January 27, 1977 XGI Re • orter By Keith Million I want to remind everyone again that the fraternity's first Keggar of the term will be this Saturday, January 29th. The name of the group is Red Delicious and the location is at the Hunter's and Angler's club. in Middletown. There will be maps available at the round table to direct those who don't know where the club is located. Under the heading of sports, the fraternity lost its first basketball game in a real heartbreaker. We lost by the score of 21 to 19 in double overtime to the Spanish Flies. On a happier note the frat's bowling teams had a good week, except for XGFs N 2 bowling team. They were destroyedby its fellow frater nity brothers on XGFs N 1 bowling team. Congratulations are in order for Lenny Klonitsko who rolled a 560 series and provided the knockout punch to humble the defending champions on XGFs N 2 bowling team. This next paragraph is dedicated to the topic of the Spring Concert which has been held annually. If you read last week's paper and the article concerning the Spring Concert, you know that there is a conspiracy among school offi cials to phase out the Spring Concert. Some reasons mbn tioned were that attendance has been declining and, most FIV4 SALTY DAWG DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS MONDAY-FRIDAY /, ‘l 7 l t -v\ r, : _- : . ; ,r) 0 • z- G -- .0.•., REUEL RYMAN SUN. NIGHTS 'ebe oattp abig OPEN: 11-2 AM MONDAY-SATURDAY 1-2 AM SUNDAY Age I.D. Required Park Village Plaza, Hummelstown 566-3777 importantly, student involve ment and interest in having the Spring Concert was very little or non-existent. Our fraternity has always played a very active role in the Spring Concert and to hear these rumors really rubs us the wrong way. We urge the student body to come forward and to let appropriate school officials know how you feel. Because if you let this go by, thinking someone else will do the job, then we'll all be in for a surprise come Spring time. Sullivan Named To Who's Who Dr. Joanna T. Sullivan, assistant professor of education at Penn State-Capitol Campus, has been named to the Who's Who" in Child Development Professionals. Dr. Sullivan received her B.S. in education from Bucknell University and her M.S. and Ed.D. from Lehigh University. Prior to her appointment at Capitol Campus she served as an elementary school teacher, assistant editor for McGraw- Rill Childrens' Books, instruc tor at the Lehigh University and New York University Reading Clinics and director of the Reading Clinic at Fairleigh Dickinson University. She has also served as a consultant to the Westinghouse Learning Corp. and various public school systems throughout New Jersey. Considered a specialist in visual training, reading com prehension, reading acquisition and open education, Dr. Sullivan has been the author of numerous articles. Her historic article, "The Saki Tribe of Malaya", sponsored by the Newark News, won her the National Writing Award. Most recently, Dr. Sullivan received a grant from the Sigmund A. Miller Memorial Foundation to study slow learner& in grades 1 through 3. She also is a member of the Delta Kappa Gamma Women's Honorary. STROMBOLI, SUBS, BEER-TO-GO, LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, CLAMS, PIZZA MONDAY NIGHTS TEQUILA SUNRISE THURSDAY NIGHTS STROMBOLI SPECIAL C.C. Reader Breaker, Breaker Channel 34??? By Robert L. Fisher Jr. If any of you neophyte C.B. operators have been wondering why the price of C.B. radios have been so low the past few months, it's not because the stores are selling damaged, used, or even hot merchandise. If you haven't heard yet, the Citizen band has undergone a radical change as of Jan. 1, 1977. This change was the addition of 17 more channels to the presently existing 23 channels on the Citizen Band, thus bringing the total to 40 channels. This is not the first change that has come to pass from the hierarchy of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). but this is the first change since CB's inception in the early 50's, that has radically affected the CB manufacturers as a whole. Some of the put changes, such as the increase in maximum height allowed for base station antenna's have merely been passed in order to Documentary Series Beginning Wed., Feb. 2, a Frederick Wiseman Documen tary Film Series will be held. According to Roberta McLeod, coordinator of student activi ties, the program is being sponsored through the com bined efforts of the Student Activities Office, the academic programs, the Social Commit tee and the Black Student Union. The program will consist of nine documentary _films plus a, personal- apperance by Mr. Wiseman on Tues., Feb. 15. Mr. Wiseman is a recognized master in the field of documentary films. ills films have received favorable re views in such publications as "Life", "The Washington Post", "The New Yorker" and "The London Times". The films deal with a variety of subjects such as welfare, religion and social problems. They take the viewer from ghettos to hospitals to courtrooms. The film "Titticut Follies" will be shown on Wed., Feb. 2, at 8:00 p.m. and again on Thurs., Feb. 3 at 12:15 p.m. in the campus auditorium. This Visit The .31Dabih STORE WAN NAOMI JAIITZEN LONDON MO "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" STORE Union St. • Next to Post Office Open Thur. & Fri. Till 9:00 ===4] help the CB operator increase his effective range of communi cation. Other changes, such as the issuance of a temporary license upon the purchase of a new CB radio, have greatly allevi ated the usually lenghty waiting period between the time of purchase and the time you receive your license, which is required to legally operate your radio. But the enpansion idea was the first step forward to actually alleviate some of the congestion present on the band. This congestion is so bad in some of the larger cities, that it is sometimes impossible to talk to your friend across the street. Therefore, if these additional 17 channels become frequently used, it could abate some of the mess present on the original 23 channels. But the addition of the new channels was not the only thing going against the manufactur ers. The FCC was forcing the film will be shown to a limited audience in compliance with the order of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. The 'free film may be only shown to legislators, judges, laywers, sociologists, social workers, doctors, psychiatrists, students in these or' related fields and organizations dealing with the social problems of custodial care and mental infirmity. Dates for film performances through March are available in the Public Information Office. "Black Orpheus" As part of the foreign film festival, Black Orpheus, a Brazilian film, will be shown 12:15 and 8:00 p.m. in the auditorium, Tuesday Feb. Ist. The film portrays the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice in the Black section of Rio de Janeiro. It is an exotic love story set to the electric beat of Brazilian music. Laced with jealousy, pas sion and poignant sadness, "Black Orpheus" was winner or the Cannes Film Festival Grand Prix award, and the Academy Award for the best foreign film. Admission is free. manufacturers to build the new 40-channel rigs with tighter frequency tolerances, in order to improve both transmission and reception. This was needed to prevent bleedover occuring on the already crowded channels. So, not only the additional channels, but also tighter specifications have caused prices of C.B. units to plummet to the lowest ever seen. This, in conjunction with the Christmas buying spree, caused C.B. radios to be one of the hottest selling items of the holiday season. So if any of you green horn CB'ers are ever monitoring the ether and someone tells his good buddy to "jump up to channel 34", don't check to see if you've got any peanut butter in your ears, or if your radio is on the fritz, because he is merely helping the poor unfortunates who don't have a 40 channel rig to rachet-jaw with their friends up the block. Correction A mistake was made in the last paragraph of "Republicans In Some Trouble", an article that appeared in last week's paper• The use of the term rock-headed, instead of rock bed, was not the author's intent, and according to Burke not his style either. Buy A Vote Check out the posters unveiled today on the third floor hallway in the vacinity of Room E-316. The third period class of Business 310 "Behav ioral Concepts in Business" is sponsoring a contest to determine the best of four posters designed and construc ted by the class' student groups. All students and faculty are invited to partici pate in judging the winner by dropping some money (any amount!) in the jar that corresponds to their favorite poster. The poster that brings in the most money will be declared the winner. All monies will be donated to the general scholarship fund to help some needy Capitol Campus student. You may cast your ballot today or tomorrow anytime from 9:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. Fhe HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. 8. Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown Page 3
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