Reader Classifieds Ad Forms Available in W-129 and W-110. Free for students, faculty and staff. Classifieds not accepted for commercial products. For Sale (1) Baby Carriage, col lapsable with many uses, $35.00; (2) Infant seat, adjustable positions, heavy duty, $6.00; (3) Child’s (15-25 lbs.) pink snowsuit, $10.00; (4) Child’s portable feeding/play table, $5.00; (6) Large diaper pail, $3.00; (7) Assorted baby’s clothing and accessories. Esther Beck 533-5393. Nikon F 2 photomatic standard F 2 lens (50mm) and 35mm 2.8 wide angle. Like new. Call 566-8568 between 4-6:00 p.m. Ask for Pat. Thoreus TDI6O turntable with Stanton 681 EE cartridge $230.00. Sanyo auto reverse car cassette tape player plus extra for parts $BO.OO. Homemade speakers. Will handle 60 w/rms. Includes LCR crossover, Phillips Dome, Midrange Phillips Dome, Tweeter, 12 inch UTAH woofer. Well built $280.00. Call Dave Cresswell 944-0621. Woman’s bicycle 3-speed. Brand new. Used only six times. Side baskets and lock included. Price $65.00. call 534-8912. Ask for Leah Petrokubi. Queen size water bed includes matress, liner, heater, frame. Used only two terms. $75.00 must sell. Call 944-6832. Harmon-Kardon stereo components, Garrard turn table, FM receiver, two H.-K. speakers. Just given complete overhaul, new needle all functions checked and like new. Great sound. Automatic power-off. Jacks for earphones and two speaker systems. All for $135. Call Stan at 534-1894. For sale: Man's 26” and Woman’s 24” 10-speed bike. Excellent condition. Best offer. Call 944-2491 after 5:30 p.m. or anytime during weekends. Phf Hu odds wfHi... : Institute of Transportation Engineers RAFFLE ; FIRST PRIZE* ! PANASONIC CX-475EU Dynamic Boasting Sound 8-TRACK CAR STEREO WITH 2 PIONEER Ts-5 SPEAKERS (Rotail over sloo.oo} % Gallon WHISKEY Purchaso fickofs from any ITE member or at Veadorville. Cost is only $l.OO oack. [See pear new ear stares or V*-fatten ef whitkey at the Stadent Affairs Office or eafside ef VendenrillsJ HURRY, ONLY3OO TICKETS PRINTED! uuumn MTS FIBftUARY 6, »n One pair E7B-14 snow tires mounted on Chevrolet wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. 67 Buick Skylark con vertible, automatic trans mission, power steering, power brakes. Two snow tires included. Good condition. Call Alfredo after 10 P.M. 944-0555. Wheels, excellent condition. Call 787-7739 weekdays. Asking $30.00. Four S.S. Gragar Mags for sale or'trade for Chrome reverse, 14 in., to fit GM cars. Call Jensen at 944-0355. Services Typing. Low rates 944-0300 Lost Business Law text w/ plastic cover. Desperate. Student will reward w/a 6 pack & gratefullness. Call 234-8512. Wanted Texas Instrument SRIO or SRII calculator. Call William Lupton 944-0689 Lost and Found Main Building, Rm 114 Found items include notebooks watch glasses gloves hats scarf umbrella Need entertainment for XGl’s visit to Coatesville Veterans Hospital, Feb. 20. Leaving Capitol Campus at 6:00 p.m. XGl’s will provide trans portation. Preferably need females whocan sing, dance, play an instrument, etc. Contact XGI office or Skip Gibson at 944-0767. Garage wanted to rent for storage of Classic car. Should be in Middletown area. Call Jensen at 944-0355 Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. Riders wanted every Friday to Pittsburgh. Contact Tom, 130 Church Hall. Honda ATC 90’s in any shape. Contact Sludge at 232-7084. Assistant Food Super visor. part-time to supervise preparation of foods and service of Campus Snack Bar. Hours 9a.m. to 3p.m., Monday thru Friday. Salary $4.10 per hour. Minimum qualifications: 2 years associate or trade school degree in food related curriculum, plus one year experience in food super vision. Call 787-7758 for appointment. Department of Housing and Food Service, The Pennsylvania State University, The Capitol Campus, Middletown, Pa. 17057. The Pennsylvania State University is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Frat Meets Chi Rho has been slowly building up a reputation as a viable campus organization. Father Kealy’s Third