Page 4 Ath Rec News IM Bowling Fall term championships were held Wednesday, Decem ber 1, at the Middletown Lanes. Top four teams were in the playoffs. A rundown on the outcome of the playoffs will appear in the next issue. Team standings as of November 23 are as follows: Grand Wazoo 36&4 Turkeys 30&10 X.G.I.S #2-- 25&15 Kegglers 26&14 X.G.I.S #1 23&17 Fac/Staff- 16*/*&23Vi Zappers Zippers 15&25 High Rollers— 14Vi&25Vi Gutterballs 13&27 High Scores: Joe Vadja 257 Mike Szep 222 Keith MiUison 212 Ken Bernhardt- 205 Pat Laurie 180 Anyone wishing to bowl in the Winter term, please contact the Rec/Ath Building, or call Mike: 944-0807. Reserve your spot for next term now!! Varsity Basketball Capitol Campus opened their season by defeating Williamsport Area Community College 109 to 73. High scorer for the evening was Virgil Jules with 30 points—Mike Pavlishin grabbed 21 rebounds. Scoring was as follows: Pavlishin:B; Jules:3o; Spitzner:ll; Morrell: 10; Kurtz: 12; Messer: 4; Schule: 5; Prudente:B; Lombardo:6; Hoover: 2; Majzlik:l3. f CLASSIFIEDS j Dorm contract available. Winter and Spring terms. Contact: Gary Fickes, 944-1865. Kawasaki A-l 250 c.c. excellent condition. Clean, economical and very dependa ble. SAC. $350:00. Call Steve; Wasser at 944-4947 or stop by and see it at 833 B Nelson Dr. Meade Hgts. For Sale- Cabar ski boots, used one weekend, excellent condition. Size 11-11V2. $40.00 or any reasonable offer. Also Sears 190 cm skis, boot, poles. Excellent condition. $125.00 or best offer. Call Don at 944-4947. 1975 Kawasaki 40b c.c. streetbike. Good cordition. Engine veiy good. Current inspection. Call Joe at 939-7676 after 4 p.m. Olin Mark 1 Skis. Never been used. Call Terry 944-3895 after 5:15. i Buy One, [McDonald s Quarter Pounder* ■ nv|4l| CA Thick and juicy! Starts with a quarter Ww 1111 VUCC9C • pound of 100% pure beef, cooked up ■ just right, served with American cheese, mustard, ketchup, pickle, and ■ onion on a toasted sesame seed bun. *Wt 1/4 lb. before cooking. ■ Coupon expires: December 9, 1976 W There are just two more games scheduled for the fall term with one. at Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science and the other at Alvernia College, Reading, Pa. The first game of the Winter term is scheduled at home with PSU, Delaware County Cam pus, on Tuesday, January 11, 8:00 p.m., in the Middletown Main Street Gym. The Wo men’s team will play at 6:00 p.m. IM Basketball Intramural basketball will begin in the Winter term and again rosters will be unlimited. Start getting your teams together early and submit rosters and entry fees to the Rec/Ath Budding. A deadline date wdl be announced some time after classes begin for Winter term. Running Around Capitol Campus was wed represented at the recent Mdlersvdle 10 Mde Turkey Trot. Out of the 450 runners, Bob Rhinier came in 22nd with an excedent time of 57:37. John Schwanger, Capitol’s cross country coach, finished third in the Master’s division, 57 th overad, with a time of 60:51. Other finishers from Capitol included Steve Staugh 62:32; Richard Larmour 67:28; and Lloyd Seager 70:17. The winner of the race was Jeff Bradley, a former Mdlersvdle State Codege Ad American cross country runner, with a time of 49:48. Wanted- Any parts to fit '73 or newer Volvo, any model. Phone 737-4212 with your details. Jeep, '73, CJS, renegade blue with matching blue Levi’s top, Bxls white spoke wheels* 10x15 off-road tires, V-8, roll bar, like new condition through out Cad 737-4212 for more! details. Services Keypunching for research projects, masters or doctoral thesis woik or whatever. Experienced. References avad able. After 5:00 pm cad *144-0890. OUPO C.C. Reader “Woody” from page 2 feet and 3,500 feet, and routines can be no longer than 13 minutes. The majority of home-budts are created strictly for fun and are budt for sport flying as is the Pitts