September 23, 1976 Local N.O.W. Boosts Hie National Organization for Women is an organization of men and women working together for women. The first meeting will be held twice for the benefit of those who have class during the first meeting. On September 28th one meeting will be held 2nd period in room 216. Another meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. in room 216. We’ll be talking about what we can do this year. Starting to work on our first two programs on The History of the Women’s Movement ana on The Equal Rights Amendment You can volunteer to tell us what you know about Harriet Tbbman. And we’ll be nominating persons for the offices of the organization. We’re going to be having consciousness raising groups this fall. S you want to discover more about yourself and others, or if you want to know how other people handle problems that are much like yours, Or if you’re interested in voicing your views on how family, religion, schools, and society in general patterened your thinking (and how you’re fighting to sort it all out), sign up for consciousness raising. Wen be talking about it at our first meeting. If you’re interested in consciousness raising but can’t come to the meeting leave your name, phone number and/or address in the NOW mailbox in the SGA office (W-110) or call Linda at 944-4966. We will be actively sup porting the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment Last Thomas Offers A Big Favorite Fall term begins this year with a new addition to the course schedule, Photographic Media. BE pro-registration interest is any indicator, the course, taught by Professor Troy Thomas, appears to be an overwhelming favorite. The course is scheduled to meet Monday and Wednesday during sth and 6th periods, although students are expected to allow themselves free time to utilize the facilities of the photography lab. Thomas described the course as the “practice of photography”, with the aim of the course being to allow students to explore photo graphy as an aesthetic and socially significant medium, with an emphasis on the use of photography within the fields of journalism and the fine arts. “Photojournalism at its best is synonymous with photography as a fine art,” Thomas said. The course will also deal with the practical aspects of black and white photography, such as shooting, developing, minting and mounting. Thomas plans to expose the students to photography at its best, by showing great photo graphs of the past and present There will also be weekly group sessions in which time will be allowed for group discussion and criticism of student photographs. According to Thomas, three 35mm cameras and three 120 mm cameras will be available for student use. The lab will also provide chemicals and enlargers. E.R.A. May two Now members from the Capitol Campus chapter rode the ERA Freedom Tain to join a national ERA rally in Springfield, Illinois. According to the New York Times about 8,000 supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment from 30 states met in Illinois’ state capitol. It was an excellent opportunity to meet women and men from all over the country and to view a social movement in action. The Equal Rights Amend ment is supported by many national, state and local organizations including: Amen ican Jewish Congress, Council for Christian Social Action, St Joan’s Alliance of Catholic Women, National Association of Negro Business and Profes sional Women, General Feder ation of Women’s Clubs, National Organization for Women, National Federation of Business and Professional Women, and many AFL-CIO unions. Four more states are needed before the E.R.A. can become the 27th amendment And until that time the passage of the E.R.A. will be a primary objective both nationally and locally. A Virginia and/or Florida rally is being considered for early 1977. Want to be a part of it, join the National Organization for Women and support “Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.” By Patty Stanchak Students are expected to provide their own texts, paper and film. Don Shoemaker is the new photography lab assistant He will be available during the week to help students with their lab work. The use of the photography lab is not limited to photo graphy students. On Fridays the lab will be available to interested parties for a small fee. Open 24 Hours 7 Days / Wart *J u st around ihe corner On The Square in Middletown C.C. Reader Security cont. from pg. 1 They will be called whenever an official complaint is made by a student and the complaint contains the name of the plaintiff or the intervening security officer (substitution of the officer's name on the For All Your Collo K •RECORDS • TAPES • HEAD * SUPPLIES £P(I. OPEN DAILY: 10:00-10:00 OUR EVERYDAY LOW PR1CE...*4.79 Finally...A Downtown Discount Record Store complaint will only be in cases where the plaintiff was placed in jeopardy by having his or her identity revealed) for a serious civil offence on peisonal safety or property. The dean added, “In cases of student misuse of alcohol and This week's special. Stanley Clarke, School Days Stills Young Band-Long May You Run Only $3.59 24 J\f. 2nd other similar substances, the resolution of these situations will be in accordance with the law, but will recognize the distinct nature of this college campus..,” meaning that less serious offences will be handled on campus. e Needs dt. 236-92Z2 Page 3
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