World Liberation Christianity lec ture and discussion was a success on November 21, with approximately 20 par ticipants, including both students and faculty. An Eccumenical Service is being planned in conjunc tion with Harrisburg Area Community College at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Steelton. The tentative date is January 23 at 7pm. Reader Survey Results Are In In the weeks prior to the Christmas break here at Capitol, the staff of the C.C. Reader was collectively struck by a paranoid thought. Who really reads this rag? Now, granted some of the paranoia stemmed from working on term papers, studying for finals and sniffing poorly processed printer's ink, but during a staff meeting, Otto (the typesetter) put down ' his glass of Muscatel and argued eloquently that in deed this was a valid question and that we should take a survey to find out exactly who reads the “Reader” and what they’d like to see in their paper. Do you read the C.C Reader? Do you read our news coverage? Do you read our editorials? Have you ever patronized any of our advertisers? Have you ever used our discount coupons? Have you ever responded to our classifieds? The Reader Do you read- Asks? Do you read- The Hot Lion? Do you read- Rec/Ath news? Do you read- XGI News? Do you read- Classified Ads? Do you read- Faculty Forum? How would you rate our news coverage? How would you rate our editorials? Would you like to see more- News Sports Features Columns Photos Comments: “News coverage isn’t too important because it is usually obsolete by press time. The best part is features, columns, letters which can sit for a week or so and still be applicable.” “If there are more credible letters to the editor they should be published. Letters from the ’Grand Wazoo’ are a waste of space (that type of letter).” “I’d like to see a larger, much larger newspaper (content wise). More topics concerning the student body in general. Dig for news on campus.” “The vulgar language used is not necessary.” U.N. Prowls C.C. A “United Nations” Stu dent Security Force was at work on campus over the Christmas holidays. Chief Paul reports that his student force included a student supervisor from' India and two patrolmen from Indonesia and Taiwan. Also making up this international force were two patrolmen from Reading and Hummelstown. As you can see, the campus was in good hands and prepared to cope with any international situations that developed. Since Otto absolutely never puts down his Muscatel and never, ever has a lucid moment, his ques tion could mean only one thing. Divine Guidance! So acting upon this vision, we helped God’s prophet with the rest of his Muscatel and went out to take this survey. Herewith are the results of the survey, along with some constructive (and not so constructive) comments made on the survey sheets by the faculty, staff, and student body of the Campus. Note: 115 surveys were completed. 385 were shredded in the men’s room. Yes % No% Don’t Know % 73.9 73.1 70.4 57.4 81.7 65.2 13.0 16.5 19.1 35.7 10.4 26.1 Good % Fair % Pi 39.1 46.1 4.3 29.6 49.6 7.8 33.1% 26.1% 53.1% 28.7% 40.0% “I feel as though the C.C. Reader is a piss poor example of a university newspaper.” “C.C. Reader doesn’t seem to be available to everybody. I have not seen a copy." “I think it is a good publication, much improved over a few years ago, it has a good appearance and good coverage of the campus news.” “The writers heed to infuse their work with life, to get and keep attention and make the paper less boring.” Repeat Rule Dropped Courses taken this Winter Term 1976 and thereafter, will not be eligible for repeat under this rule which has allowed a student to replace an F with a C or better in the calculation of the grade point average. Present degree candi dates may, as long as they maintain their degree status, utilize the course repeat rule (M-3b) for courses already taken (Fall Term 1975 or earlier) under the conditions of the rule. 6.1 5.2 1.7 2.6 4.3
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