Reader Classifieds Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. Wanted Looking for a 1968 Humphrey-Muskie button and a 1972 Nixon-Agnew button for collection. Will buy or trade. Gall Cliff at 944-7701. Riders wanted every Friday to Pittsburgh. Con tact Tom, 130 Church Hall. Circulation manager at the Harrisburg Independent Press weekly newspaper. Establish routes, do phone subscriptions, newsstand distribution, etc. Can be full or part-time. Suitable for summer employment. Call Jim Zimmerman at 232-6794. Advertising sales at the Harrisburg Independent Press weekly newspaper. Can be full or part-time. Pay is by commission. Call Jim Zimmerman at 232-6794. Need male roommate. Ist floor plush 2 bdr. apt. w-w carpet, A/C, laundry fac. Access swimming pool, tennis cts., etc. Phone 787-6121, ask for Rocco. For Sale Zenith 19” black and white portable T.V. One year old. Paid $l5O asking $B5. See Dave Room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. Craig Powerplay car stereo with FM and eight track. Three months old. Must sell. Call 944-0807. 1970 Mercury Cougar 351-Z blue. Body in good condition. Motor fair. Four new E-78-14 tires. Two snow tires. One new. Best offer. Call after 9:00 p.m. 944-3189. If only I’d started at the bottom. Some of the richest men around could have been a little richer. If they hadn’t put off buying life insurance. When you’re 20 your rates start near the bottom of the scale. When you’re 25 they start higher. When you’re 30 even higher. So, don’t wait, Stop by our campus office and let’s talk about our Protector policy with the Guaranteed Purchase Option. MICHAEL L. HORD Special Agent Mowery Associates Suite 201, 355 North 21st Street Camp Hill. PA. 17011 Bus. 717-701-4290 Res. 717-652-1684 Traynor YBA-1 Bass Master amplifier and Rickenbacker bass guitar. Both in excellent condition. Call Randy at 944-4489. SR-51 w/case charger $lOO.OO. Mayfair 5-string Bluegrass banjo new $lOO.OO. - Skis 180 mm w/bindings, boots, poles $150.00. All items in excellant condition. Call Larry between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., 234-0673. One Ludwig field or parade type drum in excel lent condition, along with a Ludwig carrying case, stand, parade strap, brush type sticks and three hickory sticks for 160.00. See Dave room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. '67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good con dition. Cali Alfredo after 10 p.m. 944-0555. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard Turn table, FM receiver, two H-K speakers. Just given com plete overhaul, new needle, all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic Power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135, Stan 534-1894. Four S.S. Gragar mags for sale or trade for chrome reverse. 14” to fit GM cars. Call Jenson at 944-0355. Queen size water bed, includes matress, liner, heater frame. Used only two terms. $75.00. Must sell. Call 944-6832. Hi MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Home Office: 4601 Market St., Phila., Pa. 19101 Subsidiaries: Providor Management Company Providor Sales company Two brand new Kelly- Springfield 4-ply polyester snow tires. C-78X13” white walls. Asking $50.00. Call 944-1847 after 7:00 p.m. weekdays, anytime week ends. One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Thorens TDI6O turntable w/Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo Auto-rev. car cassette player plus another $BO.OO. Two speakers, LCR crossover, Phillips dome midrange and tweeter 12 inch woofer. Well built enclosure. $280.00 pair. All prices are negotiable. Alcort sunfish sailboat and trailer. Used three times. Like new. Call Mr. Rohrbach at 787-7734. 1974 Bulck LeSabre. 4-dr, air, PS, PB, AM-FM. 43,000 mi.- EXCELLENT. $3200. Ph. 944-9147 (after six). If you are interested in playing backgammon- call 944-1966, Michael. Services Typing done reasonable contact on campus. Call Bert at 564-0414. Will make small repairs on your auto such as tune-ups, carburetor adjust ments, brake linings in stalled (drum only). Call 944-0767 and ask for Steve. Rates very reasonable. Personal Good looking guys looking for single, good looking girls to go out on dates. Interested in bowl ing, dancing, parties, going to movies, etc. This is no joke. If interested, wait by bookstore fourth period Wednesdays. See you there! Would the person who ripped off the bus. law text during the fall term please leave it atop the boxes in W-110. It was a borrowed book! Impoverished Bor rower. Would the party or parties unknown who clan destinely borrowed (ripped off) the orange vinyl lawn furniture from behind 845-B Kirtland please return same! No Questions Asked! Rites Of Spring! From Pag* 1 munal Dinner will be held outside Vendorville April 26-30 during 2,3,4 and 5 periods. Rites of Spring tee shirts will be sold at all events for $3.00. For furthur information concerning Rites of Spring contact Ann Gicas, 951 B Kirkland, 944-7994. Photo Course Coming From Pag* 1 point he is concentrating mostly on design and construction of the dark room , and is not certain exactly how he will run the course as far as scheduling and grading are concerned. He also described his course as an attempt to have students develop their own style, one that could be recognized by others. It will not be a lecture course, but a course where., the student produces his own work, recognizing the fact that photography is an Center Gets Face Lifted From Pag* 1 on the building at that time. However, there were no corresponding changes made to the blueprints, South said. Because of this, the present contractors have found some unexpected changes in the building layout, and the construction plans must be altered accordingly, according to South. The object of the renovation is to convert an austere PX building into an activities center with a warm friendly atmosphere. The work to be done will include lowering of the ceiling, paneling the walls, replacement of the lighting system and the installation of a sound system in the main room. The game room will be enlarged and the snack bar will be renovated. The project is the culmination of the three years’ work by the members of the Student Government. Hoffman, president of Capitol’s Young Democrats Club, at Harrisburg International Airport on April 15. “IN THE NEWSPAPER THEY ALWAYS GIVE THE AGE OF DECEASED PERSONS BUT NEVER THE AGE OF THE NEWLY BORN. THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.” For even more perplexing revelations see The Bald Soprano when she appears on our stage May 26 and 27. Who is The Bald Soprano? See page 7. aesthetic and artistic me dium as well as a medium of social significance. The student can ap proach the course from a photo-journalism angle or get into still-lifes or land scape. His photographs should be good, have something to say, Thomas said, and also be interesting. The final grade, Thomas said, will be based on the students’ portfolio, although he has not set a definitive, number of prints required, as yet. When questioned about whether or not students could afford a good camara, (the ones who don’t have one already), Thomas said he would be interested in student response and will be available more this summer when he will be teaching here. If you are interested and persistent, though, you might find him one day in W-153, where his office is located. Mini-Opera Slated Capitol’s Fund for Re search will be sponsoring a mini-opera entitled “Ruth," to be presented on Friday, May 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Gallery Lounge. The Colonial Players, a group of singers from the Colonial Park area will be performing the mini-opera. This experience in thea ter was written by Dr. Eleanor Ebersole, assistant professor of education. As part of the program sponsored by the Fund for Research, WZAP will be taping the opera and the multi-media students will do the editing.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers