November 20, 1975 *KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK * * * * * * * * * tt with a 5412 JONESTOWN ROAD HARRISBURG/PA. 17112 PHONE (717) 545-7069 Indian Jewelry Show December sth, 6th, 7th & Bth *)i)i)ix)i)nf)i)i)i)i)i)i)i)i)i)i)!)i $ 33,500,000 Unclaimed Scholarships Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and fellowships ranging from $5O to $lO,OOO. Current list of these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975. UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS 11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 □ I am enclosing $9.95 plus $l.OO for postage and handling, PLEASE RUSH YOUR CURRENT LIST OF UNCLAIMED SCHOLARSHIPS SOURCES TO: Address. City State_ (California residents please add 6% sales tax.) STEREOBte CASSETTE TAPES 798 SERIES $5.77 3 FOR $17.00 4 CHANNEL (QUAD) TAPES $5.90 EACH MOTOROLA CARSTEREOBTAPEPLAYER CRAIG CAR STEREOB TAPE PLAYER PANASONIC CAR STEREO 8 TAPE PLAYER PANASONIC CAR CASSETTE STEREO PLAYER $79.95 $llO BIC BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE $89.95 $l4O GARRARD BELT DRIVE TURNTABLE . $129.95 $9O EACH UTAH 12" 3 WAY SPEAKER 2-$119.95 $2OO PIONEER STEREO RECEIVER $139.95 $l2O CRAIG STEREOB RECORDER DECK $99.95 $lBO MARANTZ STEREO AMPLIFIER $129.95 5600MARANTZ STEREO TUNER (DEMO)... .$449.95 $BO EACH MARANTZ SPEAKER (DEMO) .. 2-$119.95 ALLIANCE TENNA ROTOR WITH CONTROL. .$31.42 COLOR TV ANTENNA FOR UHF-VHF OUTDOOR 80 MINUTE BLANK 8 TRACK TAPES CERTRON 3-$2.99 CAPITOL 4-$5.99 AMPEX BLANK CASSETTE TAPES C6O 3-52.99 C9O 3-53.97 Cl2O 3-56.59 MAXELL BLANK CASSETTE TAPES C6O 3-$4.79 C9O 3-57.49 Cl2O 3-111.00 G.E. CHARGER WITH 2 NI-CAD "C" CELLS . SCANNER $5 CRYSTALS $3.90 EACH TURQUOISE JEWELRY NATIVE AMERICAN CRAFTS LOCAL HANDICRAFTS—MEXICAN ARTS WICKERWARE UNIQUE GIFTS OF ALL KINDS “No person in the United States shall on the basis of sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benifits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program or activ ity...” according to the opening statement of the Department of Health, Edu cation apd Welfare’s Title IX regulations. Congress passed the Title IX Educational Amendments in June of 1972. Originally introduced as an amendment to the Civil Rights Act, the department of HEW continually revised Title IX with the objections, suggestions and comments of interested citizens in mind. With final revisions com pleted, and with the appro vals and signatures of the Secretary of HEW and the President, the new reguia- Coach Ford, “The Helmet less Wonder” (Michigan), last week staged a major shake-up in the U.S.A. All Star Foreign Policy team. A list of the old war horses and the new replacements follows. Quarterback: Henry “Hor ny” Kissinger, (Harvard), brilliant QB, excellent passer and good ball runner; had bad habit of trying to play center position as well as quarterback; often topped that performance by trying to receive his own pass. This resulted in some strange looking plays. It also resulted in the team spend ing most of the season on their own twenty-yard line. .Zip New Center: Brent “The Shadow” Scowcroft, (Air Force), rumored to be blind in one eye from standing too long in Kissinger’s shadow. Unconfirmed rumor has it if you stab Kissinger, Scow craft bleeds. $34.95 $39.95 $49.95 Former Right Fullback, Bill “Sneaky” Colby, (Princeton), in the grand tradition of this team’s right fullback, played dirty as hell-took amphetamines, grabbed face masks and kicked opponents in sensi tive areas when the ref wasn’t looking. He made a r . 1 distinctive gifts unique collection of oils • watercolors • graphics sculpture • pottery • crafts jewelry • custom framing camp hill, Pennsylvania |H| 2208 market street H phone: (717) 737-8818 or 737-7931 hours: daily and Saturday 10 to 5 Hi H Wednesday evening 7to 9 and now ... Sunday Ito 5 hers hey, Pennsylvania briar barn • 939 west governor road adjacent to hershey motor inn and hershey medical center hours: daily and Saturday 10 to 5 call for evening and Sunday hours .WftliflM R(S GfIILER^S, ...