legisla ture. Finally, if you go home or call your parents, friends, or family, ask them to write a short note or postcard support ing higher education. Your notes don't have to be complex. Just simply state your concern for a quality and economically reasonable education. Thanks to all of you who will help. C.C. READER Thank You To the Chairperson and Members of the Election Screening Committee: On behalf of the Student Government Association, I would like to take this opportunity to both thank and congratulate each of you on the Election Screening Committee for a job well done. The results of the election were compiled and reported in record time. This allowed time to notify all winning candidates at a reasonable hour. In the past years the results would not have been compiled before one a.m. The results were of such magnitude that they were above reproch from allquarters. Once again, allow me to thank you and all S.G.A. members who helped make the Election a success. We will be looking forward to your dedicated envolvement in the future. Without help such as yours, The Student Govern ment Association would have no reason to continue. Respectfully Joseph A. Mahar President, S.G.A. '.I IOTE! V/ITE! Credit Available For Publication Work by Rick Haythornthwaite Staff Writer The Multi-Media independ ent study course has been redefined by Mark Dorfman, Coordinator of the Multi-Media Option, and Dr. James D. South, Director of Student Affairs. The revised course allows students who have worked on the C.C. Reader, the Capitolite or other publications, to use their experience to satisfy certain requirements for the course. Mr. Dorfman mentioned that, in the past, several editors have come to him with the hope of receiving credit for their work on various publica tions and had been turned down. This course is, in a sense, an answer to their pleas. Grants Philip Morris In corporated has announced its ninth annual Marketing- Communications Competition for College Students. The purpose of the competition is to provide students with a practical and realistic business project, bringing them into direct contact • with the business community. A $l,OOO grant will be awarded to the winning entries at both the undergraduate and graduate level; runners-up will receive $5OO grants, and other finalists in the undergraduate and graduate categories will receive special merit awards. Entries may deal with any , aspect of the broad areas of marketing-communications related to Philip Morris In corporated, its operating companies or any of its non tobacco products. Student chapters of professional societies, regular classes or ad hoc committees of no less than five students at the undergraduate level and no less than two at the graduate 11)/N• 4 t i" 4031m0 At the beginning of the term, Mr. Dorfman, who will be the instructor for the course, will sit down with the student and together the two will determine what projects would best help the student to focus on his area of interest; e.g., investigative writing, feature . article writing, etc. If the student elects to write articles for the C.C. Reader, then the pieces will be graded, but not until after they have been published. In this way, Mr. Dorfman feels, the writing for the paper will not be censored. Furthermore, as the quality of the student's writing improves, the overall quality of the paper will be improved. The Independent Study Course will be offered Winter term, 1978, and will be 3 to 4 credits. Available level under the counsel of full time faculty members may submit proposals. A distinguished committee of marketing-communications experts will judge selected entries. They are: Eugene H. Kummel, chairman of the board, McCann Erickson; Mary Wells Lawrence, chairman of the board, Wells, Rich, Greene; Arjay Miller, dean, Stanford University Graduate School of Business; In addition to the grants, two student representatives and the faculty advisor from each of the winning and run ner-up committees will be invited to be Philip Morris's guests at corporate headquarters in New York or at another corporate location to discuss their proposals with Philip Morris executives. For additional in formation, please contact Marketing-Communications Competition, Philip Morris Incorporated, 100 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 WIT DoN witftir MI CovASE Is A SouT spit wiies TEAc% i,4 G IT ! I OW) Sone - ISt INC. Fort Pc&iob! AmptiloGlit Page 3
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