Page 4 XGI Reporter By Jom Jenson The night of the Hershey Bears hockey game was a real cold one with the “hawk" out in full force, but 26 people with frat tickets showed up for a real great game. Hershey(lst place) defeated Richmond(2nd place) with a near capacity crowd in attendance. As is common, we all got together after the game, at Siler’s for some brew and food. Real good time! The following is from our ace reporter, Pat Panfile, who took care of my duties at the last meeting. He states,“The frat meeting of January 27th was what one would say to be one of chaos. Not only was there a storm outside, but there was one brewing inside as well. That storm had come in the form of Larry Surak, alias the Sewer Rat or the Airborne Cadet. Larry, a frat alumnus, had just about caused our president, Paul Skodacek, to lose the remaining hair on his head. It was pitiful to watch Paul bang the gavel on his head instead of on the table. After a few disruptions from various other members, who appeared to have had a few brews, sorry, many brews, before the meeting, Paul regained his composure and brought the meeting to order.” Now for a few pertinent dates to remember: Feb.2o-Coatesville trip-need people from the frat and campus community to go along and possibly a few to provide some entertainment. Feb.24-Casino Night-The XGl’s will be there running some temporarily legalized illegal gambling. April 29-Tentative frat blood drive for spring term. If anyone is interested in doing some wrestling, there are plans in the making for a tournament sometime in February. Let. your interest be known in the frat lounge. Two new members were initiated into the frat at the last meeting. They are Mike Palermo and John Watkins. You know, the XGI reporter column pulled through the recent Reader poll with just over 50% of the readers reading the tflw HALLMARK CARDS STATIONERY GIFTS CANDLES PLANT HANGERS WOODEN WARE Open Thur. & Fri. Eve Opposite The Post Office Middletown column. This makes me feel that it’s all worth while, considering that this is a special interest column. But, what I’m hoping is that out of that 50 %, a good percentage are non-frat members because in the article I try to relate the frat to the college community. I try to bring out dates and times that are important to all on campus and try to advertise frat activities which are open to all, which most are! So if you are a member reader, Good!, and if you are a non-member reader, Better!, because you can relate to our activities and participate! That’s it for this time Thanks, Pat! Enrollment Up- But Not Much Registration lines crawled slower than usual this fall at many campuses, as overall college enrollment increased slightly. Yet the lines could have been much longer. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of high school graduates in the country has grown from 2.9 million in 1970 to 3.1 million in 1975, increasing 7% in the past five years. Yet the percent age of those high school graduates who have gone on to college has dropped steadily from an all-time high ot 55% in 1968 to 47% in 1974. Experts predict that the downturn will continue for several more years. According to Stampen of AASCU, “increased college costs explain declining attendance rates.” But a frequently given reason for declining college attend ance, the end of the draft, was not a major factor, according to Stampen. “At tendance began declining in 1968, long before the end of the Vietnam war and the draft,” he says. &>rABD«CMI HOURS 4PM-2AM MONDAY: OMies Disco TUESDAY: latest in Cosmopolitefi Disco wHk Penny Brown WEDNESDAY: Dance Bands Live Bands Every Thursday Ladles Night Every Friday UPS 8.19H1 St. -J JK C.C. Reader Black Reps . Go To Conference Representatives from here are attending the Black Conference on Higher Edu cation, being held at the Host Inn in Harrisburg until Feb. 7, according to Dr. Winston Richards, publicity chairman and treasurer. In addition to Richards, an associate professor in Mathematical Science, dele gates from Capitol Campus include: Roberta McLeod, coordinator of student af fairs; Troy Buster, president of the Black Student Union; Mr. James Portlock, instruc tor in Management and publicity representative; Mr. John Jones, assistant pro fessor in Business Law and Management; Mr. Clemmie Gilpin, instructor in Afro- American studies; and Sharon Henry, a student. The conference is a state-wide assembly for constructive reviewal of thoughts and goals con cerning education on the University level in Pennsyl vania. The theme this year is “Black Progress in Pennsyl vania Higher Education- A Reality or Illusion.” Dr. Lloyd Bell of the University of Pittsburgh is co-hosting the conference. Others participating from the Central region are represent atives from Shippensburg State College, Harrisburg Area Community College, Temple University, Univer sity of Pennsylvania, Clarion State College and the Pennsylvania Human Re lations Commission. Capitol Campus contrib uted greatly to the success of last year’s conference as host, and consequently was honored by being invited to co-host the conference this year. According to Dr. Richards, this success was due in part to the support given to the goals and philosophy behind the Black Conference by the Capitol Campus administration. Many noted educators win oe guests at a luncheon to be given Thurs., Feb. 5. Dr. Bell will speak on the issues to be discussed during the conference, and determine the direction of subsequent evaluation. Dr. Bernard Watson of Temple University will speak on issues pertaining to the conference. The guests will be invited to respond and to contribute their ideas. I The International lOption and DTK are present- 1 ling Dr. Howard Schoenberg | •of Brooklyn College in the I [Gallery Lounge on Friday, I [ February 6, at noon. He will J [discuss the “United Nations[ [and the_Mjdd]e_Eas_t_’\ [ Fri., Feb. 6th thru Thurs., Feb. 12th WENT A LONG WAY J 2nd X-Rated TV Feature \ art admitted free 7 \ at all timat. day or / ni*ht wltan ■ accamaanlad A W by a data. V “The Sex Pill” * * t FEB. 13 - FEB. 19 X ONE WEEK ONLY * HIT NO. 1 * SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL r STARRING JAMIE GILLIS * HIT NO. 2 * SPECIAL ORDER £ STARRING MARK STEVENS February 5, 1976 Wade Exhibit In Lounge Mr. John Wade, painter, will exhibit his works from Jan. 26 - Feb. 13 in the Gallery Lounge here. The exhibition is sponsored by the student affairs office. Mr. Wade is a graduate of the Philadelphia College of Art, with a Masters degree in Fine Arts from the Tyler School of Art, Temple University. He has partici pated in numerous exhi bitions, and has received a number of honors and awards. He has lectured at the Philadelphia College of Art, the University of Delaware and Drexel Univer sity. Utilizing acrylics as his medium, Mr. Wade’s talent expresses itself in his interesting forms and geo metric representations. The public is invited. Admission is free. * * * * *
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