Reader Classifieds r ----- —...— Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. For Sale Thoreus TDI6O turntable with Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo auto reverse car cassette tape player plus extra for parts $BO.OO. Homemade speakers. Will handle 60 w/rms. Includes LCR crossover, Phillips Dome, Midrange Phillips Dome, Tweeter, 12 inch UTAH woofer. Well built $280.00. Call Dave Cresswell 944-0621. Wheels, excellent condi tion. Call 787-7739 week days. Asking $30.00. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard turn table, FM receiver, two H.-K. speakers. Just given complete overhaul, new needle all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135. Call Stan at 534-1894. Nikon F 2 photomatic standard F 2 lens (50mm) and 35mm 2.8 wide angle. Like new. Call 566-8568 between' 4-6:00 p.m. Ask for Pat. One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Zenith 19” black and white portable T.V. 1 year old paid $l5O asking $B5. See Dave Room 219 Church Ha\\ or phone 944-9220. 1970 Mercury Cougar 351-2 blue. Body in good Sears Kenmore portable condition. Motor fair. Four washer and dryer. IV2 years new E-78-14 tires. Two snow old. Call 944-0300. Portable tires. One new. Best offer, television stand on wheels Call after 9:00 p.m. 944-3189 $4.00. Call 944-0300. SINO IGHT MARCH 2,1976 8-1 Student Center 4 gets you 40,000 worth of playing money 10* for additional 4,000 67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good condition. Call Alfredo after 10 P.M. 944-0555. Queen size water bed includes mattress, liner, heater, frame. Used only two terms. $75.00. Must sell. Call 944-6832. Four S.S. Cragar Mags for sale or trade for Chrome reverse, 14 in., to fit GM cars. Call Jensen at 944-0355. Calculators. TI-SR-50 One year old. $65. XAM-899 with full function including trig, inverse trig, e-x, natural log, log base 10, square root, memory, memory exchange, memory add, display recall, constant, operator function, Pi, 1/x, x—y, power function charg er. $5O. Call Phil Murphy at 944-4393. Man’s 26” and Woman’s 24” 10-speed bike. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 944-2491 after 5:30 p.m. or anytime during weekends. Two brand new Kelly- Springfield 4-Ply polyester snow tires. C-78X13” white walls. Asking $50.00. Call 944-1847 after 7:00 p.m. weekdays. Anytime week ends. Your Luck CAGE CK JACK KINO RAFFLES PECIAL ATTRACTION BELLY DANCER Benefits GPi WHEEL OF FORTUNE ROULETTE WHEEL CRAPS isr> 5, 7 CARD STM = KISSING BOOTH SpringCo One Ludwig field or parade type drum in excel lent condition, along with a Ludwig carrying case, stand, parade strap, brush-type sticks and three Hickory sticks for $60.00. See Dave Room 219 Church Hall or phone 944-9220. SR-51 w/case charger $lOO.OO. Mayfair 5-string bluegrass banjo new $lOO. - Skis 180 mm w/bindings, boots, poles $150.00. All items in excellent condition. Call Larry between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., 234-0673. Wanted University Park female needs accomodations while student teaching at Middle town High. March 15-May 30. Contact Bill-204 Wris berg. 944-9277. Riders wanted every Fri day to Pittsburgh. Contact Tom, 130 Church Hall. Typing. Loyv rates. 944- 0300. Texas instrument SRIO or SRII calculator. Call William Lupton, 944-0689 Personal Two nice looking guys' to accompany two chicks on lots of fun times. Anyone interested be at the round table Monday after fourth. If you’re married or already have a girlfriend don’t bother. Would the person who ripped off the bus. law text during the fall term please leave it atop the boxes in W-110. It was a borrowed book! Impoverished bor rower. Students Critique Reader Article From Pag* 1 racial relations are fairly good on this campus, and everyone should realize there is no way to avoid some hassles.” (name withheld by request.) “I feel a lot of incidents between blacks and whites, as reported in the paper, might not have been racial incidents but just differ ences of opinion. I think people base their racial disagreements on stereo types instead of taking the time to see what the individuals are like and what type of personality they have.” (name withheld by request.) “I thought it was publicity seeking for a headline. They made a mountain out of a molehill. The basketball game wasn’t relevant and shouldn’t have been reported in that context. Each person, indi vidually, must fight the racial problem, and this is the only way the racial problem can be solved.” (Gordon Jackson, Bth term, psych-soc.) “I found it (racial article) enlightening about a situ ation that I didn’t know was occurring. It brought the issues out front.” (Annelle Harris, Bth term, elementary education) “I didn’t think the article Singles Wanted Are you a single and interested in meeting oth ers? Come and join Business and Professionals for Young Adults. Meets Tuesday evenings at Market Square Presby terian Church, Hbg. Activities: square danc ing, bowling,roller skating, etc. For more information call 732-9802. Breakfast special offered 11 Start your day with a "Breakfast Special" from Vendorville! One of the following specials will be served each day until 11 a.m. French toast syrup coffee or tea Fried eggs toast coffee or tea Hot Cakes syrup coffee or tea Waffles syrup coffee or tea EXTRA- Home Fries 25$ Juice 25$ was forceful enough. It didn’t reach the underlying symptoms of racism on campus. It should have been more deeply researched. I think an investigation should be made to determine why we have racism on campus. I think blacks and whites should be required to take the “race and racism” course offered here. It would be a step in the right direction.” (Jimmy Perkins, Bth term, bus. adm..) More Engineers Needed Unless colleges and uni versities graduate a lot more engineers than they do now, the United States can’t become “energy indepen dent,” predicts the dean of the College of Engineering at The Pennsylvania State University. “For example, to meet current demands, universi ties should be graduating 35 to 50 percent more nuclear engineers than they are,” says Dr. Nunzio J. Palladino, who is himself a nuclear engineer. Dean Palladino points to a recent study by the National Planning Association of the National Science Found ation which concludes that if the United States is to reduce its dependence on foreign energy sources at anticipated levels, the em ployment of engineers In the domestic energy industry may have to double within the next decade. The biggest Increase in demand for engineers by 1985, says Dean Palladino, will be in the fields of nuclear and mining engi neering, followed by electri cal, chemical and mechani cal engineering. The National Planning Association report says that 141,000 engineers and sci entists were employed in the seven major energy-related industries in 1970, and by 1985 this total is expected to reach 307,000. Sausage $ .95 Bacon 1.05 1.15 1.25 Sausage Bacon Ham Sausage Bacon Ham .85 .95 1.05 Sausage Bacon Ham .75 .85 .95
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