Page 4 RECREATION AND ATHLETICS Intramural Bowling - Feb. 9: The Kegglers & High oilers each scored 4--0 sweeps, wre the Grand Wazoo & X G.:. #2 won 3 games each. Scores as follows: ;ajdowski - 249--202--612 J. "ajda - 202 J. Reitz - 200 P I.,turie - 177 • Top 4: • s-iers - 15-5 Grand Wazoo - 14--6 Kegglers - 13--7 Pink Panthers - 12--8 Varsity Basketball: The varsity basketball team at :his time has a standing of 12-6:! Next week the season will end with 2 home games!! THE SALTY DAWG DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS MONDAY-FRIDAY REUEL RYMAN SUN. NIGHTS f - j \ ir Pi COUPON -- 1 • I BUY I SUB, , • 1 GET I FREE I 41: I With Penn State ID , 4 Good Feb.2i tvbe Sbattp Dahill OPEN: I I-2 AM MONDAY-SATURDAY I-2AM SUNDAY Age I.D.Required Pork Village Plaza, Hummelstown 566-3777 Come out & support your team---they need you! Help them end their 1977 season with a good turn out. The games are as follows: Tuesday - Feb. 22 - 6:00 P.M. & 8:00 P.M. - Capitol varsity & women's teams will meet the Lackwanna Junior College teams. Friday - Feb. 25 - 7:30 P.M. - Capitol Campus versus Alvernia College. Both games will be played in the Midletown Main Street Gym!! Come out & cheer for your team!!! Intramural Volleyball: The volleyball teams are going into their second week of Visit The Esabib An STORE WAN NAGAR JANTZEN LONDON POD "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" Habib artitt STORE Union St. • Next to Post Office Open Thur. 8. Fri. Till 9:00 STROMBOLI, SUBS, BEER-TO-GO, LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, CLAMS, PIZZA MONDAY NIGHTS-- TEQUILA, POPCORN, AND SCOTT STONER C.C. Reader games. Team standings to date are as follows: X.G.l.'s 1-0 Outdoor Club #1 1-0 V. 8., Inc. • Valiant Bros. Stooges------ Bushwackers— Spikers -0--1 Outdoor Club #2 -0--1 IM Basketball: 0-1 -0-1 With play-offs looming ever nearer each week, competition becomes more heated as each team vies for a play-off position! Standings to date are as follows: Fist City-- 69'ers----- ---9-1 French Ticklers---- --------- ---7--1 Brotherhood- -- -6-2 Studs --6--2 Bender Brothers---------------6-3 Beta Beta Omega---- 4-4 Spanish Flies— ------------ ------3-5 Kick Booty---------- ------ ---- -3-6 Wooden Nickeles ---3-6 X G.l.'s------ --2--7 Blue Bloaters----------1-7 Globe Trippers------ --0-7 Valiant Brothers -0--7 WZAP WZAP, the Capitol Campus radio station, is running a contest to decide on new call letters for the station. Every one is eligible to participate in the contest, except ZAP D.J.'s and their families. The winner will recieve a certificate for a free single album from: Budget Disco-Tape 21 N. 2nd St. Harrisburg Entries can be picked up at the radio station (W-106), and must be returned there no later than February 28, 1977, at 3:00 P.M. ,ie;47 rfite Quit HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. & Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, PA 17101 BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1.717-232-9794 A Letters Cont. From Page 2 sat down at another table, some reflect on "Watergate". Here more members of the organiza- we have two leaders, the tion came in, were greeted by president and vice-president, the president and vice- impersonating one another. president, and were seated at Anytime an affair is given, one the adjoining table. can feel the presence of the As the evening progressed, the immediate membership ----1-0 didn't do a good job of hosting. They didn't greet any of the whites as they came in, and didn't go around to the tables to thank people for helping make the affair a success. I left before the play started because of the manners exempified by the leadership. I felt as though anyone who wasn't a member of the executive committee of the organization was being dis criminated against, Black and White alike. As I observed the leader ship of the Black Student Union, I couldn't help but Charter Cont. New Jersey. Also present at this meeting will be Mr. Fred Malizia, Chairman of the Susquehanna Student Affairs From Page 1 committee is urged to submit, will have an opportunity to fill a in writing, those suggestions to questionaire. The results will Dr. Shuttlesworth in W-356. He be published as soon as they are will forward them to the - reviewed and evaluated by the committee for review. committee. Following the re- In addition, the Faculty view, the committee will make Committee on Student Affairs recommendations to the has initiated a survey of the Faculty Council regarding ways evening and weekend students of meeting these needs. The concerning the provision of. survey is expected to go out university services to these late this term or early Spring students. All evening students Term. • • • • •Y • 4 • • . ..... -•• CLASSIFIEDS • HOUSE FOE SALE: 4 or 5 extra large bedrooms, 2 baths, 26 foot country kitchen with fireplace. Slate foyer, central vacuum, closets galore, and large deck with view for miles. Priced to sell. Dr. Webb. 944-3491. FOR SALE: Head "360" metal skis, drafting table and drawing accessories, Sears "89" adding machine, dorm.-sizes refg., oak desk w/typing wing. Call Gary between 4 & 10 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. at 233-4954. February 17, 1977 "dual crusaders", "big and little dictator." It is my intention to shed a little light on certain members of the B.S.U. While their intentions may be the very best (in terms of all the planning that went into the Black Arts Festival), it is my hope that they exemplify better manners and respect to those who come out in support of their activities. And should the Black Arts Festival be run in the same manner as the affair on February sth, maybe the SGA should take a closer look at the B.S.U. Michael Bethwie From Page 3 Jhapter of the Society. Mr Walizia is a mechanical engi leer employed by Envirotech Lebanon, Pa. For Sale: 1969 Saab 96,' white, radials, excellent condi tion, phone 1-814-237-9538, evenings. For Sale: Three standard Jeep wheels, 5 bolt circle, also, two pairs of tire chains for H78X15 tires or equivalent size, call 737-4212. Dr.Dordevic has lost a gold ring with a red engraved oval stone. It was probably lost out in front of the main building. If found, please return it to W-161. A reward is offered. Wanted '74 or newer Volvo wagon, must have 4 spd., call 737-4212 with your details. Help wanted for practicing English conversation with a new foreign student. Would be happy to meet you anyplace (school? home?) at any mutually convenient time. Please call 944-1951. Auditions The Olmsted Regional Theatre will hold open audi tions for the three-act comedy, "My Three Angels" on Sun., Feb. 27 at 3:00 P.M. They will be held at the Feaser Junior High Auditorium in ! Middletown. Seven men and three women are needed. The play will be presented in May, and practices will be kept at two or three a week (except for tech week). For more information call Sherry Shaffer at 787-7737 or 367-5113. Remember! Behind the scenes people are also badly needed.
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