Sl-S. Menear describes the home budder as “for the most part average Americans, who are both patient craftsmen and pdots, and are therefore able to realize a dream to budd and fly their own plane. He is annoyed by those who critize the private aircraft segment, pointing out that he is as concerned with safety as is the EAA. “Homebudders are not the lunatic fringe,” he says, “after ad, no one thinks people who budd boats are nuts, why should it be different with an airplane?” To finish the plane, Menear must insert the gauges, glue and sew the fabric to the wings and tad, add the propedor, and wait for final inspection by the FAA. He is now only months away from donning his cap, gloves and scarf and fulfilling a dream that many share, but one reserved for a select few: flying. The End Lost: Gold Speidel I.D. bracelet with Beth inscribed on it, Ph. 944-9578. Visit The ©abfo jttartm STORE Pre Wash Jeans Print Shirts Painter Pants Faded Glory "Clothing the Men In This Area Since 1895" Uabiti ifiartin STORE Union St.-Noxt to Port OHIeo Open Thur. & Fri. Till9:00. ♦ ±mmm Get One free, i maid* WANTED: Dead or Alive ■ ■■ (preferably the latter be- L£f||£f|f II cause we’ve had enough - ■ w of the former), writers, Uf*|fl£ 111 II layout people, typesetters llwill9 | and any other People interested In putting ■« A flTwlGIICfi together a good news- v,,vv paper. Stop in W-129. Directions 76/77 The Counseling Center is pleased to announce the next program in its Directions '76-77 series. The program, entitled “Human Development and Personal Growth Group” will be a series of eight group sessions dealing with human development, personal growth, communication skills, inter personal relationships and self-actualization. The first session will begin on Wednes day, January 19,1977 in Room W-117, (the first session from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. with the subsequent second through eighth sessions being on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.). Enrollment in this “Human Development and Personal Growth Group” is limited. Students interested in signing up should register before Friday, January 14,1977 in the Counseang Center. SGA ATTENDANCE Present: Cliff Eshbach, Ray Martin, Beth Kopaa, Charles Alesky, Katie Fee, Terry Gallagher, Kitty Nestor, George Rovnack, John Stemlck, Lou Ann Mlhallck, Charles Cales, Nellie Jlwanl, Diane Lewis, Bill Long, Joe Mahar, Elliot Relff, Tim Adams, Jane Utzy. Absent: Elizabeth Welmer, Maria Robinson, Christine Van Zandt, Lenny Klonltsko. """ " 1 McDonald’s 2270 W. Hbg. Pk. Middletown, Pa. December 2, 1976 By Urn Adams The International Afairs Association recently attended a conference on the affairs of the world sponsored by Lehigh University. The conference concerned itself with laws of the sea, world food resources, arms control, solar energy and a special-interest topic, space colonization. Professors from Moravian, Muhlenberg and other colleges held seminars on the various topics. No resolutions to the problems were given, but recommendations on how these problems should be approached were discussed. Education of people to the dangers of overpopulation and the ensuing depletion of the world food supply, utilization of solar energy, limitations of armaments and colonization of space were some of these recommendations. Those in attendance from Capitol Campus were George Crowell, Andria Yelverton, Joe Mahar, John Greenway, Carmella Donald and the group's advisor, Prof. Clem Gilpin. Speaker cont. from page 1 of the Child Abuse Preventive (C.A.P.E.). The Penn State- Capitol Campus fall commencement will be held at the Middletown Area High School, Sat, Dec. 11 at 11:00 a.m. A total of 129 students will be awarded degrees. HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. a Fri. Eve Opposite The
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