Page 8 WHAT'S HAPPENING Bec/Ath Building Closed! Due to the present energy crisis and the fact that the Rec/Ath Building is entirely gas heat, the building has been closed. The offices are tempo rarily located in the Placement Building. To date the telephones have not been moved into the new location, so it is requested that you try to stop by personally if you have any questions regarding any pre sent activities. All schedules and standing boards are posted in the present offices. Also, equipment and the key for the Base Gym can be checked out from the new location. Wanted: unattached type setter, willing to work long hours alone. No rewards. (friends are hard to find, too.) Apply C.C. Reader Office. Visit The STORE PAM NAOOAR JANTZEN LONDON FOG "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" 11,► bib Ifiartin STORE Union St. • Next to Post Office Open Thur. & Fri. Till 9:00 Harrisburg REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH SERVICES 100 Chestnut Street • Harrisburg, BIRTH CONTROL PREGNANCY TESTING VD SCREENING ABORTION COUNSELING 1-717-232-9794 i( THE ,;,, ili,f,, SALTY DAwG i, r ,, ;•,',' , DAILY LtACHEON SPECIALS ',, ? It( MONDA Y-FRIDAY ((ii( (II ~,, F.1.111111\ 'i , I \ \II,III'S f l' 17 STROMBOLI, SUBS, -AN\ c( ) , ill ~4 ,. ~ 41 ilk BEER-TO-GO, , a;-- ..",) 1 k; .1 ... T LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, Ii .1 ii I. .- i % .-•. CLAMS, PIZZA I . . 'ff - 0 ~ , C ..." Me , MONDAY NIGHTS-- I BUY 1 SUB, GET TEQUILA, POPCORN, , ~' IET 1 FREE AND SCOTT STONER ( 1 with G opde Feb. ll.l .; D 6 1 , -J • l ll'l I ), far *clay Datug ~,,.., 11-2 111 1110.1).11-SATI R1)21,Y ) 1-2 %1I ~..1 \ll t' Age 11) Required I i Pork Village Plaza, Hummelstown 566-3777 11_ Mr. Smitley will see that the building is open on a limited basis-Monday thru Friday from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 NOON and from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. You are reminded that the heat has been drastically reduced and the water has been shut off. The building is cold and there are no rest room or shower facilities! IM Volleyball: Eight (8) teams registered for the IM Volleyball league. Games are scheduled to begin Wednesday, February 9, in the Base Gym and will be played each Wednesday evening throughout the term. Schedules & game rules are available at Dr.Dordevic, has lost a gold ring with a red engraved oval stone. It was probably lost out in front of the main building. If found, please return it to W-161. A reward is offered. ta6 ELEVEII FOOD STORES PA 17101 C.C. Reader IN RECREATION AND ATHLETICS the Rec/Ath Office located in the Placement Building. Varsity Bowling: On February 6, Penn State (Capitol) defeated E. Stroudsburg State College 12 1 / 2 -6 1 / 2 at Middletown Lanes for its first victory of the year. Their record is now 1-3. Scores were as follows: Mike Pavlishin-- • Joe Snead Mike Gajdowski 217--539 Bob Braun -496 Joe Vadja 460 Capitol meets the University of Maryland on Saturday, Feb. 12 at Middletown Lanes. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE: Head "360" metal skis, drafting table and drawing accessories, Sears "89" adding machine, dorm.-sizes refg., oak desk w/typing wing. Call Gary between 4 & 10 P.M. Mon. thru Fri. at 233-4954. Help wanted for practicing English conversation with a new foreign student. Would be happy to meet you anyplace (school? home?) at any mutually convenient time. Please call 944-1951. Call Your Cop Stop rumors. If you want to report strange or suspcious people, check out something you've heard, or have Security keep an eye on your house while you're away, call them at 787-7936. gerf File ON/ 11 Varsity Basketball: The Capitol Campus team scored another victory Friday, February 4, when they defeated the Steven's Trade School at Lancaster with a score of 87 to 64!! Powerhouse Virgil Jules scored 26 points and more points added on by the terrific team as follows: Schule 10; McKeown 10; Majzlik 10; Pavlishin 9; Morrell 7; Spitzner 5; Prudente 5; Klotz 4; Messer 1. ---210--550 -543 Tuesday night, Feb. 8, they dealt a 105 to 94 defeat against Shenandoah College which makes their standing 10-40! For Sale: Three standard Jeep wheels, 5 bolt circle, also, two pairs of tire chains for H78X15 tires or equivalent size, call 737-4212. For Sale: 1969 Saab 96, white, radials, excellent condi tion, phone 1-814-237-9538, evenings. Wanted '74 or newer Volvo wagon, must have 4 spd., call 737-4212 with your details. Babysitter for well behaved three year old girl. In my home in downtown Middletown. Need your own transportation- on bus line. One day on weekends so that I could use the library. Times, days and pay negotia ble. Call Melissa, 944-0890. Skylee 10 1 / 4 ..) siokv, our Pe tt-er • 1 / 4 .)e. MU-5t c" \ C so C•k- U.) c't A-Cn% by claondt.linvs dart and. does c ak.) se_ ter k- - aCYN kno_on ve-n te v) -- ScA . lnc % tV back. you __. I February 10, 1977 IM Basketball: Intramural basketball is in full swing. Standings are as follows: Globe Trippers -0&6 Spanish Flies-- ------ --- Fist City- Brotherhood 4&2 Valiant Brothers 0&4 Wooden Nickels -0&6 69'ers 74410 Studs -4&2 Kick Booty— 3&3 French Ticklers-----------4&1 X.G.I.s---- ----- ---------------2&4 Bender Brothers---------- ----- —4&2 Beta Beta Omega---- Blue Bloaters— This space was originally reserved for a story on last weeks fight at one of the intramural basketball games. However, after investigation we have decided it is not worth a story so we will not stain the page with one. Enough said. Three Movies W.C. Fields Dr. Strangelove Heavy Traffic When: Sat., Feb. 12 - 8:00 P.M Where: Student Center Admission: $.50 The Finance Office has announced new check cashing hours, which take effect immediately. These new hours are: Mon. - Fri. 9:00 A.M. - 12 noon 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M Mon. & Thurs 5:00 P.M.- 7:00 P.M THIS IS A TEST OF THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM. THIS IS ONLY A TEST. HMMMMMM. -4&3 ------1&5
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