Page 8 WHAT'S HAFT NINE IN RECREATION AND ATHLETICS Meetings: There are 2 meetings scheduled for Thursday, March ;3rd, in the Rec/Ath office located in the Admissions/ Placement Building. At 2:00 P.M. there will be a golf meeting for all new and returning members. •If you would like to join the golf team, please try to attend. At 2:30 P.M. tenths will meet - this also is for all new and returning members. Both these sports have early April games scheduled so it is very important for these teams to organize and begin practice as soon as possible. Both sports are co-ed!! Varsity Basketball: Capitol Campus scored a 117 to 106 victory over Alvernia Colege at their final game for the 1976-77 season on Friday, February 25. This ended the season with a 15--6 record. Jules and Morrell combined for 66 points in this game -- Jules scoring 36 and Morrell 30. Pavlishin scored 15; Spitzner 10: Messer 2; McKeown 10; Prudente 12; Majzlik 2. Visit The ; bib fiflartin STORE NACCAR JANTIEN LONDON POO "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" MOM filiartin STORE Union St. - Next to Post Office Open Thur. & Fri. Till 9:00 At Dickinson College Summer Sessions Are A Study in Contrasts Choose among 75 courses ranging from classical Greek 101 to Organic Chemistry or Sleep and Dreams or Aztec Religion. Take lectures in Oriental Art or field trips to study Land Use Economics. Another course, The Lewis and Clark Expedition takes you across country. Other courses such as Environmental Science, Early Music and Journalism are also taught. Sessions: June 6 - July 14; June 1 - June 21; June 23 - July 14; July 18 - Aug. 24. MI courses carry full Dickinson credit (four semester hours each) and students may take four courses in one summer. Founded in 1773, Dickinson has become an acknowledged leader in liberal arts education and well known for its invigorating academic environment. For complete information contact Dean Kenneth L. Laws Dickinson College Carlisle, Pa. 17013 (717) 243-5121 Intramural Basketball Intramural basketball games will end Tuesday, March 8! Play-offs will include the top 8 teams in the standings, with single elimination; trophies will go to the top 4 teams. Soccer: Just a reminder, all soccer team members and any one who would like to join the soccer team practices are, being held every Friday evening in the base gym at 8:00 P.M.! For any information concerning Recreation/Athletic activities, call 787-7751. Varsity Bowling The varsity bolwing team traveled to Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland on Saturday, February 26, and then on to the University of Maryland at College Park on Sunday, February 27 to complete their weekend bowl ing schedule with a split! They did take over high team game with a 1038 and high 3-game team series with a 2804. Bob C.C. Reader game with a 278 and 2nd iilace in 3-game series with a 62811 Intramural Bowling The Hustlers won 4 games to remain in first place while the Kegglers and Pink Pan thers each won 4 games to put them into a tie for second place. There are 2 weeks remaining and the 4 playoff spots are still undetermined. High scores for the week: Joe Snead 215-209416 Mike Gajdowski 200-203-585 Mike Pavlishin 529 True Blue Porn Student Aids: "True Blue Porn C 0.," a subsidiary of "Hustler" magazine, offers students all their needs for Lit 478. (Hard core concepts in America). Presently available: books, movies, tatoos, neckties, pam phlets, postcards, paintings, murals, frescoes, stained glass windows and more! Call 1-800-241-6969. Call now! Call collect! Or see Dr. Lewd in the 2nd floor bathroom, 3rd stall on the right, for "flash" displays from 9 to 11 A.M. weekdays. Admission 25 cents. Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1.717-232-9794 from SALTY DAWG DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS MONDAY-FRIDAY REUEL RYMAN SUN. NIGHTS /VW ititet;;\•\ 11 , 4+ fr 7 COUPON'*""; I BUY 1 SUB, j GET 1 FREE I With Penn State ID Good March 7-10 .1 MO Oa Itp Jit atug OPEN: 11-2 AM MONDAY-SATURDA 1-2 AM SUNDAY Age ID Requir Park Village Plaza, Hummelstown 564 CLASSIFIEDS For Sale: 1969 Saab 96, white, radials, excellent condi tion, phone 1-814-237-9538, evenings. HOUSE It'Ott SALE: 4 or 5 extra large bedrooms, 2 baths, 26 foot country kitchen with fireplace. Slate foyer, central vacuum, closets galore, and large deck with view for miles. Priced to sell. Dr. Webb. 944-3491. For Sale: 8-track car tape player. Good condition. $25. Also, 2- Jensen coax. speakers. Good condition. $25/pr. Phone 944-3378, ask for Chuck or Sal. For Sale: Three standard Jeep wheels, 5 bolt circle, also, two pairs of tire chains for, H78X15 tires or equivalent size, call 737-4212. FOR SALE: Head "360" metal skis, drafting table and drawing accessories, Sears "89" adding machine, dorm.-sizes refg., oak desk w/typing wing. Call Gary between 4 & 10 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. at 233-4954. Dr.Dordevic has lost a gold ring with a red engraved oval stone. It was probably lost out in front of the main building. If found, please return it to W-161. A reward is offered. STROMBOLI, SUBS, BEER-TO-GO, LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, CLAMS, PIZZA MONDAY NIGHTS-- TEQUILA, POPCORN, AND SCOTT STONER Sat., Winter Sole Help wanted for practicing English conversation with a new foreign student. Would be happy to meet you anyplace (school? home?) at any mutually convenient time. Please call 9444951. "74 or newer Volvo wagon, must have 4 spd., call 737-4212 with your details. A navy P.J. jacket has been lost at the Engineering Keggar Feb. 22, in the Student Center. If you find it please call Rick at 944-2489. Volunteers are needed for emergency rescue duty in cooperation with the ROTC club and area Civil Defense in the event of an emergency flood situation. Please leave your name and phone number either in the SGA ROTC slot or on the sheet hanging up in the C.C.Reader Office. You will then be contacted. Thank you. Attention Residents, Corn muters, Faculty, Staff, Friends The Spring Concert is on!!! The Spring Concert needs a Head Shop. Head Shop is people working together to help people Contact us... Jeff Martello 944-6790 Carolyn Witkowski 944-9277 John Sternick 944-7578 cy'r Fize Ottfil FOR HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open c ( p h p u o r si: Fri. h Eve Post Office Middletown March 3, 1977 Head Shop in first aid in crisis intervention You are the Head Shop People make it happen!
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