Page 8 Reader Classifieds Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff. Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. For Sale Thoreus TDI6O turntable with Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo auto reverse car cassette tape player plus extra for parts $BO.OO. Homemade speakers. Will handle 60 w/rms. Includes LCR crossover, Phillips Dome, Midrange Phillips Dome, Tweeter, 12 inch UTAH woofer. Well built $280.00. Call Dave Cresswell 944-0621. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard turn table, FM receiver, two H.-K. speakers. Just given complete overhaul, new needle all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135. Call Stan at 534-1894. Nikon F 2 photomatic standard F 2 lens (50mm) and 35mm 2.8 wide angle. Like new. Call 566-8568 between 4-6:00 p.m. Ask for Pat. One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Zenith 19” black and white portable T.V. 1 year old paid $l5O asking $B5. See Dave Room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. 1970 Mercury Cougar 351-2 blue. Body in good condition. Motor fair. Four new E-78-14 tires. Two snow tires. One new. Best offer. Call after 9:00 p.m. 944-3189 67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good condition. Call Alfredo after 10 P.M. 944-0555. Queen size water bed includes mattress, liner, heater, frame. Used only two terms. $75.00. Must sell. Call 944-6832. Four S.S. Cragar Mags for sale or trade for Chrome reverse, 14 in., to fit GM Call Jensen at 944-0355 Calculators. TI-SR-50 One year old. $65. XAM-899 with full function including trig, inverse trig, e-x, natural log, log base 10, square root, memory, memory exchange, memory add, display recall, constant, operator function, Pi, 1/x, x—y, power function charg er. $5O. Call Phil Murphy at 944-4393. I n SAVE THIS COUPON j 50* OFF j I 1-Large or 1-Small I ! PIZZA ! ! NAPLE’S PIZZA ! 25 S. Union St., Middletown i J Man’s 26” and Woman’s 24” 10-speed bike. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 944-2491 after 5:30 p.m. or anytime during weekends. Wheels, excellent condi tion. Call 787-7739 week days. Asking $30.00. Two brand new Kelly- Springfield 4-Ply polyester snow tires. C-78X13” white walls. Asking $50.00. Call 944-1847 after 7:00 p.m. weekdays. Anytime week ends. Sears Kenmore portable washer and dryer. IVi years old. Call 944-0300. Portable television stand on wheels $4.00. Call 944-0300. SR-51 w/case charger $lOO.OO. Mayfair 5-string bluegrass banjo new $lOO. - Skis 180 mm w/bindings, boots, poles $150.00. All items in excellent condition. Call Larry between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., 234-0673. Sacrifice Coppertone Whirlpool large capacity washer and dryer set, was over $6OO new. Excellent condition. Asking $2OO or best offer. Please leave word at 944-0738 for Melissa. Thorens TDI6O turntable with Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo auto-rev. car cassette player plus another $BO.OO. Two speakers, LCR crossover, Phillips dome Midrange and tweeter 12 inch woofer. Well built enclosure. $280.00 pair. All prices are negotiable. Alcort sunfish sailboat and trailer. Used three times. Like new. Call Mr. Rohrbach at 787-7734. One Ludwig field or parade type drum in excel lent condition, along with a Ludwig carrying case, stand, parade strap, brush-type sticks and three Hickory sticks for $60.00. See Dave Room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. Desperate to sell 1969 VW bug suitable for parts or cut down for dune buggy. You fix engine and save sss. Leave word at 944-0738 for Melissa. Best (Any) offer. C.C. Reader Wanted “Bugger” for bicycling with child seat also need safety flag, light, wheel reflectors. Please leave word at 944-0738 for Melissa. Riders wanted every Fri day to Pittsburgh. Contact Tom, 130 Church Hall. Typing. Low rates. 944- 0300. University Park female needs accomodations while student teaching at Middle town High. March 15-May 30. Contact Bill-204 Wris berg. 944-9277. Personal Would the party or parties unknown who clan destinely borrowed (Ripped off) the orange vinyl lawn furniture from behind 845-B Kirtland Please return same! No questions asked! Two nice looking guys to accompany two chicks on lots of fun times. Anyone interested be at the round table Monday after fourth. If you’re married or already have a girlfriend don’t bother. Would the person who ripped off the bus. law text during the fall term please leave it atop the boxes in W-110. It was a borrowed book! Impoverished bor rower. Services Are you all thumbs? Or, just too busy? Key punching—punched and verified ten cents a card. (Going rate outside fourteen cents.) Please leave word at 944-0738 for Melissa (or message with Terry in Computer Center.( Typing. Low rates 944-0300. “PENNSYLVANIA 1776,” assembled by 81 Penn State faculty members and pub lished by The Pennsylvania State University Press, is available at the campus bookstore at a special price of $lO.OO (regularly $12.50). Open 24 Hours 7 Days / Week “fust around the corner On The Square in Middletown Interns Get Experience From Pag* 1 supervisor, attend a mini mum of three seminars at Capitol, write a report on the organization of the agency, the nature of the program and the underlying problems or needs, and learning outcomes based on work experiences. The internship is com monly taken over a two term period based on an eight to ten hour work week in the agency. Credit is given equal to one course unit. For those who prefer a more intensive environment, there is the Urban Term, which is offered only in the spring term and is the equivalent of a full three course load. According to Masters, who is chairman of this program also, responsibili ties include working 20 to 40 hours per week in an office, attending at least ten seminars and submitting written reports of them, development of a reading program in consultation with both agency supervisor and university advisor, main taining a log and submitting a final report. George Crowell, an Urban Term student, said the program was “interesting”. For journalism students, there is the media intern ship. This program is headed by Mark Dorfman, American Studies professor. According to Dorfman, the internship is mandatory for all students who wish to graduate as journalism ma jors. The program counts as a full term load. Dorfman said those wish ing to participate in the media internship must be approved by an advisory council composed of local KISSINGER LEONARD &HEIM Realtors, NOW RENTING for SUMMER and FALL 3, 9 and 12 Americana House 119 Locust Lane Barcroft House 522 E. College Ave Dorchester House 600 W. College Ave. Foster Arms 134 E. Foster Ave. Lexington House 518 University Dr Inquire at Kissinger, Leonard & Heim rental office. Lower Level 245 8. Allen St. 238-4600 March 4, 1976 media representatives There must also be written evidence of abilities, a letter of reference from the advisor and a letter of reference from a professional journalist. The EDET cooperative education program, headed by Dr. Grenier, is designed for electrical engineers who have already earned an associates degree. According to Grenier two groups, one beginning in July and the other in January, alternate in attend ing classes for six months and working for six months. The employer pays a salary based on real world concepts—approximateiy $BOO per month. For Masters of Public Administration, there is Public Administration 530. This is a required course for all except those who have had three years of public administration experience. The program directors are Dr. Poore and Mr. Munzen rider. The course places the student in a related agency where he works part-time for two terms and full-time for a third and final term. It’s Only Policy On March 2nd, The Reader received a letter to the editor signed “A concerned Active Student.” Our editorial policy pro hibits us from publishing anonymous letters. We will publish this letter, signed as it is, if the writer will contact The Reader editor and identify himself/herself. This infor mation will be kept confi dential. We urge the writer to do month leases Atherton House 415 S. Atherton St. Collegiate Arms 218 S. Sparks St. Fairmount Hills 215 W. Fairmount Laurel Terrace 315-327 E. Beaver Sutton Court 664 E. Prospect Ave.
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