'age 8 WHAT’S HAPPENING IM Bowling The winter term intramural bowling opened January 12, with defending champions X.G.l.’s #2 and runner-up Grand Wazoo scoring 4-0 sweeps, while a new team X.G.l.’s #3 and X.G.l.’s #1 won three points apiece. High scores were: Tom Kurtek 203-528 Bob Braun- 219-519 John Greshock- 504 Varsity Bowling The opening match for the bowling club was with Montgomery College, Rockville, Maryland. Montgomery scored a narrow 11-8 victory. Capitol’s c.c. FOR SALE: Guaranteed genuine Howard Hughes Last Will and Testament with strategically placed blank space. First come, first serve, only 50 available. Call Ray at 944-4824. FOUND: 37 pounds of marijuana and 12 papers. Papers can be claimed at C.C. Reader office. Women!! Graduating with out job prospects??? Exciting career available. Hard work, disgusting hours, but outta sight pay. Only requirements are: nice personality, good bod, and complete ignorance of the Mann Act. Evenings contact Cool Eddie, corner of 3rd and Reily, H-burg; days contact C.C. Reader office. Lost: somewhere in Camden, N.J., black ’67 VW, many miles, many smiles. If found, you can have it. THE SAL TY DAWG DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Park Village Plaza, Hummelstown 566-3777 scores were: Mike Pavlishin- —232-212-609 Mike Gajdowski—223-205-588 Bob Braun 193-515 Joe Snead 505 Joe Vadja 501 The intramural basketball league begins this week. Schedules are posted on the bulletin board in the Rec/Ath Building. A total of 13 teams are entered in this league and all games will be played in the Capitol Campus Base Gym. Varsity Basketball The varsity basketball team is getting their winter season Reader’s Kno Interested in discipline and mastering electrical devices? Call B.L. at 736-7764. ELIZABETH, come home. I love you. Wayne. KAREN, congrats. John. BLACK BI MALE seeks test answers and Western Trash papers. Contact Sugar Bear. WAYNE, cram it Elizabeth. OVERPAID ANCHOR WOMAN seeks lifetime supply of the letter R. Contact Baba. HAPPINESS IS A CLEAN MIND- but it’s boring as hell. A message from the Boredom Switchboard. For Sale: One ostrich feather boa scarf, high heel slippers, edible undies. Only kinky need apply. Call 787-7732, ask for Troy. MONDAY-FRIDAY STROMBOLI, SUBS, BEER-TO-GO, LUNCHEON SALAD BAR, CLAMS, PIZZA MONDAY NIGHTS TEQUILA SUNRISE THURSDAY NIGHTS STROMBOLI SPECIAL Cfre &altj> Batog OPEN: 11-2 AM 1-2 AM IM Basketball MONDAY-SATURDAY SUNDAY C.C. Reader IN RECREATION AND ATHLETICS off to a good start by defeating Penn State Delaware Campus on Jan. 11, and Penn State Schuylkill Campus Jan. 17. Final score with Schuykill Campus was 94-81. Scoring points were made as follows: Pavlishin 17; Jules 29; Morrell 20; Messer 8; Klotz 7; Lombardo 5; Spitzner 2. Capitol defeated the Delaware Campus 97-58. Points scored in that game were as follows: Morrell 21; Jules 14; Pavlishin 10; Spitzner 11; Kurtz 4; Klotz 8; Lombardo 8; Owens 4; Prudente 10; Messer 1; McKeown 2; Kolbeck 4. Standing to date is 6 & 2. Our' inimitable coach Fred Baker, and his assistant J. Baker, are w Class Crassifieds OVERWEIGHT BI MALE seeks overweight, well-clipped toy poodle of either sex. Purpose: good times. Write Bob, P.O. Box 311, Harrisburg. FOUND: Item of feminine intimate apparel. Identify and claim in C.C. Reader office. Reward expected. INSANITY LESSONS. Con tact Ray at 944-4824. FOR SALE: Antique Wendell Wilkie Party Doll. Get screwed by the Republicans again. I FOUND ITU! (Now what do I do with it???) Harrisburg Gay Switchboard. very optimistic about this year’s basketball season, and it looks as though they are right!! Steven’s Trade School was defeated 77-64. Womens Basketball The Capitol Campus wo men’s team is doing a super job on the courts. Their standing at this time is 4 & 1. They defeated Schuykill Campus by 54-52 in overtime play. The winning basket for that game was scored by Beth Kopas. They triumphed over the York Campus with a score of 46-26. Scoring that game was done as follows: B. Kopas 18; D. Coleman 2; L. Mattern 14; D. Sarsfield 4; N. Robertson 8. Wanted: unattached type setter, willing to work long hours alone. No rewards, (friends are hard to find, too.) Apply C.C. Reader Office. In order to bring students and faculty closer together, all evening and Saturday students are welcome as guests of the Business Administration facul ty in Room 216, 5 - 8 p.m. on Jan. 24 and 25 for coffee and donuts. Dr. Joseph Yaney and Mrs. Gail South will discuss curricu lum and better education at the meeting. r- —— Visit The 23abib Jtflartin STORE MRAH UMMMD nWWW JAHTZCN 10HP0M FO6 "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" Babtb iWartin STORE Union St. - Next to Post Office Open Thur. & Fri. Till 9:00 jfegfe teDD 9 § Ido cbebm January 20, 1977 HACC Pool Hours Capitol Campus students, faculty and staff are permitted to use the Harrisburg Area Community College pool as follows: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday 1:40 p.m. to 2:40 p.m. Tuesdays 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday & Thursday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. PSU ID’s are required. Sitter Babysitter for well behaved three year old girl. In my home in downtown Middletown. Need your own transportation- on bus line. One day on weekends so that I could use the library. Times, days and pay negotia ble. Call Melissa, 944-0890. “Purlie” The Harrisburg Community Theater will present “Purlie Victorius”, a dinner theater, at the Student Center on February 5. This Dixie comedy, by Ossie Davis, depicts the racial injustices of the old south humorously and with a touch of magic. Student admission is $3.00 and $4.00 for the general public. This price includes a southern dinner. The dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m., and show time will be 8:15 p.m. Qii^L HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. & Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown
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