Spins, Turns, Flips, And Dives By Elizabeth Courtney The concept of flying, lifting the body free from the earth, and defying gravity, compels many to fantacize and dream of soaring among the birds and clouds, but only a few take the opportunity to experience this phenomenon. Whether it be by hang gliding, small plane, or jetliner, it is fascinating to talk to those who have. Elwood “Woody” F. Menear, a first term Social-Psych major at Capitol Campus is fulfilling this dream by piloting private planes, and is currently building his own biplane. I entered his shop in Hummelstown, a bit skeptical, expecting to find pipes, rods and dials littering the room, nothing of which resembles an aircraft. Component parts scattered the room amid a structure, even I as a layman recognized to be a plane, which Menear said was 75% finished. I considered building an airplane an immense task, and after looking over the Pitts Sl-S blueprints, it convinced me planemaking was unique, as was my mentor, who was elated at finding a captive and eager audience. “I’ve always said,” Menear told me, “that building an airplane is not a big job, it’s about 10,000 little ones.” It is clearly one that takes time and patience: Pipes must be welded to form the frame; wing wood must be routed and sanded; and much attention must be given to small details like tabs and clips, Commencement Speaker Named Dr. Robert E. McDermott, provost of Penn State- Capitol Campus, is pleased to announce the featured speaker for the fall 1976 commencement will be the Honorable Judge Lisa A. Richette of Philadelphia, Pa. Judge Richette graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and Yale Law School. Her professional appoint ments include Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia, Assistant District Attorney of the city of Philadelphia, instructor in psychology and law at Yale Law School, visiting lecturer in criminology at Temple University, lecturer in jurisprudence at the University of Pennsylvania graduate seminars, clinical professor of law at Villanova Law School and lecturer in law at Temple University Law School. She knobs and bolts. There are only 5,188 registered home-built aircraft in the country, 7% of which are not finished by the original builder. The Pitts Sl-S is a single passenger biplane that is especially suited acrobatic work. New, the plane retails for $26,000, and Menear will cut that cost in half by constructing his own. The construction is of traditional design: a welded steel tubing fuselage; with wooden wings covered by doped dacron fabric; sheet metal covering the front half of the fuselage; and disk brakes. A parachute is required for all acrobatoic work, his being a new type, designed to open very quickly. has been the recipient of numerous community service and humanitarian awards and has been listed in Who’s Who in American Women, Who’s Who in the East and Who’s Who in America. Judge Richette also serves as board member of Teen-Aid, the advisory committee of the YWCA, the New Horizon Educational Research Institute, and on the board of directors of the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic. She is vice-chairman of the Chancellor’s Commission on Drug Abuse, and founder cont pg. 4 C.B. Thefts Reported By Hm Adams Two cars, parked in the back parking lot, were broken into and robbed prior to the Thanksgiving break, according to Chief Paul. Both cars involved in the incident belonged to Capitol Students. One car was vandalized and both were stripped of Citizen Band units valued at $l4O each, Chief Paul said. The incident occured between 11:45 a.m. and 1:45 p.m. on Friday, November 19th. When asked about the possibility of a security patrol oversight. Chief Paul responded by saying that there was “no neglect on the part of the security department Even if we had 30 officers, this type of thing might happen." Fingerprints were lifted from one of the vehicles, but they were smudged beyond recognition, according to the chief. Chief Paul said that he was working with Lower Swatara and Highspire police because of a similar incident that occurred in Highspire, where two other C.B. units were stolen. So far, police have only one lead to check, according to Chief Paul; that being three persons who were seen lurking about the school the previous evening. Ironically, at the time of the incident, there was a meeting in process on campus of local and district judges and the Dauphin County D.A. As an ex post facto suggestion, Chief Paul said that the Identa program is still in operation this year and he urged people who have C.B. radios and/or tape players to register these items with the program at the Security Office. Weekend Weather Extended outlook Friday through Sunday Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair and cold Friday and Saturday. Highs .both days in the upper 20s and 30s. Lows 5 to 15 north and 10 to 20 south. Mild Sunday with the chance of some rain. Highs in the upper 30s and 40s and lows in the .80s.
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