Page 4 Economic Rally Set For July 4 In D.C. The Peoples Bicentennial Commission has announced plans to hold a Revolution ary July 4 rally at the Capitol Bldg., Washington, D.C. The rally will call for a new movement in America to challenge the power of the giant multinational corpora tions and a revitalization of the democratic promise of social, political and eco nomic justice set forth in the Declaration of Indepen dence. Prominent entertainers, actors and speakers repre senting labor, consumers and enviromentalists will be featured. The PBC July 4 celebra tion-projected to be the largest economic rally in the nation’s 200 year history—, will begin at sunrise with a commemoration service honoring the 8,000 war dead of the American Revolution. A march will be held after the service from Arlington National Cemetery to the Capitol Building where the major portion of the rally will be held. Among the speakers who will appear are: Dr. Barry Commoner, leading enviromentalist and author of numerous books, including "The Closing Circle.” PRESCRIPTIONS? Having Trouble Finding It? ACHENBACH'S PHARMACY HIGHSPIRE 939-9820 —Ed Sadlowski, president of the largest steelworkers local in the nation, and leader of a rank and file insurgency movement within the United Steel Workers of America. —Carole Tucker-Foreman, director of the Consumer Federation of America, largest consumer organi zation in the nation. —Karl Hess, former Goldwater speechwriter, and now a community activist and author. —Eqbal Ahmed, authority on Third World Revolution, and former defendent with the Berrigan Brothers in the Harrisburg Seven Trial. Major folksingers, actors and additional speakers will be announced at a later date. At the culmination of the rally, participants will be asked to follow in the footsteps of the founders by signing a Declaration for our own day—The Declaration of Economic Independence. The day’s activities will conclude with a massive fireworks display to be helb fireworks display to be held at the Washington Monument. For more information, contact: Ted Howard, Jeremy Rifkin at (800) 424-1130. TRY C.C. Reader San Jose Gets A Start In Porn Biz Someone has been mak ing pornographic movies in the dorms at San Jose State College in California for the past two years, and the productions have opened to mixed reviews. The whole college thing has come together for me for the first time," gushed one coed who took part in the filming. “Drinking, drugs and sex, all at once.” “Obscene behavior is clearly contrary to university policy,” harumphed college president John Bunzel, who has launched an investi gation into the incident. “I tried to be a cool reporter but I must have turned 12 shades of purple before they were through," admitted Louise Randall, a writer for the student newspaper who hunted down the action for two months and then witnessed the filming of a couple scenes. “Most of them are clean, well-raised, mom-and-apple pie types you wouldn’t pick as porno chicks,” com mented the director, speak ing of the nine female students who acted for him. One male student also starred in color films which are being marketed for $l,OOO each. The students were paid up to $lOO for their parts, although the director said he had to hire prostitutes for the “unusual” sex scenes. By Patty Stanchak Staff Writer Marilynn Kanenson, an independent Democratic candidatefor the 104th legis lative district and a graduate of Capitol spoke here on April 15. The 104th district in cludes the Capitol Campus area. After thumbing through her campaign pamphlet, I found a few key phrases that made me uneasy. Consider these: Kanenson the citizen legis lator; your citizen represen tative; informed, interested and energetic; and Let Marilynn do your House work. This last phrase is probably no more than a cute and catchy campaign slo gan, but the others are a bit of an insult to the voters’ intelligence. Of course she’s a citizen representative. As far as I know voting privileges have not been given to any of the lower orders of ferns. And, if she isn’t inte rested, what is she doing running for state legislator? This is not meant, ace In Counseling By Rebecca Oswald Staff Writer If you see a new face in the Counseling Center, it’s Jim Gauger the new part time counselor. Besides counseling here, Gauger also works for the State Bureau of Child Welfare on the Child Abuse Hotline. He has a bachelor degree from Bloomsburg State College and a master’s degree from Shippensburg State College. Gauger, who will work here 2 hours a week, will be in the Counseling Center from 12:30 p.m. to 9:oo p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. As a counselor Gauger will interpret test scores and help students with personal, social and educational pro blems. He is also interested in vocational counseling and Hardened And Cynical At 23 however, to blast candidate Kanenson. As a matter of fact, I found her to be quite open. When the issue of juvenile justice was raised, she admitted she did not have enough guidelines to act intelligently. For her, the matter would take more research, she said. She seemed to know the needs of her district, and on these issues she was coherent and offered con structive proposals for change. If honesty was the only criterion for a candidate, I think she would have my vote. The lantern of Diogenes has been out for a long time. And I do not mean to pick it up. Hardened and cynical at the relatively young age of Commentary 23, I imagine honesty must be as hard to find as white truffles. Kanenson may be that rare breed of person. At least, she had the courage to admit her lack of knowledge April 29, 1976 wants to counsel students worried, about finding a job. Being an ex-GI, Gauger said he would like to meet and talk with other ex-Gls. He mentioned that he returned to college after being in the service. Because of this personal experience, he said he feels he can relate to ex-Gls beginning or returning to college. He said, however, the XGIs here always seem to be on-the-go, so he plans to visit the fraternity soon. Gauger extends an invi tation to all students to come in to meet him in W-117. He says students do not have to have a “big bad problem” to come in for a few counseling sessions. Students are welcome to come in the Counseling Center for personal growth or to just to have someone to talk with. in a certain area. And let’s face it, no one knows everything about every thing. Also, rather than take the opportunity to lash out at her opponent, she declared him to be a “nice guy.” But honesty does not a good politician make, right? Rather, it’s the ability to talk out of both sides of one’s mouth and smile at the opposition through clenched teeth. And the favorite game is to kick the wounded dog, “When my opponent said this, he really meant that.” Why can’t we have a simple “yes” or “no” to a question? Or if need be, “I really don’t know how to answer that but I will check it out?” A pig can sniff out truffles, but what about an honest person? And finally, must we be subjected to catchy cam paign slogans? A cute phrase may sell toilet paper, but I doubt that it sells qualified people.
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