April 15, 1976 The Hot Lion is published to inform the Capitol Campus community of all activities on, or concerned with, the Campus. Everyone should feel free to use this service by completing the entry cards available in the Student Affairs Office [WlO5]. Deadline Is Thursday Noon, the week prior to date of publication. April 15 State and federal income tax due. 1:00 p.m.-Bertel and Anette Soeborg Ohlsen, Danish cellist and pianist-Gallery Lounge. Film-“ Journey Through the Past” by Neil Young. April 16 Good Friday-Holiday- No classes. 5:00 p.m.-1976-77 Resident Assistant Applications due-Residence Living Program Office (946 A Kirtland Avenue). April 17 Holiday-No classes. April 18 Easter 12:30 p.m.-Mass-Student Center. April 19 Holiday-No classes. 5:00 p.m.-Fencing Club-Rec/Ath Bldg. 7:30 p.m.-Martial Arts-Rec/Ath Bldg. April 20 9:00 p.m.-XGI meeting-Tiltin Hilton. April 21 12:00 noon-Maranatha Bible Study-W-202. 2:00 p.m.-BSU meeting-BCAC. 7:00 p.m.-Co-ed volleyball-Base Gym. April 22 6:30 p.m.-Slimnastics-Rec/Ath Bldg. 8:00 p.m.-Bob Doyle and the Buffalo Chipkickers-Adm. $l.OO-Aud. HACC-11:00 a.m.-Mini Concert-Cafeteria. April 23 HACC-11:OO a.m.-Mini Concert-Cafeteria. April 24 Test date for gre. Annual veterans softball tournament at University Pary. HACC-8:00 p.m.-Concert-College Center. April 25 12:30 p.m.-Mass-Student Center. Annual Veterans Softball Tournament at University Park. April 26 9:00 a.m.-Conference on productivity and Quality of Working Life-Host Inn-for more information contact George Bell-787-7753. 5:00 p.m. - Fencing Club- Rec/Ath Bldg. 7:30 p.m. - Martial Arts- Rec/Ath Bldg. 8:00 p.m. - Penn State Singers- Aud. HACC -12:00 noon- Discussion of Poetry with Mark Epstein - A-106. 8:15 p.m. - Poetry Reading- Mark Epstein- A-106, Free. april 27 6:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m.- BSU- Gold Skate. 7:00 p.m.- 9:30 p.m.- Solar Energy Conference- (first meeting of second session)- Room 216. April 28 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.-Laboratory Workshop-Aud. and Room 216. 12:00 noon- Maranatha Bible Study- W-202. 2:00 p.m.- BSU meeting- BCAC. 7:00 p.m.- Co-ed volleyball- Base Gym. HACC- 8:15 p.m.- HACC Jazz Ensemble- A-106, Free. April 29 6:30 p.m.- Slimnastics- Rec/Ath. Bldg. XGI Blood Drive. Last day to mail PHEAA Grant Applications for the 76-77 academic year. Message to Penn State Students from President John W Oswald At the beginnina o* this term lam oontinuina what I started last fan on ~. . C3IUCIII UUIIII VV • V/SWai Cl sawsr .xss for all agencies and institution's, Including Penn Sta\e 7 |^whi?h n budgetary 8 f are afeater th° rt supply rßcommended in th eGov er a nVi jh s e budge? n |'havestat«l , thaHhls^ l c ,or *, 10 mi , lllon more than the amount resources will support. In understandlng the Penn State 1976-77 budw? XSfinn Sa r^,?.^. h ® n .,? urre / ,, ? ur programs, on the u? ums,a, L C 8 3 bound *° have an effect on »»» jss ss :s ssssa. 11 " »*• l ;.ST,, s ira: l K"sa C.C. Reader Attention! Graduating Students This year SGA has made arrangements with the cam pus bookstore for baccalau reate degree graduating students to purchase their academic regalia. The regalia consists of a cap, gown and tassle. The gown is made of a light acrylic material. The cost is $B.OO. MasteP degree students graduating in June can rent their academic regalia. The rental charge is $12.75 and includes a cap, gown, tassel and hood. June graduating students can order their academic regalia through the campus bookstore. The bookstore has extended the deadline for ordering the regalia until Tuesday, May 4,1976. After that date, there will be a late fee charge of $lO.OO. If an order must be canceled, the bookstaore will refund the purchase price if the apparel has not been picked up from the bookstore. The iate order fee, however, is NOT REFUNDABLE. Invitations and an nouncements are also avail able at the bookstore. Place your orders as