$9.95 6-$21.00 C.C. Reactor Sex Jerry- Bias In Sports By William Kane Staff Writer tions went into effect on July 21, 1975. Educational institutions throughout the country must now evaluate themselves to be certain they abide by Title IX regulations. Educa tional programs are to be examined, as well as athletic activities. At Capitol, there are basically four athletic or recreational levels from which studens can choose. First, individuals interested only in maintaining physical fitness can use the facilities in the gym or jog on the cross-country course. Second, intramural sports provide competition for those who do not care for the regimented training of a varsity sport. Third is the sports club, which competes with other area schools, and fourth is the Varsity Sports Program. 9 s New Line-up By Raymond T. Martin big mistake off field this year; he proved too good at confessing his spirited pranks. Tough luck Bill, maybe you can still make the varsity frisbee team. Former captain of the defense squad, Jim “The Pipe” Schlesinger, (Harvard), kept trying to play an offensive game which got the quarterback all bent out of shape. He kept mumbling something about nukeing the other team. New right fullback, George “The Animal” Bush, (Yale), reported to be so far right that he plays in the stands. New defensive * squad captain, Don “Who?” Rums feld, (Princeton), started out as waterboy under former coach Dick “The Felon” Nixon. His last job was reminding coach Ford where Grand Wazoo Is Victorious Ricky Heinbach Staff Writer Rich Stevens' running and passing, plus good defen sive work, paved the way for Grand Wazoo’s 14—6 victory over the Cherry Busters. On a chilly day with the wind gustirig at 10—15 mph., Rich Stevens’ leader ship proved vital. In the first Bud Smitley, co-ordina tor of Recreation and Athletics said one of his main objectives is to get as many people as possible involved in some athletic endeavor, regardless of their sex. According to Smitley there are not many women participating in the athletic or recreational programs offered at Capitol. Smitley said there is difficulty in organizing competitive sports for women because ,not enough women are interested and possibly because there are more men than women attending the Capitol Campus. Smitley suggested anoth er reason why women don’t paticipate is the male—do minance of the recreational building, which may make some women feel uncomfor table. he left his pants. This player proves that lack of talent can’t beat ambition. Former assistant coach, Nelson “Rocky” Rockefeller, (Dartmouth), wasn’t cut from the squad like the others, but decided to quit when he found a hangman’s noose in his locker. He is rumored to be going home to count his money. Well, there’s the team. Okay, it’s bad, but it could be worse. Like maybe a swimming coach from Massachusetts? Moreover, since we’ve stopped playing in the tough and much misunderstood Vietnamese League (where our total eight-season record was: wins 0, lost 56,000,, tied 0) and joined the Detente League, there is a chance we may win a game or two with luck. Stevens ran 50 yards for a score and then ran two yards for the extra point. In the second quarter, which had most of the scoring, the Cherry Busters came within two points when QB Andy Lavelle ran 20 yards and the PAT was no good. Later in the quarter, the Grand Wazoo’s Mark Rudzik took a 15 yard pass from Stevens for a 14—6 halftime lead. The teams’ defenses stiff ened in the second half, setting the final score 14—6. quarter, "GAGS & GIFTS FOR ALL AGES & FOR EVERY OCCASION" J B NOVELTIES AND GIFTS I.OOO'S OF MAGICAL TRICKS, JOKES, & FUN IDEAS TO SELECT FROM - GAGS FOR EVERY HOLIDAY - HRS. 11 A.M. - 10 P.M. DAILY Wo.v«r 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. SAT. RBI 737-5315 328 MARKET LEMOYNE
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