soon as possible. Malaysian Dean Parid Wardi bin Sudin, dean of the faculty of Buili Environment, Universiti Teknoloji Malaysia is visiting here until tomorrow. Parid is here to obtain information on our Urban and Regional Planning, Public Administration and Civil Engineering Technol ogy programs. During his stay, he will meet with faculty and administration, examine our XGI Reporter Its been quite a while since the last Reader issue, and there s been a lot happening. Here are the results of the frat’s elections last term: President: Myron Lebo Secretary: Keith Millison Vice-President: Sally Wallace Treasurer: George Winterstein Appointments made by the new administration were Sports Chairperson- Ricardo Mosley, Social Chairperson- Vince Johnson and Master-at-arms- Joe Horochak. Some spring term activities include another keggar, according to Vince Johnson. The date is not yet set. The spring blood drive will be Thursday, April 29. The sign-up sheet will be in the frat lounge. The bathtub race will be May 5. Once again the XGIs will be represented with their beautiful red tub. Dan MArtin is in charge of the frat’s entry in the race and yours truly will be helping to push the frat tub. .. Jtl? Phillies baseball trip will be May 21. I would guess that there will be beer and hoagies again this year for the trip. June 5 is the date for the picnic at Braun’s farm. Vince Johnson still needs help from the frat for the spring concert. If you want to help, let Vince know Keith Millison will soon be taking over the XGI Reporter article as a part of his secretarial duties. The secretary is the logical person for this job since the secretary is constantly in contact with what’s going on in the frat. Well that’s about it for this time. Hope to see some participation in these upcoming events. New Generation Is Silent From pag* 2 their insistence that college curricula reflect the needs of the job market, they are just telling us that the world is leaving them fewer and fewer choices While the 1950 s genera tion saw politics as some thing they could take or leave, todays young seem deliberately to be shunning it. Close to 50% of those under 30 do not affiliate with either political party. This is not the politics of apathy and conformity but rather of disgust and retreat. Visits Campus laboratories and facilities, and observe some classes in action. Parid’s visit is part of an on-going cooperative devel opment assistance effort between Capitol and the Universiti Teknoloji Ma laysia. Universiti Teknoloji has been designated as the national university and tech nology for the country of Malaysia. By Jom Jenson Some may greet this phenomena with a sigh of relief. The politicized stu dent of the 1960 s upset some adults more than the Vietnam War itself/ This retreat to the 1950 s and beyond, no matter what its justification, has left ar enormous gap in Americar Life. Students should hold a society up tolts ideals rather ;han mirror its deepest cynicism. Idealism may be the luxury of youth; But their luxury may be our necessity. One wonders where the Vietnam War would have led without the student peace movement? How successful would the civil rights movement have been with out the enthusiastic support of students, both white and black? Yet we adults cannot always expect the young to save us from ourselves. The student movement may have died by its own hand, as its politics became more violent and bizzare. But one wonders why there are so few adults of stature ready to provide them with effective moral, intellectual or political lead ership. Most adults either catered to their whims or were implacably hostile. Those who are awaiting a rejuvenation of our political life have no moral claims on the young. This time we will have to find our own way out of the desert. By Dr. Robert J. Braster Associate Professor Social Science and Political Science Page 3
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